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4 Expert Tips to Help You Choose the Right Recliner for You

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If you’ve recently decided that you want a recliner chair, you may already be viewing catalogues and shortlisting options. It’s essential to point out that the perfect recliner is about more than finding a chair that looks amazing in your space.

Whether you’re looking for an electric recliner lift chair or you’d prefer a more chair-like recliner for your home office, it’s essential to know exactly what you need. This post offers a few expert tips to help you choose the right recliner for your needs.


Finding the Best Option for Your Needs

Recliners have always been associated with luxury, style, and above all else, comfort. With that in mind, you’ll want to find a chair that’s perfect for the intended purpose and the space where you’re going to use it. Here are a few pointers that you should keep in mind before you start shortlisting options.


1.      Assess Functionality

You may think all recliners are essentially the same thing, but you’d be wrong. Not only are modern recliners shaped in a wide range of ways, but they also have different functions. Some may be better suited to relaxing after a long day, while others are streamlined to be used in an office setting. Then there are also lift recliners that have been designed for assisting people with mobility issues.

So, the first step should be to decide what you’re going to be using the chair for. It’s also essential to know who will be using the chair as their comfort levels need to be considered.

Ideally, the person the chair is for should be involved in the decision-making and should test the chair before purchase.

You will also need to check the space that you have for the chair. Fortunately, you no longer need a big space for a recliner as many manufacturers have an extensive range of streamlined options specifically designed for smaller spaces and offices.


2.      Review Must-Have Features

If you’re buying a recliner for a specific reason, then you may already have an idea of what it must be able to do. For instance, if you or the person you’re buying the chair for has mobility issues, then it may be a good idea to choose a power lift recliner which assists with getting up and sitting down.

While there are hundreds of nice-to-have features to consider, the basic types of chairs to choose from include the following:

  • Manual: This type of chair can be manoeuvred into the desired reclining position by simply pulling a handle on the side, or by pushing back into the seat.
  • Lift: Designed to assist people with mobility issues, this chair can assist an individual in moving from a seated position to standing. The chair uses a motor to lift you onto your feet. These chairs are usually remote-controlled and are a game changer for people who would normally require assistance to get up or sit down.
  • Rocking: This chair enables a rocking motion while achieving the desired reclining position. Rocker recliners are a popular choice among new parents who use the feature to soothe their babies.

3.      Consider Style

Once you have narrowed down the must-have features of your new recliner, it’s time to choose the style you want. Here you will consider fabric type, colour, and general design. For instance, should your chair look like a traditional recliner? Or would you prefer a modern, streamlined option that offers comfort and fits into a smaller space?

barber recliner chair

When choosing materials, consider how each option should be cleaned and how that will work in your home. For example, soft silky suede fabrics may not be ideal in a home where your pets and kids will be sharing the chair with you.

While bold colours make a statement, they tend to get boring after a while. It’s always a good idea to choose a neutral colour that you can incorporate into any space.


4.      Choose the Right Size

Recliners aren’t a one-size-fits-all purchase. This means you will need to look for an option that fits your body type. Recliners with shorter backs may be uncomfortable for taller people and narrow seats may not be ideal for larger people.

Wherever possible, buy your recliners from a retailer that has an actual showroom where you can test comfort levels and view the features on offer first-hand. Here are some pointers to consider:

  • Your feet should comfortably touch the ground when you’re seated
  • Shoulders should naturally meet the seam where the back cushions meet
  • You must feel comfortable on the seat and not constricted
  • Back cushions should provide lumbar support, which you should instantly feel
  • Your head should also be supported and not feel strained

Final Thoughts

Investing in the right recliner will ensure that you have years of comfortable seating. Assessing the various features will enable you to have a chair that benefits your health and helps you to relax. With so many options to choose from, you’ll soon have the perfect chair for your needs, space and budget.






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