Advantages Of Choosing Pipe fitting Career Option

Little do people know about the plumbing services; they usually don’t want to improve the trade. However, it is quite surprising to know that the pipe fitting industry is expected to grow 21%, which is quite faster than the growth rate of other fields. Pipelines are the vehicles for transporting water, oil, gas, and other liquids in the USA. No industry will ever be able to function without having pipefitters on board. Additionally, the oil and gas industry is growing at a booming speed, which, in a way, influences the growth rate of pipefitters.
Pipefitters are also known as plumbers or steamfitters who fix and install pipes of gas as well as other cooling systems. They are trained to organize, assemble, install, create, and maintain the piping throughout the project. Some enthusiasts may specialize in handling only particular commercial or residential projects.
A pipefitter is able to manipulate metal by heating them and turning them into pipes based on the specifications. Well, what more you want when you can earn while you learn? However, one should engage themselves in the process of learning only if they are willing to have an incredible career in it. If you are unsure or are in any dilemma regarding making it a career option, you can always consult a well-known pipe fitting classes to make the final call.
With the right guidance and statistics, you might discover how valuable the profile of pipefitter is! This one is the most preferred profile, both financially and personally. You can opt for a certification course and become a certified pipefitter. During the training, you get to do an apprenticeship for a specific period of time where you earn yourself while you learn. You need to qualify the course and get an official licensing for legally working in the state you choose.
The school should be an accredited institute so that it becomes easy for you to find yourself an earning after the course completion. Such training specializes you in the following areas:
- Gas pipes installation, oxygen pipes installations, steam pipes, and fire sprinklers;
- Training acknowledges you with the ways of repairing and maintaining the pies and fixtures;
- It facilitates you to learn the state and local codes of a pipe fitting;
- You get to learn about the creation of blueprints;
- You learn to check the existing pipes and finding out the root cause if any
Sounds good so far? Now ask yourself again, do you want to be a pipefitter? Well, if you are not sure yet, we have provided in this blog some of the advantages from which you would not be able to resist yourself for becoming the pipefitter. Keep reading to know more.
The industry is a treasure-trove of opportunities:

The industry is making development in leaps and bounds. America is considered as one of the largest producers of oil and natural gas, which means that there would be never-ending job opportunities for the job seeker in the piping field. Additionally, till date, the industry lacks the total number of pipefitters; hence, it would be your golden chance to consider this as a job opportunity because businesses are actively recruiting.
You can start earning money soon:
Well, how about the idea of earning as soon as you start learning from the course? Yes, it is true; this field is different from the traditional college certification programs. Here you can get yourself an on-the-job training and earn a few bucks while you are learning the trade. An added perk, your wages almost double or triples once you become a qualified pipefitter.
The position pays you well:
Once you become a qualified pipefitter and grab yourself a recognized position, you can almost earn $23 around per hour, which may vary(positively only) according to the responsibility and position you achieve. The average return on investment is considerably high as compared to the typical 4-years college degree. If you want to go for a career option that doesn’t take a lengthy education process, then this is the most favorable job option.
The growth and employment in this field are steady:

man wielding
Many industries have job opportunities in a stimulating manner. However, this is not the case with this industry. The future projects are higher, and it is expected that there would be no more setbacks in employment. There is plenty of work for the pipefitters that they would not even be free in times of recession. Also, being a pipefitter, you have the liberty to choose your area of expertise between residential and commercial projects. With years of experience, you also excel in your skills, which can give you a rewarding career and handsome pay.
You will have some life perks:
Once you become a qualified pipefitter in the state, you will soon become a part of the pipefitter union. Such unions offer benefits like medical care for the family(if you are married), and for the singles too, they have an excellent medical care policy. Unions also offer paid time off facility. These benefits are like a luxury for the pipefitters, which a traditional job may not give. Hence, we can say, pipefitting jobs not only will fill your pockets with perks but also give you a decent way of living life while supporting the family expenses.
You get paid for overtime work:
What is more exciting to know when you not only have steady pay wages but also get paid for working extra? Yes, this job comes with a responsibility that may require you to stay back for task completion. During such cases, you can ask your employer to pay you for overtime working hours. This way, you can earn even more than your steady wages by working in the evenings or at weekends. Additionally, the industry is also evolving, which means, you have many opportunities to work overtime.
So, are you ready to explore and excel in the pipefitting career? Get more details from experienced pipe fitting classes. We wish you all the very best.
Watch This Video To Learn More About Pipe fitting Career Option
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