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4 Pointers that You Should Know When Upgrading Downpipes

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Are you getting ready to replace or repair your roof drainage system? Has this left you wondering if you really need all the components that go along with it? This post takes a more informative look at what you should know about downpipes when you’re getting ready or replace your guttering system.

The simplest way to deal with leaking, clogged, or minorly damaged gutters is to invest in the gutter repairs Melbourne locals perform every year. This maintenance process also includes cleaning and checking your downpipes.

Upgrading Downpipes

A Key Element to Effective Drainage

When it comes to your roofing system, every building generally has two goals. The first is to keep the building and its contents safe and the second is to ensure that there’s no risk of water damage.

Several components in the drainage system work together to ensure that water and other debris are guided away from the roof. Downpipes are essential in this process. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining and replacing your roof’s downpipes.


1.      Know What They Are

Downpipes are the vertical pipes normally found on the corners of your residential or commercial building. They usually extend from the roof down to the ground and have been designed to drain water from the roof to the ground.

The water that’s drained to the ground isn’t left to pool at the bottom. Rather, downpipes connect to elbow joints that further direct water away from the foundation. If you live in a high-rainfall area, or the slope of your house causes water to pool near the foundation, you can invest in pipe extensions to further move the water away.


2.      Prevent Flooding and Water Damage

The main reason you’d want to move water away from your home and foundations is to prevent flooding and water damage. If your home doesn’t have downpipes, water won’t have an efficient way to drain.

Falling of the roof against the walls will result in pooling against the walls and foundation. Excess water left to pool against your home can lead to the following issues:

  • General flooding
  • Seepage into basements and crawlspaces
  • Damage to masonry and siding
  • Landscape damage
  • Soil erosion
  • Internal and external mould growth
  • Water seeping into the home

Downpipes will go a long way toward avoiding these hazards by moving the water away from your home. Water is usually diverted into a garden or somewhere else in the yard. It’s a good idea to divert your excess water to your grass areas, as this will reduce the frequency at which you need to water them.


3.      Why Sizing Matters

When you’re looking to choose a new guttering system for your home, the main criteria should be about the size and not the aesthetic. Choosing a downpipe with the right diameter to match your rainfall patterns is essential in ensuring that your drainage system works effectively.

Gutters and downpipes that are too small easily get clogged and may collapse under the weight of excessive water. Typically, general sizing guidelines are based on the following:

  • A minimum 2-inch diameter for basic, standard gutters that are up to 100 feet long.
  • Longer gutter spans or areas that have heavy rainfall should be increased to 3-inch to 4-inch pipes.

While it may seem like a good idea to replace your gutters and downpipes as a DIY job, it’s essential to keep in mind that a professional will calculate the number of elbows and exact extensions to boost drainage capacity. Guttering systems may all look the same, but effective systems are tailored to suit the needs of each specific home.


4.      Choose Materials for Durability

A wide range of materials makes it possible for you or the installer to choose the right option for longevity in your specific climate. The most durable material options to choose from include the following:

  • Galvanised steel
  • Aluminium
  • Copper


While PVC, Vinyl, and other plastic materials may be lightweight and seem more affordable, it’s essential to keep in mind that they can crack over time. Gutters shouldn’t only be able to handle years of heavy rainfall, but also continuous exposure to the scorching Australian sun.

It’s essential to choose a material that offers strength and corrosion resistance. Always speak to a professional about the best materials to use in your area based on your rainfall level. Replacing your gutter system also allows you to upgrade a smaller system to a larger one. Consider how much rainfall you have in your area as your home may benefit from a larger gutter system.

Final Thoughts

Installing the right drainage system on your roof will go a long way toward preventing damage to the roof and foundation. It will also reduce the likelihood of water pooling on your roof and leading to water damage in both the interior and exterior of your home.

Getting ready to replace old, damaged gutters is the perfect opportunity to upgrade to a larger, more durable system that is better suited to the rainfall in your area.






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