Which Type of Water Purifier to Choose – Detailed Guide 2019
Here, it is quite evident to us that you’re committed that all the money you spend on buying the best water purifier is the money you spent smartly, owing to the health advantages of drinking unadulterated and purified water at home or office. Above that, there are factually plenty of reasons for the consumer to search for the best water purifier on the market and bring one home; for an example, the water purifiers make sure:

Clean water
- Protection from the threatening water-borne infections and diseases that might be triggered by drinking contaminated water
- Removing the taste of calcium carbonate and chlorine from tap water that signifies it would not make your coffee a mess
- Slight to nil scratching, scaling, and marks on your kitchen utensils and make them shine as new
This Water Purifier Buying Guide is going to assist in choosing an appropriate water purifier for your household. So, read on as we attempt to cover all the significant aspects to be considered while buying the best water purifier for home or office.
Previous to discussing the different technologies used to purify water and distinguish the one that would match your requirements, it is significant that we first comprehend the different types of water contaminants and impurities that are commonly found in water supplied to your house. This is important to discuss as only we would be capable of understanding the requirements for such a wide diversity of different kinds of water purifiers in the market. Pure Water Guide is also provided for you to become aware of the necessity of your lives.
Different Types of Water Impurities & Contaminants

Water Heater Not Hot Enough
Any contaminants and impurities present in the water must be eliminated instantly before they could give rise to any problem. Every single impurity comes accompanied with its health risks not to state the harmful effect they inflict into the water’s quality. Here are the top water contaminants present in tap water:
Fungi, Algae, and Bacteria, all frequently interfere with disinfected research applications. Bacteria might harmfully influence tissue and cell culture by conflicting at the enzyme-dynamic sites on substrates. Therefore, you can distinguish the level of harm they could do when they move into your body through the contaminated drinking water.
Viruses tend to harmfully disturb cell and tissue growth. They’re tremendously small, with a majority of them being in the range of 0.01 – 0.3 microns in size, and they tend to survive for extended time periods. As soon as they’ve been found present in water, they require being eliminated in the next moment to keep you and your family safe.
Dissolved Inorganic Ions
Chlorides, silicates, fluorides, calcium, phosphates, magnesium, sulfates, bicarbonates, ferrous compounds, and nitrates are all the different types of dissolved inorganic ions. The variability in water triggered by these ions is going to destructively affect biological and chemical reactions.
Dissolved Organic Compounds
These are the derivatives of plant and animal decay, on top of the human activities that include the institution of protein, alcohol, chloramine, pesticides, detergents, herbicides into the atmosphere.
Suspended Particles
Whilst the bigger suspended particles of substances like sand, clay, vegetation, or silt in the range of 1 – 10µm are present in water, they give rise to turbidity and tend to settle down at the end. The suspended particles might damage the reverse osmosis filters, membranes, and chromatography posts, particularly if the purification system is supplied water from a tank or reservoir present in the building.
Colloidal Particles
The next category of impurities is even smaller when compared to the suspended particles, being in the range of 0.01 – 1.0µm, and they might not settle. The colloidal particles commonly interfere with diagnostic techniques and avoid ion exchange resins, which effect in inferior resistivity in the DI water.
What are the Different Types and Sources of Water?

Water Heater
In this section, we would be discussing the different water sources available in India and all around the globe. This is vital to choose which best RO water purifier in India to purchase from the home. The primary source of water and moreover the foremost source that we distinguished is rainwater. It institutes the prime basis of groundwater. Also, Freshwater is provided from the snow melting from the mountain ranges, which makes the rivers. There are plenty of areas in the world that don’t have sources of water that are natural.
Even the ponds and lakes are deliberated as the source of freshwater. A few countries are deprived of all these kinds of sources. This is the reason why there is a relentless need for these types of water sources. The nations that don’t have such water sources want help from other parts of the globe to accomplish their run-of-the-mill requirements.
Moving forward, it’s important to discuss water pollution and its sources in diverse places. As mentioned above, snow melting in the mountains, moves through to the plains to give rise to water bodies like rivers or ponds. When they go past different types of lands, the water inclines to gather minerals and rocks. The water moreover gathers salts together with the minerals, which include magnesium, chloride, and potassium. Nitrates and phosphates are also existent in a few water bodies.
Along with natural salts, individuals also contribute to a great degree to contaminate water. There are lots of toxic materials might be found in freshwater rivers such as iron, lead, and mercury. Further, there are animal waste and sewage that tends to pollute freshwater. Every single type of such impurities inclines to give rise to waterborne diseases in beings when they consume polluted water in whole community.

Mobile home
The extent of water pollution along with the water source regulates the working of a best-rated water purifier. The different stages of water pollution and the TDS present in water are also crucial to be considered. The Total Dissolved Solids present in water which is the collective inorganic types of waste present in the rivers. Let us now perceive how different kinds of water purifiers utilize this as their standard purification method.
What are the Different Types of Water Purifying Technologies on the Market?

