sulfuric water
When you sense a ‘rotten-egg smell’ coming from your water supply, it most likely contains H2S or hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for this strong unpleasant odor and ‘off’ taste. There are cases where the smell is only apparent when the faucet is first turned on or if the hot water runs as heat will force the gas out into the atmosphere, meaning it will be particularly prevalent when taking a hot shower.
Many people opt to use a water filter to remove sulfur smell mostly because the taste and smell are too offensive even at a relatively low level disallowing them from drinking it well before it could reach a harmful level. However, sulfur hydrogen sulfates, sulfates typically don’t have the consideration of being harmful at these low levels. Mostly this deems a nuisance as well as a corrosive to metals, including steel, iron, brass, and copper, generally causing discoloration of yellow or black staining on bathroom and kitchen fixtures.
Facts Concerning Sulfur In Water
A majority of people use filter systems or even water softeners to get rid of most contaminants, but sulfur presents a sticky, problematic issue for those with wells. High levels of this substance have the potential to be unhealthy, causing serious illnesses in some cases. For those who have a well, it’s wise to consult with a professional to find a reliable solution to remove the sulfur from your system. Some frightening facts that you may want to be mindful of when it comes to sulfur include:
- The various bacteria that take up residence in soil use sulfur as a source of food or alternatively as energy. From that, the bacteria then emit hydrogen sulfide gas. When you turn your water on, and you sense the smell of rotten eggs in the system, that should tell you that what you’re actually ingesting is the waste material from that variety of bacteria in the soil.
- A large selection of our foods comprises sulfur, which deems a vital component for a healthy diet, but indulging in too much of the compound in our drinking supply has the potential to lead to dehydration and diarrhea.
- The smell and taste are not the only unpleasant aspect of the sulfur, it has the likelihood to stain toilets, sinks, tubs, even clothing, but it can also do damage to the plumbing and pipes. The bacteria that are responsible for creating the odor produce a type of slime that has the potential to corrode the pipes in a household. Damage of this sort is often not noticed until it becomes an emergent situation. Learn facts about sulfur in your system at https://www.thoughtco.com/interesting-facts-about-sulfur-4051032.
- In hot water, the bacteria that produce the hydrogen sulfide are capable of thriving on that side of the system allowing for the nasty taste and smell to be present within your home.
- Smells attach to everything, especially bad odors; nothing is immune. It will cause all the cosmetics such as furniture, accessories, personal belongings to cling to that odor and will affect your taste in anything that you indulge. When you have that smell in your nasal cavity, anything that you try to consume is going to take on a different palate.
- The EPA has no regulations over the presence of hydrogen sulfide in drinking water when systems have testing. As such, the homeowner needs to take it upon yourself to have the water tested to find out specifically what elements are present and the consistency. Doing so is going to assist you when you decide to find a solution to the issue, whether it be filtration, a softener, or consulting with a professional for their services. They will need to know what precisely they’re dealing with in the drinking supply.
- When you can actually taste the sulfur in the water, you are going to begin to have symptoms, including diarrhea. It’s critical to pay attention to how the water tastes and smells. Some feel that over a certain period of time, your body will acclimate to the sulfur, and the symptoms may dissipate, but why would you want to jeopardize your health in that way? There are solutions available to assist in eliminating the issue from your water source, including a water filtration system with no type of harsh chemicals to cause further harm.
If there is an excessive amount of hydrogen sulfide or sulfate in your private water supply or well, you could possibly obtain an alternate water supply or use one of a variety of different treatments to eliminate the impurity. One drastic solution would be to drill a new well in a better location or perhaps a deeper well. Bottled water is always an option, but with people choosing to live a more eco-friendly life, it’s really not conducive to that. Follow here to find out the health effects of sulfur in the supply.

hand pump
There are several methods to remove sulfates from water, which will depend on a multitude of factors such as the level of sulfate, how much iron and manganese, and if there is also a need to treat bacterial contamination. Based on the level of concentration, hydrogen sulfide has the potential to be eliminated with oxidizing filters, activated carbon filters, or chemical oxidation and filtration.
In any scenario, the best option is to consult with a professional service to inspect the issue that you’re having so they can advise you what your best method of treatment will be for the health and safety of you and your family.
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