If you are currently residing in a rental home and looking for a solution to replace the vertical blinds with curtains, this will be your complete guide. You can easily replace the vertical blinds in your home with curtains if you do not want to install any new hardware in your home. If you have a problem with blinds in your rental home, you should replace them with curtains.
Do Not Want Any Hardware Components?
Whenever it comes to the replacement of vertical blinds with curtains, many people hesitate because they do not want to get involved in the blinds' complicated mechanisms and hardware components. So if you are looking for a solution to this problem without drilling any holes in your walls because that is not allowed by your landlord, this is the right place for you today.
Whenever you have to replace the vertical blinds in your home with curtains, you need to keep in mind the area you live in. It depends on the amount of coverage that you are looking for.
In this article, we will discuss how to replace vertical Blinds with curtains without any hardware components and complicated mechanism. So, keep on reading to find out more information below about vertical blinds replacement in your home.
Solution For Replacement Of Vertical Blinds
If you want to get rid of the vertical blinds in your home and want to install the curtain, we understand your problem. Sometimes vertical Blinds are not the comprehensive solution for the household members. If you used to have curtains on your home's windows in the previous area you lived, then we can understand the situation of yours.
Different people have different lifestyles and the things they want to install in their homes, and it is entirely normal. So if you prefer the look of curtains more in your home, then you are at the right place today to find out more about how you can replace the vertical blinds in your home with curtains without any complicated procedures.
What Do You Need To Get?
Love, you must be wondering that what are the things that you need to purchase beforehand so that you can get the look of cuddle in your home without doing any extra hard work of drilling the holes in your home. If you are residing in a rental place, it is evident that it is not allowed to drill holes in your home to install heavy curtains.
S Shape Clips
All that you need to purchase before the replacement of vertical Blinds with curtains is S-shaped hook clips. They are tiny lips that are very small in size, but you should not let their size fool you. Even though these S-shaped hook lips are small in size, they are powerful simultaneously.
If you wish to install thick and heavy curtains in your new rental home, you should get them as hook clips for your home. These S shape hooks are strong enough to hold thick and heavy curtains in your house quickly. The best part about these S-shaped hook clips is that they are not visible, and you can easily hide them behind the curtains.
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