Weekend Home Improvement Projects With Your Kids
Performing home repairs can be a nightmare without proper planning and a good contractor. The right contractor is the one that gives you realistic estimates about the project and does not make suggestions on how to cut corners. Therefore, how do you find the right one? Here are four tips to guide you:
1. Identify what needs remodeling
You first need to identify what needs fixing around your home and make a list for it. While this sounds obvious, often, most homeowners attempt to get one contractor to rebuild everything from plumbing, electrical wiring to kitchen cabinet renovation and tiling. To get the best out of your remodeling activities, you simply cannot have a “one-contractor fix it all.” It is the same way that you do not go to a dentist to get your Botox done! You need to realize that your home is a combination of various components where each one requires a person with different skill sets.
For instance, if your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is the one that needs maintenance, you must get an HVAC specialist to look at it other than a plumber. This professional will not only assess your HVAC system but will look at your digital thermostat as well to assess the root cause of the problem. In nutshell, you need to make a list of the projects that are top priority so that you target the right contractors for these repairs.
2. Pick experience over qualification
Homeowners have a ton of horror stories about home repairs gone wrong in the hands of qualified contractors. Therefore, before hiring a contractor, you need to ensure that they are experienced. Choosing a builder just because they have a couple of degrees sometimes will not cut it. People who have been on the job for a while have encountered lots of complications and have mastered the art of solving them to the client’s satisfaction.
You also need to be cautious about companies that have closed shop because of lawsuits only to open under a new name. Contractors from such firms are prone to performing their job unsatisfactorily and getting away with it. Therefore, you need to ask them to provide testimonies of customers they have served before so that you can hire them.
3. Check your online reviews
When most people contemplate checking online reviews before procuring a service, it is often for restaurants and hotels. Well, in case you didn't know, you can find a contractor by looking at online reviews. In the 21st century, the internet has transformed the way service providers interact with their clients. It is estimated that more than 80% of people perform research online before purchasing a product. For this reason, you need to make use of platforms such as Guildquality to get perspectives from real homeowners who have procured contractor services.
Other sites of interest include Houzz, Facebook, Home Advisor, Yelp, and Google. When a contractor has rendered high-quality services, you will find them listed as top-rated with five stars. These sites will also show you bad rated contractors that you need to avoid so that you do not waste your money on them.
4. You will get what you pay for
Before you embark on any remodeling project, you need to set aside a substantial budget for the work that you intend to do. The budget will tend to go up depending on the extent of your home repair. For instance, a kitchen remodeling project can range from $13, 294 -$37,577. However, you should consult a few contractors to estimate how much the project should cost.
Once you have a near accurate budget, you can have several contractors bid for the job. While at it, you need to ask yourself whether it is ideal to cut corners to fix your home! Often, the contractor that gives the lowest bid is likely to do a bad job. A low bid shows that either the contractor will install sub-standard materials for you or they are simply desperate for the job. The best bid is one that meets you almost halfway!
You should never rush the process of finding the right contractor otherwise you will wind up looking for a lawyer to sue your builder. Good things require patience to find the same as finding a contractor. With these tips, you will be spoilt for choice. Therefore, take your time and you will be delighted at how good your home will look once they are done!
I'm so excited to tackle all my home improvement projects! From plumbing to DIY and cleaning - I'm ready to get down to work! #homerepair #homecleaning #plumbing #diy #fixerupper #realestate #renovation #interiordesign #farmhouse #diy #homedecor #hgtv #home #farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #farmhousestyle #fixerupperstyle #fixandflip #homerenovation #realestateinvesting #beforeandafter #homesweethome #remodel #realestateinvestor #interior #realtor #joannagaines #flippinghouses #countryliving #design #homedesign #farmhouseinspired #investmentproperty #bhghome #renovationproject #farmhousekitchen #homeimprovement #farmhouseliving #cottagestyle #decor #realestateagent #magnoliahome #homeinspo #magnoliamarket #kitchendesign #dreamhome #shiplap #construction #houseflipping #investor #farmhousedesign #architecture #farmhousechic #homereno #rusticdecor #reno #kitchenremodel #webuyhouses #magnoliatable #rentalproperty #fixerupperinspired #newhome #interiors #homeremodel