Thinking of skipping out on waterproofing to try and save some money? If you live in colder climes like North America, skipping out on waterproofing your home could leave you damp come Christmas. Here’s why waterproofing your home will always be a clever idea.
If you live in a rainy area, then you might already know about the importance of waterproofing. As much as we put our trust in bricks and mortar, the buildings we live in don’t always live up to expectations. Whether you keep filling in gaps in the exterior of your house or not, keeping the damp outside can be a constant battle against nature. It’s a battle that not all of us win. Yet keeping your family dry in winter should be a priority for every householder. Let’s remind ourselves why waterproofing to keep dry is so important.
What is Waterproofing?
For those that don’t know, waterproofing is what those of us who dwell in rainy countries must do to protect our homes and properties from the elements. It involves coating our house with waterproof paints, lacquers, and even waterproof membranes. All this stops the water from eating away at the brickwork of your home.
Remember, you will need the help of an expert for waterproofing your home. You need to hire the one that offers the best service at an affordable price. Other than that, make sure you hire a local expert to cut costs. For example, hire a Boston basement waterproofing company if you live in Boston.
The 7 Consequences if You Don’t Waterproof
Forgot to waterproof, and it’s too late to prepare for the wet season? Here are some of the consequences to expect.
1. Your basement will flood
If you don’t waterproof downstairs, your basement might well flood and damage the structural integrity of your house. Generally, making sure the walls and floor receive a coating of waterproof substance will allow you to keep the dampness at bay.
2. Rot gets in
When damp settles into the bones of your house, rot and decay soon follow. Damping the joists and wooden beams creates mold and attract pests. Dampness in your brickwork is worse. If that water eats away at the bricks, it weakens your home altogether.
3. The house’s structural integrity weakens
Houses that live in flood zones regularly need routine maintenance to stop them from falling. Water damage erodes buildings. As the building erodes, so do the bolts and joins that hold it together. Before you know it, a few beams are bearing the load of the whole upper floor. If it gets bad enough, the whole building could collapse.
4. Damp is difficult to get rid of
Once damp gets into the foundations of your home, usually through the basement – it is difficult to get it out again. You will spend far more money eradicating a house that has dampness in the basement than you will simply perform the waterproofing tasks in the first place. Failing to waterproof is, therefore, a false economy.
5. Mold will take over
Worse than the dampness is the mold that will creep in. Mold infests your house, spreading out in bacteria-ridden patches to affect the air quality. Molds produce toxins as a by-product; some even emit noxious gas or powder.
6. And black mold will form
Black mold comes after severe dampness or flooding. It is the worst kind of mold that there is. It’s the worst because it causes horrible diseases. One of these diseases is Aspergillosis, a fungal mold that reproduces inside your lungs. This mold causes things like TB.
7. Your family will be at risk
If you put all these negative consequences together, you will notice that they all amount to the same thing. Whether through a black mold, weakened joists, or eroded brickwork, dampness can bring your house down. Not just around you, either, but around your family. What’s the solution? Just waterproof. It really is as simple as that.
Hire an expert to take a look at your home to know whether you need waterproofing or not. The expert will help you waterproof your home. Once you waterproof your home, you can live peacefully.
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