Household care is a tedious task. Especially for those who are not used to cleaning, washing the dishes or clothes, etc. it could be difficult. It’s not that there are an extra set of skills needed to learn them, but they have to be done with considerations of course.
Let’s put it this way: how would you like your clothes tailored? Of course, you want them customized to fit you perfectly and make you look good, right? The same is true for your home. You want to take care and organize everything in it to your preference to make you feel comfortable.
What if you have household helpers to do the task of cleaning for you? Well, if you would like to be very meticulous, you’d want to teach these people what to do. For instance, if your house is newly-built, you may want to teach them how to clean hardwood engineered floors.
First of all, your helpers have to know that hardwood engineered floors need to be taken extra care of. It would help to tell them that these are built to last for a long time.
So aside from these general tips, how else could we keep our hardwood floors “squeaky clean”? Read on and find out what are necessary.
I. What You Will Need
1. A broom or a sweeper
This will keep the dust off your floors. Anyway, no matter what type of material it’s made of—cement, marble or wood, all houses need brooms. You don’t need any complicated broom like automatic ones if there are any. You only need the basic one. What matters is you can sweep off all kinds of dry dirt with it.
2. A vacuum cleaner
This isn’t necessary unless you have a carpeted hardwood floor. Certain carpets and rugs have textures prone to dust. In this case, a simple broom may not be able to do the job that a vacuum cleaner can. Also, this will save you time and energy as you just have to plug it in and move it around.
3. A mop
This is supposed to remove the kind of dirt or stain that sticks to wood. If the stain cannot be easily wiped off with a rag, you can use this mop. It would also be advisable if the stain is too delicate or “icky” to be hand wiped.
4. Basic liquid cleaners or detergents
These cleaners will do the trick of making the floor squeaky and shiny. Wiping the hardwood floors off with them will also make it smell more fragrant. Some detergents are also anti-bacterial, so your floors could be safe from unwanted organisms too.
II. How to Clean Hardwood Engineered Floors
1. Keep the floors free of dust

Sweep it off of any dust or small debris like hair or pieces of different materials. This will not only help it look clean but look good as well. You may do this by using a simple broom or a vacuum cleaner as mentioned above. If there are other debris that is delicate to pick up, you may also use microfiber rags.
2. Wipe off spills
This should be done immediately after the spilling happened. You have to be quick to prevent the spill from staining the floor and ruin its original texture or color. Remember that all kinds of liquid, even water, can cause damage to a high-grade hardwood.
3. Place mats and rugs by your doors

Do this so that you can make sure that all people will keep their feet or shoes clean. This way, you will no longer have to remind them repeatedly to keep the floors clean. Likewise, you can ask everyone not to wear high heels or spiked shoes. The heels and spikes may cause damage to the outermost surface.
4. Do not use wax-based detergents

Be reminded of this. Some chemicals like wax are not wood-friendly. Wiping them with these harsh liquids can cause irreparable damage to the floor.
III. Conclusion
Believe it or not, hardwood floors, no matter how durable, can still be prone to damage. We expect this kind of flooring to last for years, as old traditional houses do. However, we have to take into account the kind of maintenance we provide to it.
I am pretty sure you are familiar with taking care of wood in general. They can be delicate at times, depending on the type, but simply put we can’t spill on them. Likewise, we have to keep them free of dust or debris.
There is nothing wrong with being too meticulous about these things. They are the fruit of your labor anyway. So, keep the
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