wallpaper with pictures
I know what you are thinking. You read everywhere that it is easy to install. Even a DIY project will be two days of work. And now, you are confused about where to start and how to move ahead.
Selecting wallpaper was the simplest job after knowing you can stick it on your own! However, don’t worry, here you will get A to Zs of instructions for wallpapering (in the easiest way possible).
Do you know? You can use wallpaper anywhere in your house, from walls, ceilings to bathrooms, stairs, and even furniture. The method of applying wallpaper is the same for every nook of the house.
So without any further ado, let’s see how to put up a wallpaper!
What things will you need to Put up a Wallpaper?
Here’s the list of materials and tools you will need for hanging the wallpaper:
- Wallpaper
- Wallpaper Paste
- Scissors
- Measure Tape
- Plumb Line
- Ladder
- Putty Knife
- Bucket
- Paint Roller
How to Wallpaper? (Step-by-Step Guide)
As promised, here’s the step-by-step guide on how to put up wallpaper. Take heed!
Step 1: Prep Your Walls
Before putting up the wallpaper, you will need to prep your wall. Remove the existing wallpaper from the wall (if any). After that, clean the walls properly and let it dry. Then you have to look for the damages to repair them. Once that is done, make sure you smoothen out the wall surface with sandpaper. At last, prime the walls for the secure application of wallpaper.
Step 2: Cut the Wallpaper
The next step is to scale the wall using the measuring tape, make sure to cover the exact width and height. So that you can cut the wallpaper in the required size. It is very important to choose your wallpaper wisely before buying it for your home. What next? Let’s see.
Step 3: Mark the Plumb Line
After cutting the wallpaper, it is time to mark the plumb line. It will help you in sticking the wallpaper without any uneven-ness. You can not put the whole wallpaper in a go, so it’s evident to draw the plumb line. Also, it would be great if the area, you will stick to wallpaper at first is plain and smooth.
Step 4: Hang the Wallpaper
Now read the instructions on when to use wallpaper. Few wallpapers need time to activate the adhesive after applying a water brush on it. The next step is to apply wallpaper paste on the wall using a paint roller and not the brush. Why? For smooth application.
Then stick the wallpaper on the selected size. Don’t cut the access for now!
Step 5: Smooth Out the Wallpaper
After sticking wallpaper on one side, move for the second one. But before that, you will need to smooth out the surface with wallpaper. Use smoother and wipe down you will see the excess wallpaper paste coming out from the plumb line side. Remove it.
Now stick the second piece of wallpaper, ensure it aligns with the plumb line. Repeat the process from Step 1 to Step 5 till you are done with the project.
Below, I have penned down answers to the two most asked questions, when thinking ‘how to wallpaper a room?’
How to Stick Wallpaper in Corners?
Indeed, the trickiest job to do is sticking wallpaper to the corners. Many DIYers think of sticking a single strip on the corner to cover it up, but it is the wrong approach. For an inside corner, you need to follow the wrap-and-overlap seam.
How to do it? While measuring for the last wallpaper strip, add ¼th or half-inch. Cut the strip accordingly, then stick it. You will have excess wallpaper on the second wall, paste the wallpaper on the other wall, and smooth it out. Apply the relief cutting method at the right angle for the corner.
FYI: Relief cut is meant to be as close as possible to the corner.
How to Paste Wallpaper Around the Electric Boards and Sockets?
Sticking wallpaper around the electric boards and sockets is easier than it is hyped. You need to be more practical. Let’s see how to do it:
- Turn off the power supply to the particular room.
- Use a dry brush to mark the outline of the switchboard.
- Take a pencil and mark the center.
- Now make a hole and cut the paper in a cross pattern from the midpoint.
- You will have four flaps.
- Now unscrew the electric board and fold the flaps inside the space.
- Give proper finishing and reattach the board.
There you go! The wallpapering is done even in the smallest place. What else you need! Even after reading this, if you are still unsure how to wallpaper a room - I would recommend trying it on the small piece first and then going for the wall. If that doesn’t work, ask a professional for help!
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