So you're mid-flight and suddenly the cabin starts to feel stuffy. Or maybe your air ducts are making an odd noise? These are both possible signs that your cabin air filter is getting dirty.
Business Insider says that a clogged filter can lead to problems like mildew build-up in the carpet, lingering odors, general fatigue, and headache symptoms in everyone on the plane. They also warn that if the filter isn't properly maintained, it could lead to complete carbon-monoxide gas leaks.
So you've probably read about how important it is to change your car's air filter regularly - but what about your car's cabin filter? You may have never thought about it before but it's just as important to maintain!
Why does the Cabin Air Filter require additional care?
The cabin air filter is the last line of defense that borders can rely on while breathing inside the car. Therefore, this part is a necessary cog in the climate control wheel and even impacts the performance of the heater and the air conditioner in general. As the job of the cabin air filter is to ward off allergens, pollutants, and dirt, the maintenance strategy must be in-line with the benefits, usage, and responsibilities.
What are the Signs of a Depleted Cabin Air Filter?
A cabin air filter needs to be replaced if the HVAC setup of the car experiences weak or reduced airflow, despite setting the blower to the maximum level. Besides, you should also be on the lookout for any kind of whistling sound, especially when the air ducts are concerned.
Not just that, your air filter needs replacement if the car starts experiencing unpleasant or musty odors and even excessive HVAC noise.
Caring for the Cabin Air Filter
- While a broken or depleted air filter requires replacing the same, maintaining the same needs you to follow a handful of tried and tested strategies. These include:
- One of the first steps cleaning your car before you get your car detailed is to clean the filters. The cabin air filter and the engine air filter, located right below the windshield, can easily be forgotten about and neglected. If you’ve got a dirty cabin air filter, then you’ve got breathing problems in your vehicle. Here’s how to fix it: The cabin air filter is in charge of filtering the air inside your car. Air pollution is an increasing health concern for everyone living in dense metropolitan areas. This is not only a health matter, but also a comfort matter. When the car has dirty air, it won’t smell good. It can also decrease your visibility inside your vehicle by making it foggy and dirty on the windows. A maintained cabin air filter will help keep the air clear and smelling good.
- Keep a close eye on the distance monitor. As the air filter requires changing after a year or once the car completes 20,000 miles, you should take good care of the same before the limit is reached.
- If you hail from dusty and windy regions, it is necessary to clean the cabin air filter once in a while, using a soft brush or a low-pressure vacuum. This way, it becomes easier to increase the longevity of the same.
- Try and avoid parking your car under trees, especially in areas where the wind blows faster than usual. This would prevent debris and leave remains from entering the ducts and impacting the cabin air filter.
- Inspect the intake duct for rodents as they have a tendency to reside near the filter media, precisely to increase breathability. Moreover, a rodent infestation can also be recognized by a foul odor and must be handled with priority.
- Also, keep monitoring the filter regardless of infestation. Not just that, it is necessary to change the filter provided none of the mentioned strategies work.
While you can always rely on experienced mechanics and technicians at Repairsmith to maintain the cabin air filter for you, either as a part of the summer or fall care package, replacing the same depends on your individual preferences. Besides, once you plan on replacing the pre-existing cabin air filter for the first time, you can choose one that is best suited for your locale.
This might include basic pollen or dust filters or something as powerful and future-proof as the charcoal ‘media’ filter for additional coverage.
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