Whether you're only renovating or building a new home, there is quite a massive list of major dos and don'ts that you might simply overlook the little things that can make a lot of difference. Corner guards are among those things.
You want to have a safe and sound structure while staying within your budget. But when it comes to protecting the corners of walls that get ruined too often, you need to look into corner guards.
Corner guards are highly effective when it comes to preventing damage to walls, equipment, and even furniture.
So, let's look into the types of corner guards, their purpose, and the benefits of having them installed in your property.
Purpose of Installing Corner Guards
The corners of the walls around your home are incredibly sensitive. Not only that, once something goes wrong, you most definitely will never be able to get that authentic look and feel again, no matter how much you try to fix it. Unless, of course, you replace the wall.
For instance, you are rearranging some furniture around the home, and the sofa bumped up against the corner of a wall, and now there are scratches or maybe just streaks. These will become dents or missing pieces over time. Eventually, you might have an unsightly wall corner that you try to keep hidden.
If you buy quality corner guards and get them installed at every corner of your home, you can prevent the wear and tear. While corner guards don't usually break or discolor easily to ensure continuous and long term protection, you should look into metal corner guards because they are more durable. They can even be crack and scratch proof.
Types of Corner Guards You Can Look Through
Many manufacturers out there offer a variety of corner guards. But the most popular types of guards are:
- Stainless Steel Corner Guards
- Aluminum Checker Plate Corner Guards
- Steel Metal Corner Guards
- Commercial, Industrial, and Heavy Duty Corner Guards
These corner guards come in various colors to make it easier for you to get them installed at home.
With corner guards, there are also a couple of other options like vinyl and rubber. But going with steel, stainless steel, or aluminum is the more sensible option in terms of durability and functionality.
Benefits of Having Corner Guards
Make Your Wallpapers Last Longer
If you have wallpaper anywhere in your home or workplace, you might've noticed that sooner or later it starts to peel away.
The wallpapers peel away even more easily in the kitchen and bathrooms. The reason is that the moisture ruins the adhesive and the wallpaper no longer sticks.
If you already have a wallpaper that is in perfect shape or you are planning to get wallpaper, you should consider getting corner guards put up as well. With high-quality corner guards, your wallpaper can stay in place much longer. Not to mention, the longer your wall lasts, the less money you have to spend on repairs.
Keep the Corners of Your Drywalls Safe
Drywalls are incredibly sensitive, and they can easily be damaged if something hits them hard enough. If you're moving a sofa, you might only scratch or streak a brick wall. But with a drywall, you might end up breaking off a chunk of it from the corner.
While all damages vary, it's nearly impossible to get the same original look without having to replace the entire wall.
Therefore, you can simply avoid the dents, gouges, and torn drywall paper by using corner guards. Having quality corner guards installed will be like adding extra protection to keep your finish safe and make the edges look great.
Prevent Injuries
Having pets or young kids around the house is not easy. You will have to child-proof or pet-proof the whole place, which can mean removing or adding a lot of things. However, have you thought about wall corners?
Wall corners can be very dangerous for toddlers who easily fall over, young kids playfully running around the house, and even pets.
For these purposes, you might need to get some corner guards in your home. However, getting metal, steel, or aluminum will defeat the whole purpose of putting them up because they will be hard as well. Therefore, you can look into corner guards made from a soft material.
Help People in Wheelchairs
Whether you consider divider corners or wall corners, you might realize that they don't go too well with wheelchairs or walkers. If you or anyone in your house uses a wheelchair or walker, you might need to secure the corners because they are highly susceptible to damage.
Help You Save Money In The Long Run
If you have unsecured wall corners in your home, they might not always be in as sharp a shape as they were in when the wall was constructed. Whether it's because something heavy hits the walls or it has been a couple decades, the wall corners don't seem to last very long.
If you go with corner guards, you can easily keep the corners of your walls secure. Otherwise, you might have to spend a lot of money and have a whole renovation project just to get the corners of a wall fixed.
Add To the Décor of a Space
Corner guards are available in a large variety of colors, and you can also choose between several materials. The range allows you the freedom to pick corner guards that will best suit the colors and theme of the space in the home where you want to install them.
With some corner guards, you can get them painted or colored to properly make them blend in. Alternatively, you could leave them as it is to make them stand out.
Incredibly Easy To Clean
If you place the corner guards in your kitchen or maybe an eatery, you will be very happy to find out that metal, steel, or aluminum corner guards are incredibly easy to clean. Also, you don't necessarily need to use any special cleaning products for the corner guards.
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