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Complete Guide On Mental Illness

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What is mental illness called?

While the effective functioning during daily activities refers to mental health, mental illness encompasses all diagnosable mental disorders (health conditions) that include disruptive changes in mood, emotions and thinking. It also involves problems or distress during social, family and work encounters.

According to American Psychiatric Association, one in every 9 adult living in the U.S. experiences some form of mental illness. Among these individuals, approximately 4.1 percent are encumbered by serious mental illness. Additionally, 8.1 percent of these individuals have a diagnosable substance use disorder.

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There is a taboo regarding mental illness, and is nothing to be ashamed of. Just like every other medical condition, like heart disease or diabetes, mental illness is also a medical condition that can be treated.

It must be underscored that mental illness can affect anyone of any race, religion, sect, gender, age, social status, sexual orientation, and geography. According to scientific evidence, approximately seventy-five percent of all mental illnesses start by the age of 24.

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What triggers mental illness?

Albeit the exact causes of mental illness are still unknown, empirical evidence suggests that a combination of environmental, biological, and psychological factors play a significant role in triggering mental illness.

Environmental Factors:

The experience of death or divorce of someone close.
A dysfunctional family life.
Substance abuse by an individual or the individual’s parents.
Frequent changes in schools or jobs.
Feelings of low self-esteem, loneliness, anger, inadequacy, and anxiety.

Mental illness

Mental illness


Biological Factors:

Brain defect – Injury or defect to any part of the brain can lead to mental illnesses.
Prenatal damage – Disturbance to the early brain development of the fetal, for instance loss of oxygen to the brain, can lead to severe mental illnesses.
Genetics (Hereditary) – Apparently, it has been said that mental illnesses are passed on from one generation to the next through genes. Experts have noted that abnormalities in genes are linked with mental illnesses.
Infections – According to neuroscientists, certain infections have been linked with the occurrence of mental illnesses in individuals. For instance, PANDA (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder) is related Streptococcus Bacteria which inevitably causes OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and other mental illnesses in children.
Other Factors – The development of mental illnesses is also caused by a number of other factors, like poor nutrition or contact to toxins (like lead).


Psychological Factors:

Negligence of a child or a person for long periods of time can subsequently lead to mental illnesses.
Incapability of a person to relate to others.
A tragic event or loss during the early stages of life, for example the loss of any loved one.
Psychological trauma suffered during childhood, for example sexual, emotional or physical abuse.

Panic attacks cause troubling physical symptoms, including irregular heart patterns, chest pains, and faintness. Fulham Psychologists in Townsville advise that people with anxiety disorder often have an overwhelming sense of uncertainty that leads to stress and panic.

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What are the first signs of going crazy?  What are the 5 signs of mental illness?  What are the signs of mental breakdown?

If any person is experiencing two or more of the following, it may be necessary to consult a mental health professional.

A sense of unreality – This may happen when a person feels dejected or disconnected from one’s surroundings.
Problems in cognitive abilities – A person’s ability to think, concentrate, memorize may be hampered for reasons that may be hard to explain.
A drop in overall functioning – A strange drop in functioning in all spheres of life, at school, home, sports, or other social activities.
Change in appetite and sleep patterns - Dramatic changes in mood/emotions (feelings of depression).
Withdrawal – change in attitude regarding activities that were previously enjoyed by the individual.
Apathy – Absence of any motivation to participate in any activity.
Unusual/peculiar behavior.
Over-sensitive – Increase in sensitivity towards light, smell, sound, and even, touch. The person tends to avoid over-stimulating encounters. Anxiety Treatment
A person may have strong nervous feelings of suspicion or may fear others for no apparent reason.


What are the 4 types of mental illness?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) contains approximately 300 mental illnesses listed in it. This is a handbook that is used by health experts for assessing whether a person is suffering from any mental illness or not. Having said that, the four most common types of mental illnesses are:

Psychotic Disorders – This type of mental illness involves a misleading thinking and awareness. Hallucinations and delusions are two of the most common types of psychotic disorders. Also, Schizophrenia is another example of this type of mental illness.

Mood Disorders – Also called mood and affective disorders, these are persistent feelings of sadness or intermittent periods of feeling overly happy. The most common examples of this type of mental illness are cyclothymic disorder, bipolar disorder, and depression.

Anxiety Disorders – This happens when a person responds to a situation in a different way than he or she should have, or if the person is unable to control his or her response. Physical signs of this include profuse sweating and elevated heart beats. Anxiety Disorder include panic disorder (panic attacks), generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

Eating Disorders – This is diagnosed when a person’s emotions, attitudes and behavior are linked with food and weight. Examples include binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa.


