It’s that time of the year when many Australians are getting ready to do their seasonal roof maintenance. The type of maintenance your roof may require depends extensively on the condition it’s currently in.
You can avoid the stress of trying to do roof work by yourself by investing in the roof repairs Melbourne locals opt for every year. If you’re not sure what your roof may require, it’s always recommended to get a full assessment of what’s required.
Many Roof Services on Offer
The roofers in Australia have a long list of roof services that will have you looking as good as new. Our experts have compiled a list of the top services you may need. Knowing what they are will help you make the best decision.
1. Roof Restoration
As the name suggests, roof restoration involves repairing and improving many different aspects of your roof. This is usually suggested when your roof hasn’t been properly serviced in a long time or has many different issues.
Restoring your roof is considerably more cost-effective than a complete re-roofing. In most cases, roof restoration can involve the following:
- General repairs
- Cleaning
- Painting
- Coating or sealing
2. Roof Cleaning and De-Mossing
In roofs that are otherwise healthy, seasonal maintenance may only involve cleaning. This means your roofer will use a power washer to remove any mould, algae, mildew, dirt and other organic materials that have ended up on the roof in rain or wind storms.
The roofer will also check for moss and wash this off as well. Homes that are situated in high rainfall and have high humidity may be at risk of having moss on the roof. Older roofs are also more a risk of developing moss.
Usually, moss grows when debris, dirt or any other material has been left on the roof for a long period. Most experts recommend checking your roof at least twice a year for signs of moss.
3. Roof Sealing
Roof sealing involves adding a protective layer of silicone or other roof sealant to the whole surface of your roof. The sealant forms a protective coating that serves to seal off any gaps and crevices that could be causing water leaks. Providing a waterproof barrier means there’s a reduced risk of water damage, mould growth, and structural damage.
4. Gutter Repairs
Gutter cleaning and repairs are among the most common roof maintenance services roofers offer. This is because your home’s gutters will need to be cleaned seasonally to avoid clogs and blockages.
Homes that are in high-wind areas or are surrounded by tall trees are most susceptible to clogged gutters. Investing in gutter guards is a top way to reduce the amount of cleaning that you or your roofer needs to do.
Ignoring your clogged gutters can lead to them becoming heavy and eventually tearing away from their supports or rusting. It’s a lot easier and more cost-effective to clean gutters than to replace them.
5. Timber Fascia and Eaves Repairs
Timber and facias are the soft boards that protect the gutter systems on the roof’s edge. These boards are essential to keep your roof and guttering system in pristine condition and to keep water out.
Signs that these boards may be damaged include peeling, flaking, or cracking paint. While the cost to repair these boards depends on the material and size, it’s usually very minimal. However, leaving them broken can cause water and moisture to seep into the roof and ceiling space.
Ultimately this can damage your insulation and lead to mould growth. Broken fascial boards can also provide an entrance for bugs trying to get into your home.
6. Roof Replacement
Roof replacement is the most costly and time-consuming roofing service. For this reason, your roofer will only suggest this as a last resort. The process involves removing the entire old roof. Any damaged substrate and underlay are repaired or replaced.
The new roof is then installed, which also involves adding new flashings as well as fascia and eaves boards. Once the new roof has been laid, it’s nailed and screwed into place. Sealing, coating, and painting is done.
Typical signs that you need a new roof include the following:
- Your roof is more than 25 years old.
- There are significant water stains on the inside of the roof (this indicates severe damage).
- The oof has many missing shingles which means the roof’s underlying elements have been exposed to sun, rain, and wind and may be weak and damaged.
- The roof has started sagging, which is a clear sign that moisture is trapped under the shingles.
Final Thoughts
The first step in effective roof maintenance is to have a thorough assessment. This will give you an accurate idea of all the issues wrong with your roof and will be able to suggest the best course of action to have your roof looking new and leak-free. Having the professionals do it will give you peace of mind that it has been done safely and correctly. Don’t let roof repairs get you down, outsource!
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