Barber recliner chair offer the best comfort and sitting experience compared to the conventional seats. However, they are prone to damage overtime as they are fitted with mechanical systems and sensors that control how it functions. The superb back, leg, and arm support it offers make your clients comfortable and encourage them to come regularly.
Here is an overview of the common barber chair recliner problems and how to solve them.
Footrest Mobility Issues
The footrest should move up and down whenever the handle it turned either clockwise or anticlockwise. If not, chances are that the movable parts that controls this form of movement are either broken or need to be lubricated. Turn the recliner upside down and spray a lubricant such as WD40 on them to ease friction. If lubrication does not resolve the problem, check if the spring is broken or out of place.
Broken Spring
The main function of the spring is to provide enough tension to support the recliner and ensure its always in an upright and stable position. If broken or faulty, the chair will not be stable and clients may tumble over when they sit on it. Replace it with a new one to avoid such inconveniences and injuries. As you shop, make sure that the spring you purchase matches the specifications of your barber chair.
Power Recliner Chair Doesn’t Move
Sometimes, you may find it difficult to move the chair from one location to another. This issue is caused by a lose in-line plug. Use a flashlight to check the wire connections at the base the chair. Ideally, none of them should be loose. Reconnect the lose ones and wrap them using an electrical tape to ensure smooth flow of electric current to all the parts.
Faulty Hand Control
The hand control is designed to help you change the elevation of the recliner with ease. The wires that connect the system to the main power supply can get damaged when closing the recliner. No need to hire an electrician to fix this issue, just turn the recliner upside down to access the underneath space, identify the hand control wire that has been cut and fix it. Make sure that you wrap the cut section with a quality electric tape and use zip ties to position it away from the rest of the parts/mechanism.
Tilting Even When Not in Recline Position
Tilting occurs when the mechanical mechanism that controls movement of the recliner is either broken or bent. Check all the parts to identify the ones that are faulty and replace them with new ones. Before we proceed, it is important to note that the replacement parts should be purchased from an accredited store. Steer clear of the cheap fake parts as they are not as durable and efficient like the original parts.
Customer’s Feet Don’t Touch the Floor Surface
This problem arises when the recliner’s base is out of position, that is, its too far from the ground. The easiest way to fix this problem is by adjusting the pitch of the chair downwards. This adjustment will ensure that the base is close enough to the floor.
Damaged Leather or Fabric
Damaged fabric or leather is not enough reason to throw away the recliner. It is just a sign that you have been using it for a long time and need to take better care of it. The leather material or any other fabric on the recliner is prone to damage. You should replace it with a new one whenever you identify signs of wear such as burn holes, stains and tears. There are also repair kits that you can purchase for cleaning and maintaining the fabric.
Reduce Comfort
The comfort you get when seated on the recliner is caused by the padding. Overtime, the padding will become weak and lose its compactness due to compression. As a result, you will notice that the chair is not as comfortable as it used to be before and does not offer enough support to your body.
Luckily, you can resolve this problem by simply replacing the entire padding with a new one. Just like the other parts we discussed earlier on such as the springs, make sure that you purchase quality padding and order it from an accredited supplier.
Fixing Recliner Chair Back Section
There are three primary types of recliner chair backs and one aspect that is in all of them is that they have locking tabs/catches, locking levers, and bolts. Regularly check the locking levers to see if the brackets positioned on the side are properly fixed. Ideally, the levers should always be flipped downward and locked strongly on the metal bar when someone is seated.
The locking tabs/catches are positioned and designed to lock in place when you slip the recliner chair back on. If loose, you will notice a significant change in the movement. Tighten them by first removing the bracket fasteners and using a screwdriver to ensure that they are not only firm but also in the right positions.
The bolts also become lose overtime due to pressure and compression. Unscrew the bolts and refasten them to hold the recliner back in the right position.
Recliners need to be well maintained to function well and deliver the expected comfort levels. Make sure that you wear protective clothing when doing the repairs or maintenance to avoid injuries. If you are not sure of how to do any of the repairs, you can watch tutorial videos posted on social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube for guidance.
Don’t shy away from seeking help from your colleagues especially when doing repairs that involving turning the chair upside down. For example, to access the spring, it needs to be in a downside position. The colleagues will help hold the chair in position as you unscrew the bolts to access the spring.
There are hundreds of different recliners in the market that you can buy to revamp your business. Make sure that you consider the specifications, durability, and price to select the right one. For example, here is a comprehensive barber chairs guide to point you in the right direction.