What is the most painful mental illness?

Numerous well-known medical experts have underscored that Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is the one mental illness which is associated with the most emotional distress, agony and pain. Scientific studies in the past have shown that borderline patients are overwhelmed by negative emotions. They experience intense sorrow instead of sadness, fear instead of nervousness, disgrace and humiliation instead of mild embarrassment, and fury and rage instead of annoyance.

In attempting to alleviate their agony, borderline patients, while being self-destructive, are often very destructive to others. In other words, they most often not only cause harm to themselves but also to their surroundings.


What are the first signs of psychosis?

Early psychosis or First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) rarely occur suddenly. They usually follow a pattern and, therefore, its symptoms can easily be spotted in the initial stage.

Warning signs before psychosis may include:

Apathy – No emotions at all.
Strong reactions/emotions to normal situations.
Poor hygiene and lack of self-care.
Inability to focus or concentrate.
Overall drop in efficiency (Poor job/academic performance).
Suspiciousness (or being skeptical) around others.

Early signs of psychosis may include:

Isolation/distance from loved ones (family and friends).
Poor hygiene.
Being stubborn about one’s belief and thoughts albeit what others say (Delusions).
Inability to focus and think clearly.
See, taste, or hear things that others do not (Hallucinations).


Is overthinking a mental disorder? / Is overthinking a disorder?

Overthinking can most certainly affect a person’s quality of life, but it is not a disorder per se. This happens when an individual cannot stop obsessing and thinking over small things of life.

Certain factors contribute to overthinking. These include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), different types of anxiety disorders, and trauma. Having said that, overthinking is a natural human condition, and is usually attributed as one of the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Every individual overthinks overtime. One may think about what they said or did at a particular point in time and constantly think about things that could have been done or said in hindsight. Or, for instance, one may be particularly concerned about other’s perception about oneself.

This condition is pervasive, and can be treated with Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). This therapy challenges the way a person thinks, and can convert negative thoughts into productive (positive) thoughts and feelings.

What are the five signs of emotional suffering? (Also, symptoms of anxiety).

According to US Department of Health and Human Services, almost one in every 5 individual suffers from a diagnosable mental health condition. This is an alarming statistic.


Five signs to watch out for ascertaining whether a person is experiencing emotional suffering are:

Lack of self-care: Poor hygiene is one of the first physical signs that can be seen if a person is suffering from any emotional breakdown. They stop taking showers or stop exercising completely. This may be accompanied by poor eating habits (impulsive eating).

Overwhelmed by circumstances: A person may be experiencing self-esteem issues, shame and guilt. They may talk about giving up or, even, suicide. It is essential not to take such conversations lightly!

Social hibernation: This happens when a person barricades him or herself inside their home. They limit their social encounters by restricting themselves indoors. This may particularly be done to avoid conversations with anyone that may resurface any emotional trauma that the person may be trying to bury.

Mood swings: Being anxious and agitated along with irrational and explosive changes in mood are also signs to watch out for ascertaining whether a person is experiencing any sort of emotional trauma.

Sudden personality changes: Lastly, it may become noticeable about a person’s personality when someone who was outgoing and energetic now becomes dull or does not interact with anyone. This usually happens when a person is undergoing some form of emotional pain.


Is anxiety a mental illness? What is Anxiety? What is Anxiety and Panic Disorders?

People feel anxious every now and then. For instance, a person may feel anxious before giving a test, when facing a problem at work, or before proposing their loved ones for marriage. This is a normal emotion. Anxiety is a direct result of stress, and can also be of advantage to a person. It can help in making a person ready for any incoming danger (in other words, make him more vigilant). Moreover, anxiety is more associated with muscle tension and avoidance behavior.

Conversely, anxiety disorders are different; they encapsulate a group of mental illnesses, and can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life. Anxiety disorders differ from normal emotions, and include excessive anxiety and fear. While anxiety refers to anticipation of a future concern, fear refers to an emotional response to an immediate threat. According to scientific research, women are more likely to experience anxiety disorders than men.

There are several types of anxiety disorders, one of which is Panic Disorder. This type of anxiety disorder involves recurrent panic attacks along with a crushing combination of psychological and physical distress. People who experience panic disorders may think that they are having a heart attack or are in immediate need of going to a hospital without knowing exactly why their mind or body is doing what it is doing. Symptoms of panic disorder include palpitations, chest pain, and feelings of choking and losing control, nausea, numbness, sweating, and shaking.


