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![balustrade balustrade](http://repairdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/balustrade.jpg)
Many people prefer installing balustrades because they prevent accidents in their homes or business premises. However, you should ensure the system is attached to a solid fixture when installing it to prevent falls.
Below is a step by step guideline to help you install balustrades effortlessly without spending much.
Measure the Area
First, measure the place you want to install the balustrades. For instance, if you want to install stair railing, measure from the sill plate bottom to the handrail underside. Never assume the measurement is the same on both sides.
Instead, repeat taking this measurement at different places. Mark the measurement and add two feet, which is the stair railing material length.
Clamp Wood on the Saw Back Fence
To make marking and measuring a bit easier, clamp some wood pieces on the saw back fence, and then slide it down carefully to create a jig. This will enable you to slice the balustrade to equal length.
Now, slide the balustrades into the saw to start cutting them. After slicing the top, cut the bottom at 1/8 inches to make the balustrades slip easily into the sill plate. Repeat until all the cuts are finished.
Align The Balustrades in an Upright Position
To achieve this, construct some support to make painting the balustrades easy. Begin by inserting apart 4 inches, staples into a 2x4 piece of wood. Remember to adjust the stapler to prevent the staples from driving into your wood pieces.
Also, set the staplers apart to give the balustrades enough room while painting. Now, staple the entire balustrades dowel end to drive one side of the staple into the piece of wood.
Staple Hooks on Wood pieces
Once you’re done, you’ll notice a hook has been created. Repeat this process until you have finished stapling hooks on the 2x4 wood pieces for all the balustrades. Next, look for a ladder and use it as an end support to help you build a work-frame.
Fill the sides with the 2x4 wood pieces you stapled in the previous step. Also, remember to fill the middle horizontally.
Hang the balustrades on the 2x4 frame in rows and ensure they’re not touching each other. Doing this will allow you to access both sides for uniform coverage.
Secure the Balustrades
Ensure the balustrades are correctly aligned and then clamp them into position. We recommend using the chain in stainless steel to hold the base plates firmly in place.
Also, tighten the plates carefully using Dynabolts to allow the flange to attach to the ground firmly. It would also help if you used plugs and timber screws to secure the handrail.
It's also crucial to ensure the handrails' height is the same before anchoring the base plates. You can check the height using a spirit level.
Fill the Sprayer With Paint
Now, let’s move on to the fun part. Fill your sprayer with the recommended paint. At this point, it’s essential to note that oil-based paint isn’t compatible with many types of sprayers.
However, you can use latex. Start applying to all the sides of the balustrades an even coat. Allow the paint to dry before you begin the installation process.
Installing the Balustrades
Before the installation, measure carefully between the old balustrades and then mark the area for drilling. Use a handsaw to get rid of the old balustrades. Now, cut through the middle of the balustrades and remove all the sections.
To do this, pull from the bottom and top holes. Next, measure the correct depth for drilling using a tape measure and put a mark on your spade bit. You can also use the spade bit to bore holes in the seal plate bottom and handrail before installing new balustrades.
Ensure the length of the holes you drill is deeper than that of the balustrades to enable them to slide in and fall into place easily. However, avoid drilling holes in the handrail. Lastly, use glue in the holes and on both ends before installing the new balustrades.
Wrap Up
You can give your home a new look by installing balustrades yourself and save the amount you would have paid a professional. Just keep coming back to this guide until you have mastered all the steps we have outlined above. Before you know it, you’ll be completing the task like an expert.
About the Author:
Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community.
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