Know These Things Before Buying A Battery Powered Leaf Blower
Your personality is not only displayed by your clothing, cars, job status but also by your home. And the first thing that your guest notices is the garden because it usually known for improving the home’s aesthetic. No matter how many beautiful flowers and gardening your garden has, if it is not clean then it’s not attractive. And your cleaning task is made tough by those dried leaves. You cannot hand-picked each leaves even if you have enough time doing that, because it’s boring. So, get your task done faster by using a battery powered leaf blower.
It is an interesting gadget to clean those dried leaves faster from your home yard. However, you should not buy any ordinary leaf blower. A quality leaf blower will make your task comfortable whilst saving money and time. Are you ready to take the challenging task of finding a right leaf blower?
Yes, you heard right its challenging because there are lots of brand in the market. Moreover, they are available in number of types. To know all the ins and outs of finding an ideal leaf blower is to read our guide.
Advantages of buying it
Even if you say no to leaf blower buy your garden needs it very badly. And there are benefits of purchasing one for your garden. Why to buy?
- Because its cordless
- Because its traveling friendly
- Because its save money
- Because its environment friendly
- Because it’s easy to maintain
- Because its energy efficient
These benefits may end up buying a good leaf blower but you should also take good care of it. Avoid heating of battery and don’t charge when it’s hot. Charge it when it goes to 20 percent instead of zero. Also, don’t completely drain the battery before storing it when not in use. It should be charged. Also, avoid moisture as it can damage the battery.
Leaf blowers’ type that is available in the market
You will get four categories of blowers in the market and they are:
- Electric powered
- Battery powered
- Gasoline powered
- Cordless powered
Electric powered leaf blowers are good because of their low weight and comfort ability to handle. However, there is a disadvantage that it has a long extension cord that you have to connect to a point. This is not an exciting option for those who don’t want to carry a cable all time. But its light weight makes it a long lasting gadget.
On other hand, gasoline powered leaf blower is an amazing option because of its excellent blowing speed. It can blow the leaves of the farthest areas as well. However, it needs to power up with the gasoline. It means every time the tank is empty you need to visit the nearest gas station for filling up the tank. Taking the big blower to a gas station means you have to invest time and money. Also, not everyone can lift the heavy blower to the gas station.
Cordless or battery powered leaf blower is a worth buying option. It is because of free cable movement. In addition to this, the autonomy of the blower is about 30 minutes that is very high. But you have to get a battery in advanced to continue its working non-stop.
Read below the guide to buy a good batter powered blower for your garden.
Users guide on leaf blower
Every product has some features that make it worth buying than rest of the products. Some are heavy while others are light. Some are noisy while others are quiet. And some have good speed while others are slow. But a battery powered blower is quieter and make less noise, it’s light because no gasoline tank is attached to it, and speed is also good.
But apart from this, there are some more features to look-in. here are they.
Flow of air
A blower with enough capacity to blow air is good. And you must look for this significant feature. And a blower with good volume and speed can results into good air flow. So, look for the speed and volume.
Life of battery
Nothing more is likely to consider than the battery’s life in your leaf blower. Your blower should not stop working in few years of purchase and if do, you have simply wasted money. In short invest in quality product. Get a product with long and good battery life.
Power adjuster
It is another great feature to look in your blower. You need to blow up all the leaves at the same power. Therefore, it should have adjusted buttons to adjust the level of power you need. Moreover, adjusting the power level also saves or increases the battery life.
The most important part if the protection features of the leaf blower. You need protection for your eye or ear. The extreme noise of the blower can also blow up your ear. So, must wear earplugs. And the dust while blowing the leaves can cause irritation to the eyes. Therefore, focus on both these protection features.
Efficient tube
An efficient tube is all that you need to clean everything from your home yard. It should be long and strong enough to remove the debris effectively from the garden.
You should be able to comfortably use the battery powered leaf blower.
Handling ease
Comfortably also means the ease of handling so that you can easily use blow the leaves. Portability is again a significant feature.
The last consideration may not be applicable to everywhere but some areas ban the use of leaf blower,. So check for the restrictions if any in your area regarding the use of leaf blower because of the noise it produces. And if it is there then check all the rules before buying it because your neighbor may get disturb from its noise.
Always buy a top product with these features so that you don’t miss any benefit of the battery powered leaf blower. And enjoy the clean and green backyard with no dried leaves.
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