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Here’s How You Can Transform Your Patio Into A Perfect Hangout

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Kids friendly Patio

Kids friendly Patio

Upgrading your outdoor space into a cozy place for chilling and family parties? You’re on the right page. Below are some of the steps you can take to be successful in your patio renovation project!

1. Pick your theme first

Whatever room you’re designing, always choose a theme first.

Choosing the perfect theme will not only bring out your personality, but it can also make your life easier, especially when buying outdoor furniture and furnishings.

Since the goal of having a theme is to adhere to one style and make the overall design more coherent, naturally, it will help you narrow down your options for furniture and accessories.

If you’re just a newbie when it comes to designing, you don’t have to design from scratch like what professionals do. You can simply scour the internet for pegs and inspirations and maybe steal an idea or two.

Visit online magazines that talk about architecture and interior design and look for themes like minimalist, industrial, tropical, or even brutalist. Go check the photos and see if you can pull them off.

You can also draw inspiration from home projects posted on social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites.

Make sure to choose a theme that matches your personality that’s also easy to pull off.


2. Master the colour wheel

Once you’ve picked your theme, the next step is to revisit the colour wheel and whip up the colour palette that you want to go for.

If you want your life to be much easier, you can simply copy the colours from the pegs and inspirations that you chose. But if you want to design your patio with a personal touch, you have to figure out the colours that work best together. Consult with a patio contractor for the best suggestions.

Getting the colours right is equally important as choosing the right theme for your outdoor space. Colours have the power to make or break the whole vibe of your patio.

For example, if you paint an outdoor space with dark colours, it will evoke a sense of maturity or elegance to it. Which is just the right mood for lounge or bar-type patios.

But if you design your space with lighter colours like oak, it will exude a sense of warmth. Which is a whole lot different vibe that’s perfect for family gatherings and reunions.


3. Get accurate measurements  

Now that you got your colours right, the next thing to do is to get your measurements right.

Getting the exact measurements before shopping for anything will save you a world of trouble and hassle so make sure not to skip this part.

What you need to do is to get your measuring tape and measure the whole space down to the last millimetre. Make sure to get the measurements of the nooks and awkward angles as well.

These numbers will help you with setting up your floor plan. This is to make sure that every piece of furniture that you’re going to buy is the right size.

As much as possible, you want everything to fit in nicely so that the space will not feel crowded or empty once you set up the furniture.

When looking for the size of the furniture, make sure that it will leave some allowance on the space as well. Keep in mind that you’re not just going to fit in a couple of sofas and chairs, you also need to consider the people that will use it regularly.

So make sure they’ll have space to move around freely by getting the right sizes of furniture.

4. Buy durable outdoor furniture and accessories

So you already got your sizes, the last thing you want to do is to buy designer outdoor furniture Sydney. Just make sure they’re durable enough to last you for several years.

Keep in mind that the furniture that you’re going to buy will be exposed 24/7 to sunlight, rain, wind, dust, and other elements that can deteriorate normal furniture easily.

That’s why the outdoor furniture that you’re going to take home must be made of durable materials and made by trusted brands. 

Trust us, you’ll save more by buying slightly pricier but durable furniture than buying the one that’s cheap but wobbly. Because you’ll end up replacing it in less than a year for sure.

You can definitely DIY your patio and transform your backyard. Just note that It will take time and resources. If you want to leave it to the experienced patio builders, check out the experts from Trueline.







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