Cleaning and maintaining the office place is always necessary, it’s a measure towards the healthy work environment you want to offer to your employees. However, after the spread of Coronavirus, it has become more than necessary.
For around two months, the world has and continues to be in a state of lockdown. But until when? Sooner or later, offices and establishments have to be opened. Governments of many countries have allowed companies to start but with safety and precautionary measures and with less staff. Even in the office, you are supposed to follow the social distancing rule.
After the announcement, companies are going to be in operations, and maybe yours is one of them. To ensure the safety of employees and everyone, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the office space. You can do it yourself or take the help of commercial cleaning services. Many companies can do the job for you.
Why did we suggest outsourcing? There is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting the space. Cleaning is routine care for health and wellness, and on the other hand, disinfecting is a chemicalized process for killing the germs and bacterias, to stop the spread of disease.
When disinfecting the office area, there are several corners that you need to clean up, of which one is door knobs and handles, as employees come in contact via them only.
Like them, there are other places as well, but which are they, and how to disinfect them? Here in this blog, you will get to know everything about it. Stay with us.
How to Clean and Disinfect Office Areas?
Here are a few tips on adequately disinfecting the office and providing a healthy work area to the employees.
1. Deep Cleaning of the Office
Once or twice in a year, we usually do the deep cleaning, in which all the accumulated dirt is cleaned. Deep cleaning is for that only! Use a vacuum cleaner and get that stubborn dirt out of the carpet and corners.
2. One-Way Wipe Down Theory
While mopping the floor, make sure you do the one-way wipe only. As wiping again on the same surface will restore all the bacterias. Once you have wiped the whole area, change the water and a piece of cloth and do it again.
3. Tech Clean-up
In offices, the most touched areas other than desks, doorknobs, and handles are tech equipment. Clean them thoroughly with the disinfectant. Encourage employees to clean their phones at regular intervals.
4. Disinfect Every Corner
If you are going for deep cleaning, this point is already covered, but if you recently had the deep cleaning session, then go for this one. When cleaning, make sure to wipe down every corner of the office.
5. Place Hand Sanitizers
You can either place the hand sanitizers in the office on every desk or at the specific locations. Another option is to install the hand sanitizer machine - the safest option to select.
6. Promote Hand Washing
Stick out information on washing hands and other necessary measures on the wall of the office to promote safety. Tell employees to wash their hands after touching any area, be it in a conference room or kitchen area.
Along with it, make them use the hand sanitizer as well. While getting them, make sure it has more than 60% of alcohol-base, the same is for soap or hand washer.
7. Make Masks Available
Masks are another effective way to stop the spread of bacteria. Make them available for the employees. If anyone is suffering from flu or flu-like symptoms, provide him/her masks or even better, tell them to take sick leave.
Other than all these, you must invest in antibacterial air care appliances, stock up the Vitamin C, and other necessary tablets. Have a digital contactless thermometer, let the employees enter premises only after getting checked.
Anyone having above the temperature of 37.5 Celsius, take note of him/her and either send them back or treat him/her by giving proper medications. Maintain social distancing even in the office area.
Start the odd/even system (alternatives), don’t call all the employees, and, if possible, promote work from home until it’s necessary to come. Let the employees stay at home, who can work from home conveniently like content writers, graphic designers, copy editors, etc.
Which Areas to Disinfect in Office Space?
Make a checklist of the following areas before you start with the work. With this, there will be zero chances of missing out on any high transmission bearing.
The most transmission vectors areas can be:
- Tables and desks
- Doorknobs and handles
- Light switches
- Counter-top
- Cabinet pulls
Other Areas to Disinfect in the Office:
Reception Area:
- Telephone
- Desk accessories
- Elevator buttons
- Digital touchscreens
- Coat-racks and hangers
Meeting or Conference Rooms:
- Whiteboard accessories (pens and erasers)
- Projector and other technological appliances
- Television and speaker buttons
Kitchen or Canteen Area:
- Appliances such as fridge, oven, dishwasher, etc.
- Chair backs in the seating area
- Fixtures
- Coffee or tea station
Bathroom Area:
- Faucet, towel dispenser, soap, toilet handle
- Door and stall handles
- Dustbin
- Changing station and dispensers
Keep the Office Area Safe and Healthy
In this article, you have read the information on how to disinfect the office and which areas to sterilize. An effective way to do this is by making a checklist of different requirements and locations inside the office. If you are hiring a commercial cleaning service, then look at what they are providing and tell them your specific cleaning requirements. After that, you will have to do your part by inspecting the work thoroughly to make sure that your office is prepared to meet standard safety protocols after the lockdown.
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