Summertime calls for long afternoons laying out at the beach, playing games in the garden, and sunset barbeques. However, summer also means high temperatures. One of the quickest ways to ruin a fun day in the sun is to have your AC fail when temperatures are at their highest. Air conditioning has changed the way people live and work, and that’s why it has become a necessity, especially during the summertime.
If you want to have a good working AC whenever you need one, it’s best to schedule annual maintenance checks with a professional and clean your filters. However, things are not always so simple.
Read on to learn a few more things about keeping your AC in good condition so you won’t have to worry about it breaking down during the hottest time of year.
Get your AC serviced early
When temperatures rise, cooling systems keep people safe from the health risks of extreme heat. However, when they break down it can be quite a problem. An air conditioner can account for up to 70% of the energy costs during the summer months and around 12% of your annual energy costs. That’s why you need to know a few tips and tricks to lower energy costs while getting the most out of your AC.
The number one tip is to get your AC serviced each year by a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Ontario, Canada, make sure you have your AC unit serviced by a local AC installation and repair professional once spring is in full swing. Find the best AC installation Oakville-based service that will help you keep your AC unit in peak condition, running smoothly, and free of costly preventable repairs.
Change air filters and check the drainage line
If you want to make your air conditioner work better, make sure you check the air filters regularly. Keep in mind that the system has to work harder to draw in enough air when the air filters are dirty and clogged. They not only increase energy use but also put more strain on your system. Check the air filters monthly and clean them whenever necessary. If you want to improve your AC’s performance, you can also contact professionals to replace them so you can maintain the long-term health of your system.
Another important thing is to check and clear the drainage line. Note that your air conditioning unit removes moisture through a small drainpipe, and over time, this drainpipe can get blocked with debris. This will prevent the unit from reducing indoor humidity. If you have a clogged drainage line, you can clear it with suction from a shop vac. Additionally, if you want to prevent the buildup of mildew, pour a cup of bleach into the access opening for the drainage line.
Install a smart thermostat
Since AC units can cause your energy bills to skyrocket, it’s time to think of a way to keep both the temperature and bills low. For instance, you can install a smart thermostat that will automate temperature adjustments, and maximize both comfort and energy savings. These devices will allow you to schedule the AC operations when you’re at home or away.
The temperature may rise 5-10 degrees while you’re not home but return to your ideal temperature by the time you get back home. This will help you save quite a bit on your energy bill. So, allow your smart thermostat to automatically raise the temperature in your house when you’re not there. Keep in mind that installing a smart HVAC system will also help you increase the value of your home.
Invest in energy-efficient windows and blinds
Opening your windows and doors frequently while your AC unit is running will cause the temperature in your home to rise or fall accordingly, which means your system has to work harder to constantly adjust. That’s why you should think about installing energy-efficient windows to save both money and energy.
In addition, since windows not only let the heat in making it harder for your AC to cool your home, they also let in lots of sunlight. The more heat and cold that you keep out, the less your AC unit has to work, and the longer it will last. So, think about investing in energy-saving windows as well as blinds to keep your AC in good condition and save money.
Final thoughts
Apart from regular maintenance, cleaning the air filters, and installing a smart thermostat, you need to think about sealing any other openings that may let cold air escape. Consider your landscaping, and make sure you upgrade your AC unit since each one has a limited lifespan, and if it’s breaking down regularly, it may be time for an upgrade.
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