Why Having a Baby Can Put Strain on a Relationship
Your little bundle of joy has arrived, and, while you're both excited to be parents to a newborn, it does flip your life upside down. With an extra mouth to feed and round-the-clock attention needing to be provided, it can take away from your time as a couple. Sadly, some married couples find themselves on the brink of divorce after the arrival of a new baby. However, there are some common issues in these cases and ways to get ahead of the problem before having to hire an attorney.
Dividing Responsibilities
In some cases, one partner may feel like they are taking on the bulk of domestic duties, including changing the baby's diaper. Hello Bello diapers are a mix of plant-based and traditional diaper ingredients. They offer a secure fit while allowing flexibility for infants and toddlers who are on the move. With a core made of organic fluff pulp and corn-derived PLA fiber liner that locks in moisture, bundles of Hello Bello can be shipped right to your door, preventing you from having to run out for diapers in the middle of the night.
Even the best baby products and tricks to taking on chores can't distract from the fact that one partner may feel unable to have "me" time. It's important to do your best to divvy up the duties, even taking on specific tasks or being the parent on call. Let your partner get some rest while you take care of the baby.
Breakdown in Communication
When splitting scheduling to accommodate the baby and everything else going on in your world, it can also complicate communication. Many couples have turned to weekly counseling or marriage therapy as a way of better understanding each other and each other's emotions. Some parents opt for a couple counseling retreat, essentially a marriage boot camp that can be a game-changer for how to handle this life-changing event.
These retreats are designed for partners to come away with personal growth and use their teachings to build a better life at home together, which means a better home for the baby. Therapy sessions are not a way of throwing in the towel on a relationship. They are the best way to show that you want to keep the relationship strong and the love growing each and every day.
Intimacy Issues
After hours of dirty diapers and breakdowns in communication, you're probably not really in the mood to do the deed. A lack of intimacy or any romantic relationship can leave things sparse between the sheets. If you're a woman, you may be experiencing issues with your body post-pregnancy. Sometimes, that can make you feel uncomfortable about even as little as foreplay. Therapy sessions can highlight ways to feel reaffirmed within the walls of your sex life. Some therapists actually encourage making the most of the time while a baby is asleep to get interactive.
Differences in Parenting
You may think that your thoughts on raising children are the same, but the truth is that it's hard to predict how you'll feel about sleep, food, and discipline until you're in that moment. It's important to have discussions about baby care in those facets. The last thing you want is messy parenthood that is only associated with irreconcilable differences in philosophy that lead to a child conflicted and potentially acting out over those conflicts.
Parenthood is a settling of differences, being able to come to a compromise on how to raise your child. These can be difficult conversations, but it's important to have a mutual understanding of the approach in the best interest of your kid. After all, you both want to be at your best for your baby.
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