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swimming pool
A swimming pool is a fun and valuable addition to your home. But after a while or when you miss on properly maintaining your pool, problems are bound to arise. As a pool owner, it is crucial to know the most common pool problems and how to fix them. With this knowledge, you can spend more time enjoying your pool and less time worrying that it will need major repairs.
There are several types of leaks that commonly afflict pools. The one that causes the most damage is a leak in the sidewall or base of the pool. These leaks require a complete replacement of one or both walls of the pool, which can be very costly depending on their severity.
Leaks in the floor generally occur at joints between sections because these seams often move when filled with water during heavy use periods such as summertime. If you suspect a leak near the base of your pool, stop using it immediately.
The leading causes of leaks are holes in the sidewall or floor seams that are too thin or poorly fitted together during installation. It can also be general wear and tear over time because of regular use.
How to Fix This Problem
The easiest way to fix a leak in the pool floor is by placing, or tacking, additional vinyl sheeting over it and welding it in place. This is usually reserved for small holes and seams that are still holding together well. If the hole has started to separate, you'll need to replace the entire wall. If your pool wall has already been removed completely because of a major leak, you will need to fit new pieces by gluing them into place using special epoxy cement.
However, if the problem is too big for you to handle, hire a professional plumber who specializes in pool repairs. The benefit of hiring a professional plumber is that they have the proper equipment and chemicals to ensure that your pool is repaired correctly. Plus, these professionals are insured.
Green Water
Several things usually cause green water. The most common cause is algae, which naturally grows in pools when they are warmer and have a lot of sunlight. When the pool is not well circulated or contains stagnant water from rain or other external sources, this can lead to tremendous algae growth. If you don't regularly add chlorine to your pool, algae can also grow on top of the water in a thick green film that makes the whole pool look bad.
Other chemicals in your pool can contribute to green water as well. Ammonia and nitrogen will reduce the effectiveness of chlorine that would typically kill off any algae present in your pool's water.
How to Fix This Problem
The first thing you should do is test your pool water to determine what chemicals are causing the green color. Algae will not only make your home look bad. It also can clog filters and even damage pool pumps.
You can quickly eliminate algae by shocking the pool with chlorine, which kills algae on contact.
Test the pH of your water to ensure that it falls within the 7.2–7.6 range. If it's too high, add more acid; add more base if it's too low. Then check the total alkalinity level of your water to see what it needs to balance out the pool chemistry and test the chlorine levels in the water. Shock the pool with enough chlorine to kill algae, and recheck all of your pool chemistry to ensure that it's balanced.
After shocking the pool, clean the walls and other surfaces with an algae cleaner, then vacuum the pool. The chemicals in these cleaners break down the algae's cell walls, causing them to release their grip on surfaces and allowing you to float them away. Shocking should kill off any living green water in your pool, but it won't do anything to eliminate dead algae cells that are already stuck to your pool's surfaces.
Cloudy Water
Instead of greenish water, your pool could have a cloudy appearance, which is also caused by bacteria buildup. This type of water has a thicker consistency and is not as clear as normal pool water.
How to Fix This Problem
Like green water, cloudy water also needs to be treated with chlorine. Add chlorine or other chemicals to the water until the cloudiness goes away. If this doesn't work, use a clarifier, which will make your pool clear in one application.
If adding more chemicals still does not fix the problem of cloudy water, drain half of the water from your pool and scrub it down with a rust-removal brush to get rid of any grime buildup on the walls and floor. Then add new clean water to dilute anything else that is left behind. You can also try using a flocculant, a type of polymer powder that causes fine particles to clump together, so they're easier for filters to grab hold of and remove from the pool.
Burning and Irritating Sensations After Swimming
If you feel a burning sensation when you get out of the water or your eyes get red and irritated, this is an emergency that must be handled immediately. Feeling burning sensations and irritation after swimming is a sign of pH imbalance. If the pH level in your pool is too high, chemical irritants will build upon your skin, causing redness and discomfort. If the pH level of the water is too low, you'll feel stinging when you swim or get out of the water.
How to Fix This Problem
To fix this problem, double-check that chemicals are added to your pool at levels recommended by test results. If you don't regularly test the pH levels of your pool's water, this could cause both an irritating pH imbalance and cloudiness in the water. You can also add another chemical treatment to bring down the acid in pools with high pH levels.
Clogged Filters and Fur on the Floor and Walls
Fur happens when dirt and debris build up in the pool over time. This growth then clogs your filters and causes any chemicals you add to the water to be less effective than they should be. Because of these problems, it can also become impossible for you to remove any algae from the water with regular shock treatments.
How To Fix This Problem
The best way to fix this problem is by skimming every day and cleaning out your filter regularly. However, if brushing and vacuuming don't do enough to get rid of all of this gunk, you'll need more potent treatment products. Add a pool algaecide and a good pool surface cleaner to the water. The pool's walls and floor should then be scrubbed with a stiff brush, though you'll probably need to repeat this treatment every day until the gunk is gone from your pool.
Pool problems can be frustrating and challenging to fix, but you can usually get rid of green or cloudy water with chlorine treatments. To fix the problems caused by the fur on the walls and floors of your pool, clean more often and add stronger chemicals to your treatment routine. Also, fix any pH imbalances immediately if they're causing burning sensations after swimming.
If all else fails, consider getting the help of a professional. Many people find that it costs less to hire a professional than to buy all of the chemicals and treatment products they need on their own.
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