Outdoor Living: Why Building a Patio is Ideal in Summer 2021?
With summer just around the corner, there may not be a better time to spend time outside your precious abode than in the coming days. And that should mean there may not be a better time to build a patio than these days. Yes,
CDC advisory tells us we should not be holding parties. Being in a large crowd is indeed risky. But being with family is manageable. With months in stay-at-home orders, the timing could never be more perfect. And a patio is just the right place to serve the occasion.
Think about it. Our situation these past months is akin to being in an oven toaster. We can't go where we want to. Even if we need to buy medicine, we are severely limited by lockdown orders. The result? You have a crisis that's coming to a head. What's worse, people's mental health is under attack. The fact that the situation has dragged on for so long means the suffering has also festered. Telemedicine may have helped a lot. Still, the lack of mental health professionals is apparent.
A patio can provide a timely way for your family to gather. It can be the outlet your children need to enjoy the fresh air outside, not to mention good company. If you're not too convinced about the merits of one, read on. Here's why building one is wise.
Little Maintenance Needed
We get you. You could be sitting on the fence mulling over your decision whether to build a patio or not. And top of your concern is cost. Is it worth it to erect one?
First stop, note that, unlike a deck, a patio needs but minimal maintenance. You need not weather-proof it as much as the open wooden floor that serves as a roof. Like any room in your house, a patio will need to be looked after. But it's not as extensive as you fear it would be.
And this is because patios are made of sturdy material: concrete, brick, or stones. You may have to look into the joints between those paving stones from time to time. And occasionally, swipe the patio floor. But overall, a patio won't need much of your attention.
Expand Your Living Area
Finding time outdoors is good for the family. Not only does fresh air clear your lungs, but it also can give you better focus and mental energy. Added to that, air outside can help lower your blood pressure. Imagine how much beneficial all this can be to the whole family. Small wonder why you can think clearly when you step outside.
With summer coming soon, you can easily get cramped inside the house. A patio added to your home expands your living space and allows the whole family to have a good time outside. Note that the air outside is a lot fresher than the air inside even with all the air conditioning.
Protection from the Elements
A roofed patio can protect the family from too much heat. While the sun's rays are beneficial early in the morning, these could be harmful at the later part of the day, especially if you're living in Florida or other sunny states. Having a roof will allow your family to have good times outside without risking themselves from the torments of the weather.
Take note, however, that you may have to ensure that your patio area is free from other harmful elements. For one, mosquitoes can present a danger in some states. As small as these pests are, they cannot be underestimated as they can carry deadly diseases. Taking ample precaution (e.g., using mosquito repellent lotions) is wise.
On the other end of the spectrum, calling mosquito and pest control experts should be wise if the problem persists. These professionals have the experience and the tools to contain the problem in a jiffy.
Design to Fit
Even better, you can design your patio so it can match the size and the shape of your house. That's one of the biggest advantages of a patio. You can design it as you please and fit it into the available space you have. The right design can certainly make your house look better.
Remember that you can choose not to have a roof on your patio. But a roofed patio would mean more fun all year round.
Add Value to Your Property
Don't think that a patio is dollars down the drain. No, sir. A patio can be a great addition to your precious abode because it raises the value of your property.
Landscaped patios experts say, can raise a home's value by as much as 12.4%. That means your precious abode will fetch far more dollars with a patio attached to it than without. So, patios benefit not just your wallet but the whole family too.
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