Urban gardening has become really popular in the past few years. If we go by the accounts posted on social media, nearly everybody has tried their hand at gardening at least once. Whether you have a green thumb or not, you cannot deny that having fresh ingredients available at the tip of your hands is a definite advantage. If you have a large enough space, you can even grow enough to supplement your weekly groceries.

Whether you have an apartment or whether you have a large backyard, you can indulge in some urban gardening in some form or the other. If you are interested in technology, you can even choose new forms of gardening like hydroponics to get into this hobby. Now that we've got your attention let's check out how to make the best kitchen garden you could hope for!
Assess Your Resources
The first step you need to take when planting a kitchen garden is to assess your resources. When we say resources, the amount of space you have, the budget, and the effort you want to put in. Even if you have a large space available, we recommend that you start small so that you don't feel overwhelmed.
You should also plan your garden according to your budget and the amount of effort you want to put in. You don't want to end up with a large garden without the financial resources to keep it going. You also don't want your large garden to fall into despair as it can be expensive to set it back up.
Plan Your Crop
The second step to setting up your dream garden is to plan out what you will be planting in it. Whether you want to set up a small herb garden or if you wish to have a vegetable and fruit garden, you will need to plan to start the seedlings in time for harvesting. Not all plants can be planted all around the year. Therefore, you need to look up the ideal time to start your garden into the season.
If you are planting exotic varieties of edible plants that are not available in your area, you need to use a reliable weather forecasting platform like https://www.tomorrow.io/weather/. This way, you can plant your seed when the weather in your local area mimics where the herb or vegetable is from. This gives your garden the maximum chance of success.
Choose Crop Rotation
There are many ways to fertilize your garden and keep it healthy. If you are gardening traditionally instead of new technologies like hydroponics, there are several options available to you. Depending on the sides of your garden, you can choose to make a composted living soil, or you can also add organic amendments to the earth.
Another way that you can keep your garden healthy is by rotating your crops. Crop rotation is an old and traditional way of keeping the natural land healthy and productive. If you plan your crops smartly, you might not even need to add fertilizer to your garden bringing down the cost by a small margin.
Track When to Harvest
If you are a first-time gardener, you might not know the right time to harvest your plants. Many first-time gardeners have never seen a plant go through the processes of flowering to bearing fruit. This can lead to you harvesting your herbs or vegetables, or fruits too early.
You can use resources like a farmer’s almanac to figure out when you should harvest your garden. To help you later, we recommend that you keep track of when You plant and when you harvest your garden so that you can make smarter and better-informed decisions about gardening in the future.
Keep Some Perennial Plants Growing
Many people start with a gardening harvest from their garden once or twice before the plants die naturally. This is usually because people tend to sow seasonal produce when they start a kitchen garden. However, gardening is a labor of love. This means that some plants might need a few years to grow before they give you anything to eat.
You can choose some fast-growing fruit trees as annuals that keep giving you a bountiful harvest year after year. You can also keep a small permanent herb patch that you can rely on whenever you need to cook. There are even some edible flowers that you can plant, so you have access to exotic ingredients whenever you make a gourmet meal.
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