Our clothes, upholstery, and carpets are regularly tarnished with spots and stains from daily use. Choosing the right removal method is essential or you could damage the material and make the stain worse. But some substances are so difficult to remove, they must be left to professionals.
ICE Cleaning is a professional cleaning company that offers a range of specialist cleaning services including mould removal, fire damage cleaning, and carpet cleaning. The company operates nationwide, 24/7, 365 days a year, including bank holidays.
Read on to find out what the different stain removal methods are.
Blot the stain
For fresh stains, lightly dab at them with a clean, white cloth to remove excess residue. Be careful to make sure you don’t spread the substance around or you could make the stain bigger. You should then saturate the affected area with a stain remover and blot to lift it from the fabric.
Ensure you use a different part of the cloth regularly so you don’t risk re-transferring the stain back onto the item.
Brush off dried stains
If the spill has dried and there is a lot of excess substance, use a brush to gently get rid of the dried substance. Don’t rub the material too hard with an abrasive brush or you could damage the fabric and spread the spill across the surface.
Wet stains should be scraped with a dull knife or similar tool to get rid of the excess, first. Then, you can consider treating the stain.
Soak up oily stains
For oily, greasy stains, you need to soak up the substance before you tackle the stain. There are lots of absorbent household goods to choose from, like baking soda or cornstarch, which can quickly remove excess oil.
Hold the stain under running water
Flushing the area with water can physically remove the stain from the individual fibres, or the water can work as a solvent to remove the stain. This technique only works for materials that can be held under a tap, like clothes.
Heat might set certain stains, like blood, so use cold water unless you know what the specific substance you are trying to get rid of is.
Tamp difficult-to-treat stains
Tamping is when you hit a stain with a stiff brush. It is normally used for stains on surfaces which are hard to wash, like upholstery and carpets. Make sure you don’t scrub the stain with the brush or you could damage the fabric or the carpet fibres.
Some stains must be left to professional cleaners, like mould, soot, and nicotine stains. They require specialist tools and expert cleaning to get rid of, and can be dangerous to be exposed to.
ICE Cleaning’s technicians have many years of experience tackling these stubborn stains and restoring properties to their previous condition.
You can find out more about ICE Cleaning on its website.
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