What are the 6 types of anxiety disorders?

Among the numerous types of anxiety disorders, the six most common types are the following:

Panic Disorder – This type of anxiety disorder involves recurrent panic attacks along with a crushing combination of psychological and physical distress. People who experience panic disorders may think that they are having a heart attack or are in immediate need of going to a hospital without knowing exactly why their mind or body is doing what it is doing. Symptoms of panic disorder include palpitations, chest pain, and feelings of choking and losing control, nausea, numbness, sweating, and shaking.

Agoraphobia – This phobia depicts a situation/fear where it is difficult for a person to escape embarrassment. The actual situation may not be as alarming or embarrassing as the person having agoraphobia. Such a fear is out of proportions and may last for six months or more. Examples of this condition include being outside the home alone, when using public transportation, being in enclosed places, or being in a crowd.

Separation Anxiety Disorder – This happens when a person is fearful about losing their loved ones. This may involve feelings of obsession, anxiousness and fear. The person may experience nightmares about losing their loved ones or may refuse to sleep away from their loved ones. The feelings persist in children for at least four weeks, and in adults for usually six months. This type of anxiety disorder meddles with a person’s normal day to day functioning.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – This type of anxiety disorder also interferes with a person’s day to day activities. Symptoms of this type include erratic sleeping patterns, muscle tension, restlessness, fatigue, and poor concentration.

Phobias, Specific Phobia – It is normal for people to have irrational fear of things. There are people who have a fear of flying while some have a fear of water or spiders. These people know that their fear is excessive, but they are unable to conquer it. Therefore, specific phobia can be defined as a fear of specific objects or activity that may generally be not harmful.

Social Anxiety Disorder – This usually involves interactions with people. A person may have excessive fear of being embarrassed, rejected or humiliated in front of people. Common examples include fear of public speaking or meeting new people at a lunch or a bar.


What does it feel like to have anxiety?

It can be really difficult to describe to anyone what anxiety actually feels like. Any person experiencing chronic anxiety will agree that anxiety can manifest itself in the forms of intense physical pains, for instance agonizing chest pains. One may think that they are having a heart attack as they may feel their heart thumping out. This trauma is most often coupled with restlessness and sweaty palms.

Also, there are many who may describe anxiety as a cloud of negative thoughts constantly encircling their path. Every day before sleeping, one starts to feel anxious when he or she overthinks about actions or conversations in hindsight. This brings in a rain of negative thoughts and the person, eventually, enters into a loop. This takes up a lot of mental energies and consumes the person throughout the day.

Similarly, anxiety can be described as a detonation in the brain that creates thoughts and emotions of excessive proportions. In the end, what lefts inside a person is a void that remains to be filled. In other words, the person is filled with no positivity and only emptiness.


Can anxiety kill you? What anxiety can do to your body?

Medical experts have long established that while the experience of anxiety (or a panic attack per se) can be a debilitating and a terrifying experience, it will not cause one to die.

It can, however, elevate the blood pressure rate (BPR) and make the person sweat profusely. This increase in BPR compounded with rapid heart palpitations and chest pains can make a person weak, tremble, and shake. During such instances, a person’s mind becomes numb. The person may also vomit, and feel nausea.

A full-scale panic attack can make a person think that he or she is having a heart attack and his or her lungs are choked (shortness of breath). If these panic attacks/anxiety issues become chronic, it is necessary to consult a physician.


Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Anxiety disorders - Symptoms and causes - What causes anxiety? Anxiety and Panic Disorders treatments


Anxiety Causes

Drug abuse is one of the major causes of anxiety and stress. On this note, alcohol abuse has been known to cause anxiety and depression. Nonetheless, prolonged abstinence from alcohol overtime can help improve this condition. But, continuous alcohol use in moderate quantities can increase stress and anxiety levels for most individuals.

Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and benzodiazepine dependence can trigger anxiety and, even, worsen the mental health of a person.

Occasionally, the medical condition of a person can cause nervous system hyperactivity. There may be reactions to an underlying endocrine disease, like hyperthyroidism.

Furthermore, genetics also play a role in transferring anxiety disorders to succeeding generations. For instance, Generalized Anxiety Disorder are known to run in families and are six times more common in children of the people diagnosed with this condition.

Lastly, certain life events can have an instrumental role in creating stress and anxiety. Events, like financial worries, loss of a loved one, physical illness, etc. particularly among young adults can inflict mid-life crisis on individuals.


