How To Prevent From Swimming Pool Algae

swimming pool
Yes, Algae is a beneficial thing for the environment. It provides oxygen of about 70 to 80 % to the environment. But all the things that are good on earth, doesn't mean to be good for everything else. The algae are a threat to health if you can find this in the swimming pool.
Algae are not responsible directly to the harmful health effects; rather some other aspects help them to grow dangerous at a particular time. So, you have to scrub and clean your pool regularly.
What types of Swimming Pool Algae there are?
Especially there are 3 types of regular algae that are found in the pool. These are explained below
Green Algae
Among more than 7000 species the green algae is the most regular in pools. The color is bright green because of chlorophyll in the cells. This can prevail in two ways; green algae can float around the pool water or attached down to the surface. Usually, managing green algae is easier and cleaning causes less efforts.
Mustard Algae
Another name of this is adapted green algae, it has the chlorophyll too, but the green color is covered by the beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is found in photosynthetic organisms and this element is responsible for other color like orange, dark yellow etc. For this reason, the master alga is yellow in color. The beta-carotene or Carotenoids helps mustard algae to let live in the chlorinated water. As Carotenoids defends oxidation, chlorine may have less effect in mustard algae.
Black Algae
Black algae is single celled and lives in large area. It contains the phycobilins that cover the green color of chlorophyll in the algae. Additionally this has the Cyanobacteria that help to grow the plants. The process converts the nitrogen to nitrate; to provide the nutrition to the plants.
Now how these algae would come to pool water?

Swimming pool in backyard
There is nothing like that somebody pours or it flows with the wind. Algae grow in wet areas where the water is not maintained regularly. Then the chlorine and pH level which is the most important factor to keep the water disinfected will get imbalanced in amount. This tends to make water cloudy and surface slippery. The color is green or hard black types that you can catch the condition of water easily. So, algae grow inside the water with the touch of other chemicals from some elements.
How do those algae grow?
As previously told, algae grow in the water. It needs foods to grow. The source of food is phosphates and nitrogen. One of the good sources of nitrogen is dead skin cells from your body and this is the cause that you need to have a shower before diving in the pool. Another thing is urine that is the source of hydrogen and nitrogen, and there is no guarantee of urine free pool if you have kids in the house. These chemicals contradict with the oxygen of the water and create nitrates. This nitrate creates chlorine deficiency and this helps to grow algae.
What health problems can occur?
Algae create problems with the bacteria. Bacteria live on algae and thus this gets stronger day by day if there is no cleansing or brushing of the pool. The bacteria get in with infection or germs that harm the skin of the pool users.
Dermal problems, respiratory problems, ear, and nose infection and so on are prevailed sufferings that people may have. Usually, the kids and elders suffer in health problems mostly as they have less immunity.
How can you prevent this?
Prevention is not a difficult task. You have to maintain the chlorine level of water to two-third in 1 million liter water. This can lead to stopping the growth of algae in the water. Maintaining the chlorine at an optimum level helps to disable the algae to grow. Green, yellow or black algae are removable with a pool scrubbing brush that helps to remove the algae along with the chlorinated tablets and algaecide. The whole pool is free of algae with a good vacuuming and disinfected cleaning process. Let's know some prevention tips
- Keep the sanitizer in the pool in an optimum level.
- You have to take care of the circulation system so that it runs well.
- Pick the perfect pool brush to clean the pool.
- Regularly use the vacuum for cleaning dirt and algae.
- If you use the phosphates regularly then algae can be prevented.
- Brushing and cleaning should go in a scheduled process.
- Have a watch to the pool whole the year.
- After coming close to affected water you have to immediately remove the cloths and wash this.
- Children should be kept out of the pool water because it gets toxins with the water.
The cleaning schedule should be regular and with proper care. Random cleaning would not affect ordinarily. So, you have to clean the pool regularly with the proper chemical. Thus you can keep your pool free from the algae all the time.
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