Service Valve Diagram
Based on the type of water purification technology that is utilized in a water purifier, there are 4 types of water purifiers available on the market, which have been discussed below:
RO Water Purifier
As far as the RO water purifier is concerned, the supplied water is moved past the RO membrane utilizing the high-pressure pump and powers water to go past the RO membrane. RO water purifier eliminates the imperceptible impurities which turn the water salty, hard, like sodium and arsenic.
UV Water Purifier
This water purification method makes use of the ultraviolet rays to get rid of microorganisms, a pathogen which gives rise to several water-borne infections and diseases. The UV water purifiers aren’t going to help in making the hard water soft but solely do away with the pathogens and microorganisms.
UF Water Purifier

How to Repair an Electric Water Heater
These types of water purifiers make use of the hollow fiber membrane. Whilst the water moves through the fiber membrane, the impurities such as suspended solids are collected in the fiber. UF isn’t capable of killing the microorganisms. It is appropriate for the public to supply water containing dissolved salts that are pretty low. The UF membranes are solely effectual whilst it is used in association with other types of water purification methods. The UF water purifier functions without electricity or using any sort of chemicals.
Activated Carbon Water Purifier
The activated carbon water purifiers are crafted out of charcoal granules, which ensured the absorption of herbicides and pesticides. These types of water purifiers function without electricity and the water filter eliminated the chemicals like chlorine when it passes through the carbon granules and thus enhances the water’s taste and eliminates foul smell.
What are the Different Types of Water Purifier Designs in the Market?
As far as the types of water purifiers based on the kind of design is concerned, there are as many as 5 options at your disposal to choose from:
Non-Electrical Without Storage
Crafted using the food-grade plastic, these water purifiers are openly attached to the tap. They comprise a candle-molded filter unit which consists of a resin filter. They can be considered to be the Activated Charcoal and UF filters that operate without consuming electricity and provide pure water for drinking anytime, anywhere, owing to their transportability.
Non-Electrical With Storage
These water purifiers comprise storage tanks for storing the purified water after it passes through the activated charcoal and sediment filters. They are valuable in places where the quality of water supplied is unpredictable.
Electrical Without Storage
The electrical water purifiers are of 2 types i.e. with or without a storage tank. These sorts of units are expedient in areas that have a stable supply of electricity across the year and water quality delivered is the same as that of the storage units.
Electrical With Storage
The electric water purifiers require being linked to the source of water and function on electricity. They tend to use activated water and sediment filters in association with the RO or UV purification arrangements, which require electricity.
In-built Pumps
Comprising the incorporated pumps, these water purifiers are capable of drawing water that is stored inside a vessel, turning them ideal for the regions with stumpy water pressure.
What are the Essential Parts of an RO Water Purifier?
RO Water Purifiers, being the most preferred types of water purifiers on the market, need to be discussed further so as to let our users know more about it. Therefore, we have mentioned all the essential parts that an RO Water Purifier comes equipped with:
Sediment Filter
During the first step of the purification process, the RO water purifiers utilize the pre-sediment filter to eliminate the bristly impurities existing in the supplied water. The finest part is that the sediment filter moreover assists in growing the life expectancy of your RO water purifier.
Activated Carbon Pre-Filter
This water filter helps in eradicating chlorine and other types of organic contaminants like pesticides available in the water. This filter also assists in captivating the bad taste and odor from water to make it appropriate for drinking.
RO Membrane
Water moves through the RO membrane at high pressure employing the water pump. The RO membrane assists in eliminating the pesticides, dissolved salts, heavy metals like arsenic and lead from water.
UV Filter
The high power UV lamps are present in the RO water purifiers to eliminate and hamper the bacteria, viruses, in addition to parasites to deliver pure drinking water.
TDS Controller
The water purifiers that come from prevalent brands like KENT comprise a TDS controller, which assists in preserving the TDS level of the water. The RO purification procedure eliminates the bad impurities along with the essential minerals like magnesium and calcium. To address this issue, the TDS controller plays an imperative role in holding necessary minerals in the water.
RO Water Purifiers – Advantages & Disadvantages
Whilst discussing the advantages associated with RO water purifiers, we might be able to state plenty of them. A few advantages have been mentioned in this section. The best RO water purifiers incline to eliminate all the contaminations in the supplied water, irrespective of the source of water. You must also distinguish the fact that if you subsist in an area that is supplied by hard water, you must opt to choose the RO water purifier since they are perfect for handling hard water.
An RO water purifier is advanced equipment for eliminating generally found cryptosporidium in the river, lake, and the public supply water. These water purifiers also eliminate the toxins that commonly exist in water, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, fluoride, and chlorine. Every single toxin that we have stated here is hurtful if consumed and produce disturbances in the regular working of the human body.
Switching to the negative characteristics of an RO water purifier, there are plenty of disadvantages that are associated with the top-of-the-line models. The foremost drawback is that the RO water Purifiers incline to waste plenty of water. Statistically confirmed, the RO water purifiers tend to waste above 50% of the input water. It is nearly a crime to wastewater in the current era.
The top alternative to address this issue is to utilize the EAT filters. You should also bear in mind that you won’t be capable of using the filters if the input water’s TDS value is below 500 ppm. On top of wasting plenty of supplied water, the RO purifiers moreover incline to dispense out the high TDS water. This is the reason why you would require diluting the wastewater before utilizing it for watering plants or cleaning the floor.
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