Anxiety Treatment

The treatment of anxiety and panic disorders involve a series of things. They include lifestyle changes and diet coupled with medication and therapy.

Under lifestyle changes, one can start off with exercise on a frequent basis. In addition to this, one can cut down on smoking and reduce the intake of alcohol and caffeine. As time progresses, one can completely cut off the dependence on alcohol and caffeine from their lifestyle. Also, having a disciplined sleep pattern can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety.

Under the head therapy, mental health experts have underscored the need to take Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), reading self-help books, and taking mindfulness based programs for effective management of anxiety and panic disorders.

For medication, one should consult a certified psychiatrist in determining what medicines to take.


How do you calm down anxiety? How can I calm my anxiety naturally?

The first thing to do is to consult a doctor. If any mental illness is diagnosed, a mental health expert can help on getting the best treatment.

In a similar vein, anyone can naturally treat anxiety through self-help and management. There are a number of stress management techniques that can assuage a person’s mental health condition.

In addition, meditation can be done to provide some form of ventilation for the already-numb and blocked-out brain.

Furthermore, there are support groups that provide the opportunity for sharing personal experiences and, ultimately, coping strategies. These support groups are available, both, online and in-person.

Also, one can do exercise on a daily basis to naturally calm down anxiety. Physical exercise is known for releasing endorphins that allow a person to become more efficient in their everyday work. At the same time, one must eat right and sleep in a disciplined manner so that one’s mood remains stable and the stress levels reduce dramatically.

Lastly, allowing friends and family members to better understand the nature and specifics of the mental condition can also be helpful in calming down one’s anxiety issues.


Is water good for anxiety? Is milk bad for anxiety? Is lemon water good for anxiety? Can Tea calm anxiety? What can I drink for anxiety? Is alcohol bad for anxiety?

It is common to be anxious and fearful about any possible situation or encounter. To counter this stress, many people rely on caffeine or nicotine. Many rely on an occasional alcohol drink. Such an approach is not wise. All three – alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine – induce anxiety.

Also, it must be noted that many individuals are lactose intolerant and, therefore, consuming dairy products can definitely induce anxiety. A person may have severe digestive problems, causing diarrhea, constipation, and bloating.

While it may be wise to rely on medical prescription, one can always rely on non-drug drinks before consulting a doctor to soothe one’s nerves.


There are numerous drinks that can improve a person’s condition overtime:

Fresh fruit and vegetable juice – Fresh juices are rich in minerals and are equipped with the necessary nutrients that can remedy stress. According to a study conducted by Medical Center of Maryland University, the consumption of approximately 3,000 vitamins on daily basis can dramatically reduce the anxiety levels that a person may face.
Water – It may come as a surprise, but water can play a vital role in assuaging a person’s anxiety. Water has the potential to release endorphins throughout the body and can help in changing the mood to a better state. Any person becoming dehydrated will naturally feel that he or she is stressed or may be experiencing anxiety. Hence, water is good for treating anxiety particularly for children. Also, by adding different ingredients into water, like lemon, a person can also help him or herself in getting their mood better, and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Tea – Tea is renowned all over for naturally treating stress and anxiety. It helps in sharpening the brain. A person can prepare different variants of tea to naturally calm down anxiety. These variants include green tea, peppermint tea, rose tea, lemon balm tea, and passion flower tea. Each of these variants have different uses and help significantly in reducing stress and anxiety levels.


What foods trigger anxiety? Do bananas help anxiety? Is chocolate good for anxiety?

It may be hard to believe but the food that one may eat to contain anxiety can actually make things worse. The consumption of alcohol alters the state of neurotransmitters and the serotine levels in a human brain, and thus, when its effect wears off, one may actually feel worse off than before (that is, more anxious than he or she was before).

Simultaneously, from a scientific perspective, caffeine is known to increase anxiety and decrease the production of serotonin in the body. Nonetheless, consumption of caffeine in small doses is considered harmless.

Additionally, the intake of sugar in its different forms can also contribute to anxiety. A human being cannot avoid sugar all the time. It can be found in numerous foods, for example in fruits.

Normally, people experience anxiety and stress before giving any big performance (for example). As this happens, the potassium levels reduce with the increase in the metabolic rate in the body. Therefore, health experts have recommended to eat two bananas to counter this off balance.

Conversely, added sugar in tea, beverages or chocolates can increase the sugar level in blood flow and spike energy levels. Once this energy level starts to decline, a person is likely to experience dullness and, even, anxiety.


