It’s indeed difficult to look for simple and inexpensive cremation in Dallas TX. However, there are many affordable options available that are known to licensed funeral directors only. In this regard, here are some tips for you to make your arrangements in the right direction. Then, combined with your insurance for burial expenses, you should be able to give your loved one the send-off that they truly deserve.

Opt for 'Direct Cremation'
A direct cremation is when you directly cremate the 'body' at the crematorium by skipping services like embalming, viewing, funeral, etc. You can save additional charges related to multiple transportations, body preservation fees, purchasing casket, and many more with direct cremation. Although you miss out on some events, it is a great way to cremate a body while running on a tight budget.
Bring your own Urn
Most crematoriums usually give out the cremation ashes in a plastic box packed in a plastic bag. If you are not intended to scatter the ashes right away, you have to buy an urn. Although some funeral homes include Urn in their service, some may not. An urn in Dallas Tx, may cost around $275, which may be quite a lot, depending on your budget. You can skip this cost if you have a nice box to store the cremation remains.
Find a green burial
Green burial, aka natural burial, are usually cheaper, costing between $2000 to $3000. The process involves the interment of the body in the ground, allowing it to decompose naturally. In a green burial, you can avoid the embalming costs, casket, and other cremation-related costs. However, finding a certified burial ground is a real challenge in Dallas since only rare burials accept shrouded bodies.
Host the funeral at home
Hosting the funeral at home saves not only money but also has a sentimental value attached to it. In most cases, it's the loved ones that handle the tasks done by morticians and funeral directors. Also, the nature of home funerals may vary as per the family's sentiments. Some prefer transporting the body to the crematory, while others conduct the rights at their backyards.
Holding the funerals at your home helps in reducing the costs. However, if you don't have the help, you can always hire professionals to assist you during this challenging time.
Host the funeral at Church
Holding a funeral at a church, synagogue, temple, or mosque will cost less than a funeral home. However, costs may vary, depending on the venue and their services. In most churches, the clergy members usually do the officiate for free. However, you can pay an honorarium if you want.
Know out Veteran Benefits
Texas State Veterans Cemetery burials are provided to deceased veterans, their spouses, and dependents. If the deadfalls under this category, then you don't have to pay for internment and other costs. The burial benefits offer free services such as military honors (for veterans), grave plot, presidential memorial certificate, perpetual care of the grave, burial flag, casket, Urn, and more.
We hope these tips will help you arrange a simple yet affordable funeral to send off your loved one in a decent way.
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