Moving is not at all as simple as many imagine. It is not about randomly packing things, transporting them, and then just unloading them. If it were so simple, many people would not have spent years at universities studying logistics problems. And moving services might not have existed.
People in some professions, like those in the military, have to keep moving frequently. If you know someone serving in the military, ask them, they will tell you how hard it is to move to a new place. They might even tell you about different problems they faced.
However, those who frequently move from one place to another develop a system and learn secrets, and every subsequent move for them becomes relatively more straightforward. Therefore, if you plan to move, you can learn from these people and learn more about their secrets of staying organized when moving to a new place.
Of course, your starting point must be finding the right kind of moving services, like Safebound Moving & Storage can guide you a lot.
Here are some of the best-kept secrets about moving that can make the process much easier.
Organize boxes according to rooms
People often pack randomly, assuming that they will remember what is in which box. However, that is rarely the case. When they reach their new home, they have no idea of the content of each box. Thus, they have to open all the boxes.
Thus, experts recommend that there should be separate boxes for each room, and they might be labeled, or one can even use tapes of a different color.
Additionally, store things inside the Ziploc baggies or find other ways of packing. This will prevent items from mixing up with each other, and the process of unpacking becomes much simpler.
Pack in boxes of similar sizes
It appears to be simple, but many people fail to realize its benefits. For example, people often buy boxes of different sizes. Therefore, packing and storing boxes of similar dimensions is much easier. Similarly, loading and unloading them will be a lot simpler.
Disassemble whatever you can
Disassemble furniture and other items of daily use. This has multiple benefits. Firstly, they will take much less space during transportation, but that is not all. Disassembling also helps prevent any damage to the furniture or other items.
Use soft things to protect various items
One can use clothes to protect small, fragile items. This will also help prevent collision between such objects. Likewise, one can use large soft things like carpets to protect furniture from scratches and other damage.
Do you prep work
Using moving services is a good idea. However, you would still need to do some prep work like removing wall painting and packing certain delicate items beforehand. For example, moving services can disassemble your furniture, but you must remove all the pillows and articles from the furniture beforehand. Similarly, you need to remove books from the bookshelf.
Use up consumables
Moving to another place never comes as a surprise. In most cases, you might know about it several months beforehand. Thus, start clearing your pantry, freezer, and so on. Also, stop buying large items if you intend to move in the next few months. These may include even microplanning like buying smaller packaging of shampoo and so on.
Pack essential items separately and mark them as the first box or boxes
You would need things almost instantly, and then there are items that you might not need for many days to come. Thus, always pack items of immediate requirement separately and mark those boxes as the ones that must be opened first.
Use moving services
You might feel like saving a few bucks, but in reality, it rarely works. In the end, you might be stressed out and spend much more. Thus, from the very beginning, consider using professional moving services. Contact a company that provides all kinds of moving services, including storage facilities. A professional moving company would make moving to a new place a less stressful experience. They would provide valuable insights and help with almost everything from packing to unpacking and everything in between.
To conclude, those who frequently move from place to place have some well-maintained habits that they have learned through experience, trial, and error, and more. However, you can benefit from their experience by exploring their secrets.
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