Designing a wardrobe is an intricate task. It would be best if you combined a great deal of thought and creativity to create a finish that both serves its purpose and adds value to your room.
In the modern age, creativity is endless. There are so many possibilities to turn your bedroom into a space of great comfort.
Designing a closet that fits your standards and makes excellent use of space in your home will achieve this flawlessly. In addition, a wardrobe that makes organisation easy is greatly preferred.
Different types of Wardrobes
A variety of options exist in the design of wardrobes. As you decide what works best for you, be sure to explore each option at length to find your perfect fit.
The different types of wardrobes include:
Fitted Wardrobes
This wardrobe is designed to fit the dimensions of a room. In most cases, the closet is installed between two walls and covers the entire face of a single wall in the room.
The wardrobes are permanent; therefore, the layout of the room is limited by the placement. You only have few options for placing your bed or bedroom sofa. Fitted wardrobes are suited for minimalistic spaces with limited space.
On the plus side, the fitted closets often have a large storage capacity. The cabinets stretch from the floor to the ceiling. They use the dead space close to the ceiling and have several unique compartments to put away different items.
Custom Wardrobes
This wardrobe choice is undoubtedly the perfect fit for any dream home. It offers unlimited room for creativity and personalisation of the final design. As a result, each piece is unique.
Custom made closets are highly favoured in modern homes that welcome contemporary interior designs. There are many options to pick for a custom design. From sliding door wardrobe placements, hinged doors to mirrored doors and frames, your wardrobe is what you make it.
A walk-in or open style closet falls into the category of custom wardrobes since they are designed for your desired specifications. The closet features unique spaces for storage with numerous added fittings.
Your walk-in closet can be a homey space with additional lights and compartments for accessories. You can also fit a dresser or shoe compartment in the closet.
Most walk-in closets feature his and her sections to enhance organisation. The design patterns can also follow the separation to personalise each space.
Sliding Door Wardrobe
Sliding door wardrobes have a unique ability to blend into the design of any room. They are designed to maintain a simple look with an inconspicuous feel.
The main advantage of a sliding door wardrobe lies in the economy of space. The doors save space since they don't take up any door swing area. As a result, sliding door wardrobes are ideal for small spaces.
You have the luxury of a spacious interior look without having to worry about your limited space. Moreover, the closet opens up the floor space for creative fittings that enhance the room's aesthetics.
Hinged Wardrobe
Unlike the sliding door wardrobe, this wardrobe has swinging doors and creates a uniquely Victorian look. The closets come in several designs and finishes suited for spacious rooms.
The empty faces of swinging doors offer an opportunity to explore creative designs. For example, you can install mirrors, hanging hooks or wallpapers on the door panels.
Hinged closets allow easy access to the storage compartments. As a result, the organisation of items is easy.
Now that you know the options available for closets, team up with the best specialists to design a wardrobe that best fits your needs and wants.
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