After using services such as SimplyGram to gain followers, you now have thousands of them. Your account is fully optimized, and you are ready to start posting some beautiful shots of your home. But how do you make your house look good on Instagram?
Well, apart from making it easier for potential buyers to read the reviews on the website and make informed decisions, there’re a few tips and tricks you can use to make your house look good on Instagram.
1. Lighten up Your House
One of the easiest ways to make your house look better is by adding more light. Natural lighting or artificial lighting both work well in highlighting a room’s features and bringing much-needed brightness to your photos. Try opening the curtains and letting in as much natural light as possible or adding additional lamps or lights to dark spaces.
2. Get Rid of Clutter
Clutter is one of the biggest downfalls when it comes to making a house look good on Instagram. Do some serious tidying up, and get rid of anything that is taking up unnecessary space or detracting from the overall aesthetic. Clutter also includes personal items, such as photos, books, and collections. Try to keep these at a minimum and make sure they are neatly organized or tucked away in cabinets and drawers.
3. Don’t Forget the Details
When it comes to making your house look good on Instagram, don’t forget about the small details. Fresh flowers or plants, cozy throw pillows and blankets, and stylish decorations all add to the ambiance of a room. Consider changing up the details in different rooms for more variety when it comes to posting on Instagram.
4. Use Props
Using props is another great way to make your house look good on Instagram. Whether you’re staging a living room or an outdoor space, props can add color and texture to your photos. For example, stack some books in the corner of the room, place a basket of flowers on the coffee table, or use pillows and blankets to style up a bed.
5. Rearrange Your Furniture
Rearranging the furniture in your house is a great way to add some variety and change up the look. Try to keep it minimal, but don’t be afraid to experiment with different layouts. By rearranging furniture, you can create new areas for staging and make it easier for potential buyers to visualize how they could use the space.
6. Edit Your Photos
Last but not least, you should never underestimate the power of photo editing. Even the most beautifully staged rooms need a bit of tweaking in order to make them look flawless on Instagram. When doing so, try to keep your edits subtle. Too much post-processing can create an artificial and unflattering look.
By following these tips, you should be able to make your house look good on Instagram in no time! Just remember that the most important thing is to stay true to your own style and make sure you post photos that reflect it.
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