What vitamins are good for anxiety? Does magnesium help anxiety?

Vitamins B is specifically ideal for countering issues of anxiety. Psychiatrists usually recommend a combination of B-complex alongside individual B vitamins because both of these complement each other and work synergistically.

Vitamin B1 is known to maintain blood sugar levels that are known to induce anxiety and depression.

Vitamin B3 plays a significant role the in creation of serotonin which is known to be a good chemical in the human body for maintaining a stable and happy mood.

Folic Acid (or Vitamin B9) and Vitamin B12 are also recognized as a counter of depressive moods.

Besides vitamins, other nutrients, like magnesium, are also essential since they have a calming effect on the nervous system and help to relax fatigued muscles. Experts recommend that magnesium should be taken in doses of 600 mg or 1000mg according to one’s needs.


What is Depression? Is depression a brain disorder?

American Psychiatric Association has described depression as:

“A common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.”

Depression is a brain disorder that invokes emotions of sadness and makes a person lose interest in things that he or she once enjoyed. This can make a person ineffective and inefficient for day-to-day activities, and can create a variety of physical and emotional problems.

Sometimes, it is difficult for most people to come out of a long-term or a short-term relationship. Many people feel sad over the loss of a loved one or loss of a job. In such situations, it is normal for people to develop feelings of sadness and grief. During these circumstances, most people describe themselves as being ‘depressed’. However, being sad is quite different from being depressed.

When a person is sad, the person’s self-esteem remains intact. Whereas, during depression, the person loathes him or herself and feels worthless.

Also, during periods of grief, a person reminisces about positive memories (for example talking about good things when a closed family member or friend passes away). On the contrary, during depression, a person’s mood and interest remain quite dull for at least two weeks. To learn if you may be experiencing depression, take this test from Mind Diagnostics.


What is Depression Bipolar?

Depression is a period of extreme and low emotions of sadness and grief, and usually comes alongside bipolar disorder. It numbs, both, body and mind and the person feels less like him or herself.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health issue that causes shifts in a person’s mood, energy and activity levels. This may vary according to the type of bipolar disorder one has. The symptoms of depression due to bipolar disorder are the same as any other depression related mental health problems (like major depressive disorder). However, any individual with bipolar disorder may also have episodes of hypomania or mania.

People with bipolar disorder have a life-long condition, but the symptoms of depression and mania can be contained with proper therapy and treatment.


What are depression signs & symptoms?

Depression can wreak havoc on a person’s normal life. It can impose a completely different outlook that maybe dull and hopeless. The person suffering from depression has mood disorders and feels worthless. People have inappropriate guilt for themselves.

All depressed people lose interest in things that they once loved doing, like playing sports, interacting/socializing, hobbies, etc. In some cases, some people have decreased sex drive as they lose interest in sex.

Depressed people are also usually tired and feel fatigued as they lack the necessary energy to carry out anything productive. They also have problems sleeping since depression disrupts sleeping patterns.

Changes in diet, being easily irritated, anxious and nervous, and uncontrollable emotions are one of the most common signs and symptoms of depression.

Lastly, people under depression have suicidal thoughts. There is definitely a causal relationship between suicide and depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 42,000 people died on account of taking their own lives.


Why does stress cause depression?

Stress is a part of life. It is not necessarily bad to have some level of stress. It keeps a person alert and focused to achieve their long and short term goals in life. But, the experience of chronic stress for long periods of time can make a person susceptible to mental health problems, like depression.

depression medication

depression medication

Stress can be of any type. For instance, taking care of a new born baby alongside a fulltime job or taking care of a sibling/parent with Alzheimer’s can lead towards the development of depression.

Experiencing stress for long periods of time can reduce serotonin and dopamine throughout the nervous system, and can increase hormones (like cortisol – ‘the stress hormone’). This can fundamentally change the neurotransmission in the central nervous system and, thus, change the response of a person’s body and mind. These chemical systems regulate different biological processes of a human body, like appetite, sex drive, sleep, and emotions.

When this continues for a particular time period, susceptible people become prone to depression.


Easy depression test methods

There are a number of self-help resources available on the web where a person can fill in and answer questionnaires that are designed to determine whether a person is suffering from depression or not. These questionnaires are based on empirical research and, with a minute margin of error, are valid and reliable.

With respect to a physical diagnosis of depression, a doctor can be consulted who can primarily look for health concerns on the neurological and endocrine systems. The main goal of consulting a doctor for a physical exam is to eliminate any other medical cause for depression. In some cases, the doctor may ask the patient to get a CT scan or MRI of the brain to look for diseases that may inhibit the normal functioning of the brain. Simultaneously, ECG or EEG may be recommend to establish any heart diseases that may disrupt the proper functioning of the human body.

