snow thrower
The electric snow blower has many moving parts and complicated systems, and like any other machine, it is prone to damage and wear overtime. Some of the problems can be avoided through proper maintenance and adherence to the user’s manual provided by the manufacturer. Luckily, most of the issues can be resolved easily and at home.
Here are expert tips on how to fix common electric snow blower problems.
Clogged Discharge Chute or Auger
The chute or auger will get clogged up after prolonged use especially during the long winter seasons. To unclog it, you need to first turn unplug the electric cord and remove the battery. Use a broom handle or any other handy clearing tool to get rid of the debris. Never use bare hands and if you have to make sure that you wear gloves to avert injuries. The impeller and auger belt has enough tension that can not only injure your hands but also feet despite the electric motor been off.
Difficulties Moving the Electric Snow Blower Forward
The beauty of investing in a quality electric snow blower is that it can last for years if well maintained. However, the cables that transmit power to the wheel need to be frequently checked and adjusted. This maintenance practice will ensure that the tension exerted on the belt is optimal.
If not, it will be difficult to push the blower forward. One easy way of knowing if you need to adjust the cables is by squeezing the drive handle gently and monitoring how the snow blower responds. If it jerks forward, tighten the line by unclipping the cable from the main handle then snugging the line threaded adjustment located at the base.
Once you do that, reconnect the clip and do several tests to be sure that the problem has been fixed completely. Lubricating the pivot and moving points is also recommended to reduce friction and wear.
Belt Breaks When the Blower is in Operation
Over time, the friction applied on the auger belt installed on a single-stage snow blower wears it off. As a result, it weakens and can break when the blower is in operation. You can avoid this problem by regularly removing the cover to check the condition of the belt. If it has cracks, replace it with a new one by removing the wheel.
If you have a two-stage blower, you have no option but to dismantle the entire unit to access the flywheel. This process is complicated and requires specialized skills – so consider hiring a professional to avoid damaging other parts.
Snow Blower Does Not Run Smoothly
Shaking and jittering when the snow blower is turned on is a sign that the fuel combustion system is faulty and needs to be fixed immediately. The first thing that you need to do is check the condition of the spark plugs. To do this, drain all the fuel in the tank and replace it with fresh gas. If the plugs are worn out, replace them by first disconnecting the rubber boot then use a ratchet wrench to detach it.
Worn out plugs cannot be replaced. The only solution is replacing the old ones with a new one. Luckily, most of the auto repair stores sells them or you can shop online. If the problem persists, consider consulting the manufacturer or taking it for a complete overhaul at the local repair shop.
Too Much Snow is Left Behind
The primary reason why you decided to purchase the snow blower is to get rid of snow from the outdoor spaces. The machine is fitted with a sturdy flat meta bar that chisels off ice and snow off the ground and directs it into the auger.
Using the snow blower on asphalt, concrete and even gravel surfaces reduce the thickness and sharpness of the metal over time. As a result, you will notice that too much snow is left behind. Just like the spark plugs discussed above, this metal should be replaced periodically.
Position the snow blower upside down to access the underside, unscrew the bolts to remove the metal and replace it with a new one. Ensure that the new metal bar is at least 1/8 inches above the ground to get as much snow from the surface as possible.
More importantly, single-stage snow blower should not be run over gravel surfaces. It will pick up not only snow but also small pieces of gravel thereby posing a risk to passersby. Due to the force, the gravel can easily break the glass windows. If your outdoor is covered with gravel, it is recommendable to use a two or three stage blower because its auger is designed not to get into contact with the ground.
The Auger Doesn’t Turn When the Engine is Turned On
If the auger fails to turn when the engine is running, you need to check if the impeller is clogged. Check if there are any rocks or ices blocks preventing the moving parts from rotating. Check if the shear pins are clogged also – they are found next to the auger. If the blower hits a rock or stick when in operation, the pins will break thereby making it impossible for the auger to turn. Unclogging and replacing the shear pins will resolve this issue completely.
These are the six common problems associated with snow blowers. Proper maintenance and ensuring that you follow the instructions listed in the manual will enhance its efficiency and longevity. If you not sure of how to do any of the repairs, consider taking the machine to a professional for a complete overhaul. Though expensive, you will save thousands of dollars that you would have spent on a new one.
There is a plethora of snow blower brands and types in the market, so its natural to get confused when shopping for one. Use this comprehensive electric snow blower analysis guide to make the right decision. The details of each model are accurate and verified by the manufacturers.
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