Moving into a new home can be an exciting yet stressful process. Hiring movers and making sure everything’s packed on time is only part of the process. It’s essential for you to ensure that your new home meets your requirements, as this can play a significant role in how you feel after you settle into the new environment.
Planning every detail of your move and ensuring that your new home is comfortable is essential for you and your family. Completing a few projects or creating a checklist of tasks while the home is still empty can save you stress in the future. So, what should you do before moving into a new home to streamline the process?
Do a Walkthrough
Doing a complete walkthrough of your new home when it’s completely empty can be helpful. This will allow you to observe the space when it is no longer staged and help you plan your move. You may want to confirm if everything that was to be included in the sale is present if everything is in working condition, and if the seller made all agreed-upon repairs.
A walkthrough also enables you to plan out your furniture placement. You may want to measure the space to determine where to place which item, reducing the hassle on moving day. This may be an excellent opportunity to invest in convertible furniture. You could replace your old table with a Transformer Table to save space in your dining room or a convertible couch to maximize space in the living room. Convertible furniture allows you to adjust the furniture based on your needs so that you can shrink the items when they’re not in use.
Replace or Repair
Even if the previous owner has agreed to replace or repair certain items in your new home, you may come across new projects that require attention. Go through the entire home to check the windows, furnace room, HVAC filters, and appliances to find any areas that need repair. You may have a general idea of the repairs required after the home inspection, but the walkthrough can help you identify any additional replacements or repairs required.
Take Safety Precautions
If you’re moving into your new home with children or pets, it’s important to take extra safety precautions. Some things to observe are outlets, sharp edges, and open windows. It will also be helpful to thoroughly check the place before you move in to ensure nothing unsafe is in reach of young children or pets.
Another critical aspect of safety precaution includes a security system. Even if you’ve done your research and found a safe neighbourhood, it is always helpful to have a robust security system in place for added safety.
Locate Essential Elements
You need to familiarize yourself with your new home and know where everything belongs. Look for the circuit breaker, fuse box, and water valve to prepare for emergencies.
It would help if you also took the time to find out where the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are placed and test them to ensure they’re working properly.
You need to take many steps when moving into a new home to enhance safety and streamline the process for you and your family. Give yourself enough time to plan the process, so it doesn’t seem overwhelming at the last minute!
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