The solar lighting market is growing over the years and one of the products that you will come across is a solar powered lantern. It is similar to a flashlight which provides you with a light source when you need it. However, instead of using the typical electricity or batteries, a solar powered lantern uses solar energy to give you light.
Now, you might be wondering if it’s worth it to invest in a solar powered lantern, which is why we’ve put together the reasons that you should and should not invest in a solar powered lantern. Keep on reading to find out more about the reasons. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the reasons why you should or should not invest in a solar powered lantern.
Why You Should Invest
Here are some of the advantages of a solar powered lantern and why you should invest in one.
Provides convenience
There are probably times when you’re outdoors where there is no electrical source nearby and you have nothing to power your light which can be quite frustrating. Well, with a solar powered lantern, you won’t ever have to experience that again. A solar powered lantern, as the name suggests, uses solar energy to give you light and it doesn’t require any electricity.
By investing in a solar powered lantern, you can bring it anywhere that you wish to illuminate and you don’t need to worry about finding a source of electricity. As long as the batteries are charged with sunlight beforehand, you will have light whenever you need it. Plus, solar powered lanterns today are designed to be extremely portable and sleek which makes them easy to carry around.
Using green energy
Solar energy is a renewable source of energy and is unlike the typical energy source that uses fossil fuels which have high carbon emissions. By using a solar powered lantern, you are utilizing solar energy which can be replenished as long as the sun keeps rising and solar energy has no carbon emissions which lowers your carbon footprint too.
While solar energy is not the only source of renewable energy, it is, however, the most accessible type of green energy. If you care about the planet and want to sustain it by using green energy, investing in a solar powered lantern is a good way to start.
Low maintenance
Some people might be under the impression that solar powered appliances require more maintenance, but that is not entirely true at all. Yes, there are some solar powered appliances that require extra regular care and thankfully, a solar powered lantern is not one of them. As a matter of fact, it is quite the opposite.
A solar powered lantern requires almost no maintenance at all because the solar batteries are designed to last for a long time without maintenance. The only thing that needs to be done, if you wish to keep using it, is to change the solar batteries whenever it needs to be changed and you’ll be good to go.
Saves money
As we’ve mentioned earlier, solar energy comes from the sun and sunlight is free for everyone, unlike the traditional electricity that we use to power the standard lantern. When you use a solar powered lantern, you will not be consuming any electricity and as a result, you can expect a cheaper electricity bill.
The changes in your utility bill might not be very drastic if you don’t always use a lantern, but if you are constantly using it to light up certain areas, you will wish that you used a solar powered lantern earlier.
Why You Should Not Invest
Now that you are aware of the reasons to invest in a solar lantern, let’s take a look at the downside and why you should not invest in one.
Minimal sunlight in your area
Since a solar powered lantern requires sunlight to charge the batteries, it would not be a good idea to invest in one if where you’re at doesn’t get much sunlight. But, solar batteries nowadays have a large capacity so you might only need the sunlight for a few hours just to charge the lantern and you’ll be able to use it for a long time.
Based on the reasons that we’ve talked about, it is clear that the advantages of a solar powered lantern far outweigh the disadvantages. As such, it is clear that you should invest in a solar powered lantern and we suggest you start shopping for a good one that will last you for a long period. Check out Astrum Solar for more solar appliances related reviews!
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