Water damage is one of the heavy damages that can affect your home in many ways. Water damages affect the home from inside to outside and its surroundings. Surroundings water damages can be caused by neighbours’ houses such as a leak inside their house is close to your house wall then it can be affected by it.
It also has a unique effect, such as making its way inside the structure. For example, modest water leaks or slow intrusions are slow processes that do significant damage after a time or sudden problems such as floods can do severe damage to your property. So, now let’s see the signs of damages caused by water to or in your home?
1. Walls or Ceilings
If a wall or ceiling has discoloured or its colour starts to faint, or wall paint is peeling or bubbling, it is a sign of water damage. Look for streaks or water in pipes flowing through the walls; if any of the lines are leaked, then the water damage is coming from it.
2. Sounds
Another sign can be determined by using our five senses. Sound of water dripping inside the walls or place different than the plumbing system in the nights or when it requires quiet can be a sign of water damage that can be prevented if found earlier.
3. Smell
If you ever got some different scent or smell in your house while it was locked or you were away, then it can be a sign of damage caused by water to a particular spot-on wall or ceiling.
4. Mold
If there is mold growing in a particular place, it can be a water sign. However, it is not always correct that if a mold increases, it is there because of water damage. But it can be. Mold grows from moisture, so the bathroom can be a spot for mold to grow at the water damage spot. So, it is also advisable to always check the above problems to prevent significant problems in future.
Impacts of water damage
1. Wood
Even though wooden floors appear to be solid and rigid, they are very porous, leaving water damage on them to make them weak and eventually lose their beauty. When water meets the wooden floor, wood immediately absorbs the water, causing it to swell as time passes.
2. Carpet
As a wooden floor, carpets are also porous and can be highly susceptible to water damage. Ifthere is water damage on the carpet or damage caused by water; then the carpet needs to be changed. If there is mold or other contaminants present, it needs to be cleaned or removed by a professional. A repairing or drying process is expensive but needs to be done to save the carpet.
3. Electric Damage
It is known to all that if water is mixed with electricity, the result is not good. Flooding or a leak or damage of water like this can cause massive problems if any of the wires or fuse boxes are exposed to water. It is always beneficial to turn off the electricity in flooding or after flooding.
4. Foundation
One of the good reasons for water damage can be the foundation. The bricks and concrete should be checked before use when a property is constructed. If bricks or concrete have cracks or eroded, then water from floods or the outside, like rain, can penetrate inside your house or your property. If the water penetrates in the winter season and freezes there, it can cause serious problems.
The long-term effect can be determined by time and exposure to water damage in your property. If one can detect, or water damage is detected before it can cause trouble in the future then damage can be avoided, and damage repair costs can be saved.
However, if your damage is significant, its cost to repair it will be reasonable, and repair has no fixed price as it differs and is determined by damage caused by water on-premises. Your home value is also decreased if the damage is not repaired.
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