Trends come and go, but the importance of curb appeal remains. Not only that, in this world of curated social media and filters, curb appeal is more important than ever. If your home’s exterior isn’t in tip-top shape, people will give it a quick pass.
And this isn’t just about selling your house. Curb appeal is important for maintaining your home’s value and helps you take pride in your home. A well-kept home makes you happy to return, but a beaten down, unkempt house will make you stressed out whenever you pull in the driveway.
Luckily, there are easy ways to keep up your home’s appearance and make it look its best. Just a little time and effort can go a long way and make your house stand out and be noticed.
Spruce Up the Front Door
The front door is the focal point of a house. If it’s shabby, it affects the whole image of your house. If your door is in pretty good condition, you can probably get away with a fresh coat of paint. Just be sure to choose a color that pops. But if your door has several dings and dents, is warped, or is in general disrepair, it may be time to get a replacement from one of the quality door and window companies.
Install New Hardware
Sometimes, it’s all in the details. You might not think anyone’s noticing the shape of your house numbers, door handle, mailbox or light fixtures, and chances are you breeze by them on a daily basis without taking note. But fixing these up will make a noticeable difference and can really lift up a home’s exterior.
If they’re just dirty, you can try scrubbing them down, but new ones are generally affordable. It’s also an excellent opportunity to make sure they’re in complementary styles to one another, to pull together the cohesive feeling that ties everything together.
Add a Container Garden
The beauty of container gardens isn’t just how aesthetically beautiful they can be. They’re lovely additions to the front of any home because you can add as many or as few containers as necessary to complement your home without making it look crowded, and you can dress up your home’s exterior quickly and cheaply. Having a few colors and shades can really make things pop, and you can even switch up the plants seasonally.
Pressure Wash Your Exterior
You might not think of your home as dirty, but it collects dirt, dust, debris, and grime over time. Most people don’t regularly wash their home’s exterior. Giving your home a power wash every few years will help remove years of built-up grime and get your home looking fresh and new. Just be careful. If the spray is too strong, it could damage the paint or siding. Be sure to follow safety instructions.
Following these tips will get your home looking fresh and at its best. Whether you intend to sell, plan to invite guests over or just want to feel pride when you come home, investing in your curb appeal goes a long way.
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