Are you a homemaker and currently having a difficulty keeping up with household cleaning and maintenance? If your answer is yes, let me tell you that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who struggle with not only cleaning but doing repairs at home.I, for one, had the same struggle too. At first, I thought I could do just about anything by myself. However, when the time called for a serious repair, I had a hard time keeping up.Nonetheless, for someone who doesn’t have the gift of fixing stuff, I have been keen to learn. I realized that in this day and age, everything could be easily answered by Google. And so it has always been a matter of typing my question and reading the instructions, and voila! Problem solved!

I. What You Will Need
The following materials are standard tools that you can find on your dad’s toolbox. If you do not readily have them, you can easily purchase them from your local hardware shop. You do not have to worry because they do not cost much. Note: You may choose only one of these two materials. Of course, it is best if you have both of them so you could try one if the other does not work. The more important thing is not the tool but how you apply the technique with the tool.1. Cat’s Paw
- HIGH LEVERAGE DESIGN - Engineered to produce maximum torque when pulling nails & prying boards, this claw tool excels above the rest.
- REMOVES HEADLESS NAILS – The design of this cat's paw nail puller allows for headless nail removal with minimal wood damage.
- FORGED IN ONE PIECE – The most durable, longest lasting prying tools available are crafted from a single piece of solid steel and honed into the optimal design for use.
Last update on 2024-04-30 at 14:59 PST - Details
This is another tool that you can easily find in a man’s toolbox. All carpenters have this. If you ask in a hardware store what tool you’ll need for removing nails, this will be the first suggestion. That is because removing nails is what it is made for.2. Hammer
- High Visibility Yellow Makes The Hammer Easy To Locate On The Jobsite
- Fiberglass Core Adds Strength And Durability In The Handle, Reduces Vibrations And Provides The "Feel Of Wood"
- Exclusive Rim Temper Reduces Incidences Of Chipping And Spalling
Last update on 2024-04-30 at 08:11 PST - Details
Of course, the most economical and practical way to bend or remove the nails is by using the hammer. The hammer, after all, is the tool you used to place them. There are no strict rules on buying it. Just a basic hammer will do, even for beginners. Just try holding it and see if you can handle the grip and the weight and you are ready to go.II. How to Remove Nails from Wood

1. Use your hammer’s strength
One of the common mistakes is tugging the hammer’s handle too much. Sometimes this can cause the hammer to break or lose the handle. Instead of doing this, shove the claw part of the hammer onto the nail and rock it sideways. You have to be patient in doing this repeatedly.2. Put a piece of block
You put the block on the surface of the wood you are protecting. This way, when you rock your hammer’s or cat’s paw’s claw, there won’t be a crack. The block will serve as a weight for the wood to be held still and clear of damage.3. Dig carefully for the buried nails
This is where the cat’s paw comes in. Dig through the nail by targeting the bottom of the nail head. Once you catch a part of the head, lever it out, and you are done.4. Just drive the nail
If you are meticulous or just wants to be careful, you may want to consider driving the nail. This way, the nails would not be too hard to pull out once buried. Driving the nails is the same as punching them with a nail set.5. Cut the nails
If it comes to a point where pulling out is tough, you can just cut a portion of it. You can do this by using a reciprocating saw used in demolition.6. Pull from the back
This is an alternative for when the body of the nail is out. If the nail is thin and the nail head is small, you can easily execute this step. It should be done slowly and carefully, though.
III. Conclusion
There you have it: a list of techniques for pulling out nails easier. This task is done with care depending on which part of the house you will be removing the nails from. If it involves your flooring, your wall or your house’s foundation, it could be challenging. You might want to take a few steps back and review this guide before actually doing it. Remember that it pays to read and learn from the experts first. You would not want to ruin your home by just hammering or destroying everything. If you have queries or suggestions, feel free to write them down below.I'm so excited to tackle all my home improvement projects! From plumbing to DIY and cleaning - I'm ready to get down to work! #homerepair #homecleaning #plumbing #diy #fixerupper #realestate #renovation #interiordesign #farmhouse #diy #homedecor #hgtv #home #farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #farmhousestyle #fixerupperstyle #fixandflip #homerenovation #realestateinvesting #beforeandafter #homesweethome #remodel #realestateinvestor #interior #realtor #joannagaines #flippinghouses #countryliving #design #homedesign #farmhouseinspired #investmentproperty #bhghome #renovationproject #farmhousekitchen #homeimprovement #farmhouseliving #cottagestyle #decor #realestateagent #magnoliahome #homeinspo #magnoliamarket #kitchendesign #dreamhome #shiplap #construction #houseflipping #investor #farmhousedesign #architecture #farmhousechic #homereno #rusticdecor #reno #kitchenremodel #webuyhouses #magnoliatable #rentalproperty #fixerupperinspired #newhome #interiors #homeremodel