If the diagnoses establishes that the person is, in fact, suffering from depression, the patient will have to make some lifestyle changes, take medication, and undertake therapies as recommended.


Latest overview on depression treatment

Depression treatments typically include a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Before proceeding on getting any medication or therapy, getting an early diagnosis from a doctor can help reduce the likelihood of relapse.

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healthy food

Currently, most antidepressants – called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) – regulate the chemical serotonin. Then, there are other antidepressants, called the Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs), which affect not just the serotonin receptors but also other receptors associated with serotonin. On this note, the third group of antidepressants are called Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). These are usually prescribed when the first two groups of antidepressants fail to show any positive improvements.

With respect to psychotherapies, the most common therapies include interpersonal, cognitive, and behavioral therapies. There are other treatments as well for depression that include Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). This involves passing electric current through electrodes that are placed on the head. Moreover, there are Vagal Nerve Simulation (VNS) and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (rTMS) that help in the treatment of depression.


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Maintaining a proper diet – Stable blood sugar levels can help to keep the mood enlightened.

Reducing caffeine intake – While caffeine can be a real energy booster and improve attention levels, it is also known for reducing serotonin levels. To substitute this, one can take L-Tyrosine (500-1,000 mg).

Exercise – Exercising daily lead towards the increase in endorphin levels in the human body. These endorphins are responsible for keeping a person happy and act as a natural antidepressant.

Asking oneself why he or she is depressed – It is necessary for a person to know why they are so low at that point in life. Everyone knows inherently or, at least, at a subconscious level why they may be depressed. By being honest with oneself, one can end the debilitating feeling of depression.

Meditation – Science has documented great results of meditation on the mood of a person and has established that it has a direct positive impact on the treatment of depression. Settling one’s mind can help solve a number of mental health issues along with numerous other health benefits.

Consulting a psychiatrist – By talking about mental health problems and issues in life with a certified psychiatrist, a depressed person may be able to cure depression in a timely manner.

Having a support system made up of family and friends – Having understanding family members and friends who are trustworthy, a depressed person can share their feelings and thoughts with them. They can get better guidance and direction about problems troubling their mind.

Maintaining a stable sleeping pattern – It is essential that any depressed person maintains a disciplined sleeping routine as this has a positive impact on the person’s mind and, inevitably, person’s life.

Taking on responsibilities – By taking on challenges of life and embracing new responsibilities, depressed people can slowly and gradually counter issues troubling their life.

Having fun – It is necessary to take a break once in a while so that a person’s body and mind can recuperate from the heavy blow of depression. Placing continuous stress on oneself does lead towards depression.


What percentage of depression is caused by school?

There are many researches that hold school as the major cause of depression. However, based on a study, published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, that relied on data collected from the National Survey of Drug Abuse and Health, a survey was conducted of teenagers aged between 12 and 17.

The study found out that during the period between 2005 and 2017, the number of reported major depressive episodes rose significantly from 8.7 percent in 2016 to 13.2 percent in 2017. This is an alarming fact that must be given heed!

The study found out numerous contributing factors to these major depressive episodes of teenagers. Academic stress from school was considered one of the reasons for student depression. Therefore, to say that stress from school was the sole reason for depression amongst teenager will be wrong.

Increase in social media and smartphone usage coupled with poor lifestyle (disruptive sleeping patterns, drug abuse, poor diet, etc.) were the major reasons for depression among students.

Nevertheless, the report also pointed out that schools provided scant resources for improving mental health, and must invest in creating programs that nurture and improve both physical and mental health of students.


Does low serotonin cause depression?

Quite a number of scientific researchers believe that an imbalance in the serotonin levels can have a huge effect on the mood of a person in a way that may lead towards depression. On this note, there are a list of problems that include a shortage of tryptophan (the chemical needed for the synthesis of serotonin), low brain cell production of serotonin, and the failure of serotonin to reach receptor sites. This, according to scientific experts, inevitably leads towards the development of depression.

In spite of this, it is pertinent to mention that there are not many studies which prove that low serotonin leads towards depression or it’s the other way around (i.e. depression leads to lower levels of serotonin). Also, there is no way of measuring the serotonin levels inside a human brain. Hence, there is a school of thought that debunks the aforementioned theory that low serotonin levels cause depression and considers it a myth.

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