Children are sometimes seen as vaults of boundless energy that simply can’t be contained. This is, of course, an exaggeration, However, any experienced parent, teacher or caretaker would fondly remember the time they were finally able to wear them out.
Moreover, isn’t it the stage in life where we all must just go through, running around, climbing, crawling, jumping, and breaking limits? Is there any such thing as “too much”, when you’re a kid? Of course, there’s probably too much candy, video-games, and screen time.
But, what if we’re talking about workouts? Can a healthy habit or a hobby be considered excessive? Let’s find out!
What are the signs that your kid is exercising too much?
Let’s say you’re a parent to a kid with an ambition to become a professional athlete one day. Sure, the key to success in any field lies in diligent practice and exercise. Sports are no exception. However, like with any other human endeavors, there are certain limits we should learn to respect.
When your kid is spending too much time on training, you should notice the following signs:
- Chronic fatigue
- Emotional outbursts and irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Disturbed sleeping pattern
- Lack of attention in school
- Loss of interest in leisure activities.
When you notice some of the above signs, you should talk to your child and try to give them some time off. If they spend a big part of their week on this, maybe slowing things down a bit could help. Of course, if necessary, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.
Can my kid get injured while exercising?
When your child is training too vigorously or trying to break a personal record, there’s a greater risk of injury. This is especially the case when there’s a history of previous injuries or chronic burn-out. Also, insufficient guidance and training can also lead to injuries.
Young athletes that perform organized sports twice as much as free play activities are at much greater risk to get injured. As a result, experts recommend diversifying their activities so that they engage different muscles and joints than those used in their sport.
What is the right amount of exercise for school children?
Personal trainers and PE experts recommend up to 60 minutes of physical activity of moderate-to-vigorous intensity each day. This should involve daily aerobic exercise, as well as activities that are beneficial for bones, for example jumping and running. Experts recommend intense activity at least three times a week. This includes muscle-boosting activities, like doing push-ups and climbing, for example.
Your kid can try out these activities at a local football court, gym, or at an indoor fun park in your neighborhood, like Uptown Jungle in Peoria, AZ, with trampolines and obstacle courses. Besides, they will be fully entertained by a variety of entertaining amenities found throughout the park.
What is the healthiest way for children to enjoy physical activity?
The key to preventing burn-out and fatigue in children lies in variation. Practicing only one sport and activating only one group of muscles can come at great costs. To keep a young athlete motivated, you should vary the intensity, type of activity, and always include time for rest. In addition, don’t forget to feed their imagination and curiosity.
While it’s true that many kids will tend to try out some type of sports, the majority will not choose it as a career path later in life. It’s much better to keep it as a life-long healthy habit, than to push our boundaries too far.
Life can have exciting and novel twists. Keep your kids safe and encourage them to play safely. Also, teach them the value of quality rest and patience.
What are the signs that your kid is exercising too much?
Let’s say you’re a parent to a kid with an ambition to become a professional athlete one day. Sure, the key to success in any field lies in diligent practice and exercise. Sports are no exception. However, like with any other human endeavors, there are certain limits we should learn to respect.
When your kid is spending too much time on training, you should notice the following signs:
- Chronic fatigue
- Emotional outbursts and irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Disturbed sleeping pattern
- Lack of attention in school
- Loss of interest in leisure activities.
When you notice some of the above signs, you should talk to your child and try to give them some time off. If they spend a big part of their week on this, maybe slowing things down a bit could help. Of course, if necessary, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.
Can my kid get injured while exercising?
When your child is training too vigorously or trying to break a personal record, there’s a greater risk of injury. This is especially the case when there’s a history of previous injuries or chronic burn-out. Also, insufficient guidance and training can also lead to injuries.
Young athletes that perform organized sports twice as much as free play activities are at much greater risk to get injured. As a result, experts recommend diversifying their activities so that they engage different muscles and joints than those used in their sport.
What is the right amount of exercise for school children?
Personal trainers and PE experts recommend up to 60 minutes of physical activity of moderate-to-vigorous intensity each day. This should involve daily aerobic exercise, as well as activities that are beneficial for bones, for example jumping and running. Experts recommend intense activity at least three times a week. This includes muscle-boosting activities, like doing push-ups and climbing, for example.
Your kid can try out these activities at a local football court, gym, or at an indoor fun park in your neighborhood, like Uptown Jungle in Peoria, AZ, with trampolines and obstacle courses. Besides, they will be fully entertained by a variety of entertaining amenities found throughout the park.
What is the healthiest way for children to enjoy physical activity?
The key to preventing burn-out and fatigue in children lies in variation. Practicing only one sport and activating only one group of muscles can come at great costs. To keep a young athlete motivated, you should vary the intensity, type of activity, and always include time for rest. In addition, don’t forget to feed their imagination and curiosity.
While it’s true that many kids will tend to try out some type of sports, the majority will not choose it as a career path later in life. It’s much better to keep it as a life-long healthy habit, than to push our boundaries too far.
Life can have exciting and novel twists. Keep your kids safe and encourage them to play safely. Also, teach them the value of quality rest and patience.
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