Pancake air compressors are designed for various purposes. They take different sizes and shapes fit for various duties. Pancake compressors take up little space and can be moved when their need arises. For this reason, they are employed locally at homesteads where they can be moved from point to point to perform various home tasks They produce air in quantities that are enough to power a good number of tools at the home of an average homeowner. This equipment should be economically tolerant and safe, for that reason, it should be handled properly so that they are safe and last longer. Read on to know how to use pancake air compressor.
What is a pancake air compressor?
A Pancake air compressor is a device that is designed to run small pneumatic tools and sometimes it is used to perform basic jobs like filling tires. They are compact and generally of less than 6 gallons with small cylindrical tanks. This is enough to operate nail guns but sometimes not good enough to operate a paint sprayer.
Step by step on how to use pancake air compressor
Things You'll Need
- Safety goggles
- Electric circuit of 115 V
- Air compressor hose
- Air compressing tools
- Tape (plumber’s)
- Adjustable wrench
Step 1
Find the regulator knob. It’s usually black and located close to the air outlet on the air compressor. Rotate it anticlockwise to close it.
Step 2
Connect an air hose to the compressor. You could either thread it onto the outlet port or just snap it to the connect fitting depending on your setup. A quick connection from snapping allows for rapid change-outs during operation.
Step 3
You could now turn the switch on the air compressor off. The switch is off if it points upward.
Step 4
Now connect your air compressor to a power source with a steady supply of 15 amps. The power source should provide only the recommended amount of current for the air compressor.
Step 5
Turn your switch (on/off) to the ‘Auto’ mode so that the tank can be filled by the air compressor. When the limit of the pressure switch is realized, it automatically stops.
Step 6
Connect the desired tool to the terminal part of the hose. Again, you could snap it quickly or thread it onto the tools connecting point.
Step 7
Get hold of the regulator knob and open it by turning it clockwise. Close it when the pressure gauge indicates the required pressure for the subject tool.
Step 8
Finally, put your tool to its purpose. When work is done turn the switch on your air compressor to off mode.
Step 9
When done with your tasks, release the air in the tank by opening the drain valve located at the bottom side of the compressor. It is opened by rotating a thumbscrew in an anticlockwise direction.
Step 10
Dismantle the components and store your air compressor for the next workday.
Make sure you follow guidelines and instructions in your air compressor manual
In case you want to connect the air hose with tools that don’t have quick connects, you need to use a plumber’s tape to wrap the threads and fasten using an adjustable wrench to make them airtight.
Put on safety goggles during an operation since compressed air can lift debris and get them into your eyes.
Are pancake air compressors any good and what is the best?
Hitachi KNT50AB is a choice when you need your work well done. It takes the best form and is reliable and without issues during operation. It is a 6-gallon unit. This type of a compressor maintains up to 150PSI of pressure which provides 2.8 SCFM at 90PSI. It also features a finishing gun nail. Pneumatic tools are better powered by this equipment.
Can a pancake compressor run air tools?
It requires a 6-gallon electric air compressor of four CFM to operate an impact wrench. Lower than that becomes problematic during operation. However, a small pancake air compressor can only be used on nail guns.
How long should my air compressor run?
It depends on its duty cycle, let’s take an example of a 50/50 duty cycle, and our compressor is supposed to run 10 mins. It will run the first 5 mins ON and the rest 5 mins will be OFF mode. As this cycle increases, the air compressor can run a long time.
What tools can you use with a pancake air compressor?
Tools used along an air compressor include: Random-Orbit Sander, Finish Nailer, Brad Nailer, Pin Nailer, Narrow-Crown Stapler, Reciprocating Saw, Ratchet Wrench, and many others.
What size air compressor Do I need to remove lug nuts?
Compressed Air Demand
Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) shows the amount of work an air compressor is equal to. An impact wrench that is small in size needs 2-4 CFM at 90PSI to operate properly. For larger components of wrenches more of CFM is needed.
A pancake air blower is an all-round apparatus that each property holder requires. You can utilize this fantastic instrument with frame nailers, sprayers and pneumatic drillers. It can even be utilized with an air fastener to apply extra force to stuck nuts or screws. However long you can control a device with compacted air, you can utilize it, however the right size and force yield will rely upon the undertaking.
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