A single dripping pipe releasing one drop of water per minute wastes 34 gallons of water per year, according to the US Geological Survey. This fact alone should tell you how important it is to address home water issues and take steps to prevent them from arising. As reliable as modern plumbing is, it can take on a simple clogged pipe to throw the whole system into chaos.
So, whether you like to DIY or let professionals handle the job, preserving your home plumbing’s integrity is absolutely imperative. Here are 3 common home water issues and how you can prevent them.
Kitchen Sink and Garbage Disposal
Anyone who’s spent enough time in the kitchen will know that the sink is more prone to clogging than people might think. This is mostly due to greasy or oily substances going down the drain, and then solidifying later on. This creates a barrier that’s not only solid but also hydrophobic. Another major reason is due to large chunks of garbage going down the drain. These gather up into a mass of debris that obstructs water flow. To prevent this, be cautious about what you pour down the drain.
If you have a garbage disposal unit underneath your sink, it can also be a cause of clogged drains. Also, don’t throw in pieces of garbage that the grinder can’t process properly. This usually means very tough, flexible, or slippery objects such as metal objects, banana peels, potato peels, and even hair.
The Bathroom and Its Many Drains
The kitchen is prone to issues, but the true hub of water and plumbing problems in the bathroom. Similar to the kitchen sink, the main thing causing clogging here are oils, specifically those found in hygiene products. Bath oils, facial cleansers, and even shampoos and conditioners all have oil content that can clog up a pipe if allowed to congeal within. Try to reduce their usage, or at least ensure they’re flushed through the pipes entirely, with no opportunity to stick. Also, avoid flushing anything down the toilet that isn’t toilet paper or human waste.
Another issue that often gets overlooked is improper water pressure levels. Constant use of water in the bathroom can cause undue stress to your plumbing. So, try to take showers as quickly as possible and observe at least 10-minute intervals between uses. Since bathrooms have some of the most intricate pipeworks in the home, calling a plumber as soon as internal issues arise is your most vital course of action. DIY is only recommended for the more superficial issues such as sink blockages and shower hose leaks.
The Water Heater System
Finally, we have the humble water heater. This device requires regular flushing, to remove any sediment that might be clogging its pipes and causing corrosion. This makes it less likely to break down and leave you without hot water in the colder months.
You can test the unit’s pressure release valve by lifting the lever up and letting it go. Ideally, it will snap back in place and send hot water surging into the drainpipe. Older water heaters are more sensitive, however. It’s advised that you ask a professional to inspect your unit if you bought it over five years ago.
Many things can go wrong in the house, but none are quite so distressing as a plumbing issue. Take care of your plumbing, and you can always count on it to keep water flowing in and out when you need it.
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