Power Tools That Can Be Discrete
When you're working on-site, you don't always want to be making as much noise as possible. Whilst it can be fun to make your presence heard, this will not only lead to residents being disturbed, but it can damage your hearing too. Read on to find out all about why power tools are becoming more and more discrete, and what the benefits are to working with more discrete and silenced power tools.
A cause of hearing loss
One of the biggest issues that come from unregulated and noisy power tools is that of hearing loss. Whilst you might not think power tools are that noisy or disruptive, a consistent sound as loud as 80 decibels can be your first step towards a serious loss of hearing. For example, it can take an electric drill less than one minute to cause permanent hearing damage, and a loud lawnmower will cause permanent damage within just 15 minutes.
Hearing damage can happen much faster than you expect, so by converting from incredibly loud power tools to more quiet and discrete options, you can help to keep members of your team protected from hearing damage in the long run.
What tools can I get that are quieter?
Tools such as the silent air compressor are some early steps forward in discrete power tools. Air compressors are typically generator-powered, which means that they have been traditionally associated with the sheer noise of both a generator and fans at the same time. By comparison, these silent air compressors are focused on providing a discrete service that ensures that you won't be struggling with hearing each other over the sounds of your own workplace.
You can also find tools such as impact drivers and table saws in more ear-friendly volumes. Rather than all but one of the tools on your site causing significant damage to your staff day in, day out, you can invest in a wide range of tools that are all designed to look after the long term health of your team.
What tools are unavailable in more discrete versions?
There are a few tools that you might struggle to get a hold of in more quiet versions. Although plenty of companies have tried, there are some products that it's difficult to quieten below a safe threshold. These include:
- Generators, as they effectively act as engines.
- Drills, as a lot of the noise comes from the masonry being drilled into.
- Chainsaws, as they require a significant amount of power.
Whilst some efforts are being made towards adjusting these tools to be more efficient and as quiet as possible, not quite enough progress has been made yet to make them safe for a worksite. Whilst it could be ideal to look out for electric chainsaws and silent generators, they may still be some time away yet.
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