Is the HVAC system you are currently using 20 years old or older? Is it not performing as well as it should be? Then, it may be time for you to consider upgrading it to a high-efficiency HVAC system. In the recent past, HVAC technologies have advanced significantly by introducing smart HVAC features. These features highly improve efficiencies that save time, money, and energy, all in one package.
Some signs that your HVAC system is due for an upgrade include:
- Constant damp or stuffy air
- Frequent HVAC system repairs
- The constant need to adjust your thermostat to maintain room temperature
- Loud noises anytime you start up your air conditioner or furnace.
Do you relate to any of the HVAC system issues listed above? Then it may be time you considered upgrading to a modern system. Here’s why.
Fresher Air
Research shows that, in most cases, indoor air is usually low compared to the quality of outdoor air. This reason is where a high-efficiency HVAC system comes in.
Besides heating and cooling your home, a modern high-efficiency HVAC system comes equipped with state-of-the-art purification and filtration technologies. These features rid your indoor air of health-affecting pollutants and contaminants, such as pollen, dust, dander, germs, mold, chemical vapors, odors, virus-sized particles, and allergens.
These systems are a welcome change for anyone interested in breathing fresher air or who may battle allergies.
Consistent Room Temperature
With an older system, you probably would experience contrasts in heating and cooling. These inconsistencies might be major differences in temperature from room to room or icy blasts as soon as you turn on the system.
However, these disparities are a thing of the past with modern HVAC systems. The systems maintain your home’s humidity and temperature accurately. They also come with heater installation features that allow you to customize the air in different sections and rooms in your home to the comfort of the occupants.
Lower Energy Costs
The older your HVAC system is, the higher it will cost you to run. Besides incurring heavy repair and servicing costs, older systems run higher utility bills. High-efficiency HVAC systems, however, are both environment and wallet-friendly.
For instance, the furnace of a high-efficiency system offers as much as a 99% efficiency rating. In simple terms, this means that a modern HVAC system can convert all the energy it uses into the cooling and heating of your home. And for less than half the cost, its air conditioners boast an efficiency of 26 SEER.
Whisper Quiet Systems
Today’s modern high-efficiency HVAC systems competently do away with those noisy, rattling sounds of older HVAC systems. They now have sound-dampening insulation features that absorb excess and unnecessary noises so that any sounds you may hear will be very minimal.
Smart Controls
As with today’s gadgets and devices, these modern, high-efficiency HVAC systems have smart thermostats you can remotely control. You manage these systems using an app on your tablet or phone. The app allows you to adjust temperatures and humidity levels, schedule “away” modes, and optimize the air throughout your home even before you get there.
These modern systems also include features such as smart thermostats that not only identify but also diagnose and troubleshoot issues in your home and send alerts to your smartphone. These alerts will help you take action to neutralize minor problems before they develop into major damages.
Upgrading to a modern high-efficiency HVAC system may be costly. However, the benefits of cleaner air, lower utility bills, and more comfort far outweigh any costs you may incur.
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