How to Fix Recliner’s Common Problems
Barber recliner chair offer the best comfort and sitting experience compared to the conventional seats. However, they are prone to damage overtime as they are fitted with mechanical systems and sensors that control how it functions. The superb back, leg, and arm support it offers make your clients comfortable and encourage them to come regularly.
Here is an overview of the common barber chair recliner problems and how to solve them.
Footrest Mobility Issues
The footrest should move up and down whenever the handle it turned either clockwise or anticlockwise. If not, chances are that the movable parts that controls this form of movement are either broken or need to be lubricated. Turn the recliner upside down and spray a lubricant such as WD40 on them to ease friction. If lubrication does not resolve the problem, check if the spring is broken or out of place.
Broken Spring
The main function of the spring is to provide enough tension to support the recliner and ensure its always in an upright and stable position. If broken or faulty, the chair will not be stable and clients may tumble over when they sit on it. Replace it with a new one to avoid such inconveniences and injuries. As you shop, make sure that the spring you purchase matches the specifications of your barber chair.
Power Recliner Chair Doesn’t Move
Sometimes, you may find it difficult to move the chair from one location to another. This issue is caused by a lose in-line plug. Use a flashlight to check the wire connections at the base the chair. Ideally, none of them should be loose. Reconnect the lose ones and wrap them using an electrical tape to ensure smooth flow of electric current to all the parts.
Faulty Hand Control
The hand control is designed to help you change the elevation of the recliner with ease. The wires that connect the system to the main power supply can get damaged when closing the recliner. No need to hire an electrician to fix this issue, just turn the recliner upside down to access the underneath space, identify the hand control wire that has been cut and fix it. Make sure that you wrap the cut section with a quality electric tape and use zip ties to position it away from the rest of the parts/mechanism.
Tilting Even When Not in Recline Position
Tilting occurs when the mechanical mechanism that controls movement of the recliner is either broken or bent. Check all the parts to identify the ones that are faulty and replace them with new ones. Before we proceed, it is important to note that the replacement parts should be purchased from an accredited store. Steer clear of the cheap fake parts as they are not as durable and efficient like the original parts.
Customer’s Feet Don’t Touch the Floor Surface
This problem arises when the recliner’s base is out of position, that is, its too far from the ground. The easiest way to fix this problem is by adjusting the pitch of the chair downwards. This adjustment will ensure that the base is close enough to the floor.
Damaged Leather or Fabric
Damaged fabric or leather is not enough reason to throw away the recliner. It is just a sign that you have been using it for a long time and need to take better care of it. The leather material or any other fabric on the recliner is prone to damage. You should replace it with a new one whenever you identify signs of wear such as burn holes, stains and tears. There are also repair kits that you can purchase for cleaning and maintaining the fabric.
Reduce Comfort
The comfort you get when seated on the recliner is caused by the padding. Overtime, the padding will become weak and lose its compactness due to compression. As a result, you will notice that the chair is not as comfortable as it used to be before and does not offer enough support to your body.
Luckily, you can resolve this problem by simply replacing the entire padding with a new one. Just like the other parts we discussed earlier on such as the springs, make sure that you purchase quality padding and order it from an accredited supplier.
Fixing Recliner Chair Back Section
There are three primary types of recliner chair backs and one aspect that is in all of them is that they have locking tabs/catches, locking levers, and bolts. Regularly check the locking levers to see if the brackets positioned on the side are properly fixed. Ideally, the levers should always be flipped downward and locked strongly on the metal bar when someone is seated.
The locking tabs/catches are positioned and designed to lock in place when you slip the recliner chair back on. If loose, you will notice a significant change in the movement. Tighten them by first removing the bracket fasteners and using a screwdriver to ensure that they are not only firm but also in the right positions.
The bolts also become lose overtime due to pressure and compression. Unscrew the bolts and refasten them to hold the recliner back in the right position.
Recliners need to be well maintained to function well and deliver the expected comfort levels. Make sure that you wear protective clothing when doing the repairs or maintenance to avoid injuries. If you are not sure of how to do any of the repairs, you can watch tutorial videos posted on social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube for guidance.
Don’t shy away from seeking help from your colleagues especially when doing repairs that involving turning the chair upside down. For example, to access the spring, it needs to be in a downside position. The colleagues will help hold the chair in position as you unscrew the bolts to access the spring.
There are hundreds of different recliners in the market that you can buy to revamp your business. Make sure that you consider the specifications, durability, and price to select the right one. For example, here is a comprehensive barber chairs guide to point you in the right direction.
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