Are you toiling some woodwork at your backyard this weekend? Splitting logs could be one of the most tiring tasks you do around the house. In some extent, you may prefer to hire a skilled worker to do it for you. But, what if there’s not enough workforce that can help you gather the cut big pieces of wood, much less split them?
In that case, perhaps, it’s about time to do it yourself. But, you may not always have that energy to cut the log splitter with your bare hands and strength. More so, have enough bucks to purchase wood splitting tools from hardware shops so you can cut wood easier as they can be expensive.
You might need a log splitter for that matter. So, how to build a log splitter?

Before we learn the skill of building it, what is a log splitter, by the way?
I. Defining Log Splitter
A log splitter is an equipment used to split pre-cut firewood. This pre-cut wood may have come from hardwood logs or softwood. Log splitters usually go with an electric chainsaw or a manual saw.
II. Building a Log Splitter
Building a log splitter may sound confusing, but, it’s not as complicated as you think it is. You just have to follow the below steps simply:
- Prepare a sliding wedge and have it in a horizontal or vertical position. But, one source suggests that the vertical one is rarely used.
- Use an axle to support the taillights and stabilizers.
- You may use the spare parts of a damaged vehicle or raw pieces of metal for your beams.
- Before welding your metal pieces, make sure you have prepared enough for galvanizing.
- If your beams seem to be a bit light, use your judgment on what to spit and how to do it.
- If you want to mobilize your splitter easily, you may use spare tires on your DIY log splitter.
- Use steel as your foot plate but choose the stronger grade of steel.
- If your steel bars and beams need no welding but screwdrivers, then, let the screwdriver set does its work.
For a detailed process on how to build a log splitter, you may visit Beckmannag.
III. Why is a homemade log splitter?
So, why do it yourself when you can just buy it from the store? Obviously, for economic reasons. Everyone wants to save money by exhausting all alternatives just to avoid spending a dime or two. And as mentioned in the outset, log splitting tools can be very costly. Hence, the DIY

IV. Types of Log Splitters
The types of log splitters can be categorized according to their power options; gas, hydraulic, electric. The best thing about gas-powered splitters is that they can go anywhere. Electric splitters need a power source to function. Hydraulic log splitters are best used for commercial scale; only that they can be dangerous when stopped immediately when technical problems arise.
These three powered log splitters are a bit expensive. If you want the most economical one, use manual wood splitters. But still, the choice is yours to make.
V. Log Splitters to choose from
Lest you are having a hard time deciding which DIY log splitter to build, here’s a short-list of log splitters to help you take your pick:
1. Small and Portable

The word itself says something about the kind of log splitter you should build. Anything that always goes handily is lovely. So, opt for a small and portable log splitter to make your life easier.
2. Two-way Log Splitter
Want a quick and easy way to cut your wood? A two-way log splitter has it all. It is a potent one that it can cut both small and large pieces of wood in just a matter of seconds.
3. No-lifting Wood Splitter
Do you want to get rid of the hassle of lifting? No-lifting wood splitter should be your pick. It will live the pieces of wood for you, and even put them into place on the machine.
4. Manual Log Splitter

Well, manual log splitters will always be part of the options. Building a manual splitter requires a tiny out-of-the-pocket expense. It goes to show that manual log splitters will always be a good choice.
Well, I have just given you three among the many DIY log splitters out there. You can look for more DIY splitters at The Self-Sufficient Living website.
You may also check out this video for more details:
VI. How useful are log splitters?
Apart from the fact that log splitters can cut wood, they can also save you from that demanding job you are about to do. Imagine yourself cutting pieces of wood into bigger sizes or debris with your bare hand using a chainsaw, isn’t that pain in your neck?
Also, with the people trying to live a more sustainable, cheaper lifestyle, wood has become a primary commodity. It goes without saying that there is a growing demand for the use of wood, not to mention, log splitting tools. Just look at the potentials of having your log splitters for business.
And remember, ready-made log splitters are good, but, as far as being economical is concerned, homemade log splitters are better than.
VII. Conclusion
Building a log splitter is quite a difficult task. When pieces of wood have piled up, and your chainsaw or your bare hands could no longer serve you, then, buying a log splitter may come to mind. But, consider building your log splitter by your own, too. Surely, it can save your penny.
Did you find the listed DIY log splitters helpful? Feel free to share this with others through your Social Media account. We also care about what you have to say, so leave your comments below.
Read on electric vs gas log splitter comparison here.
Best Splitting Maul From Amazon.
Quick Comparisons: Top Five Splitting Axes
Last update on 2024-04-30 at 23:18 PST - Details
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