Signs To Tell You Its Time To Visit Your Dentist
Dental care is something that still goes unnoticed, even in the 21st century. With a small nick or a cut on your teeth or gum, you will have to endure a horrible amount of pain and face problems while eating food.
All that can be avoided by only taking proper dental care and maintaining proper hygiene. All that includes visiting your dentist at least twice every year.
But even with such 'regular' check-ups, you might come across situations where you would need immediate attention from the dentist. But you can still prevent the visit from turning it into an 'emergency' if only you paid attention to the first signs of the problem.
You might wonder -what are those signs? Well, to help you out, here are a few telltale signs that indicate that you need to visit your dentist before it's too late.

checking tooth
Bleeding After Brushing Or Flossing
The sign of blood is a bad sign. It's something you need to be cautious about. The first sign of poor dental health or any sign of infection is bleeding gums.
Bleeding gums are a common thing during brushing and flossing. Yet, it isn't something that you can or should ignore. The sight of blood on your toothbrush is not something you can take casually. It is often the sign of developing a disease that needs a professional doctor's immediate attention.
More importantly, it can lead to infection, permanent damage, or even tooth loss if you ignore these early signs.
Retreating Gums
Your gums tend to recede after a certain age, and it starts to recede from around the tooth. But age need not be the only factor in the case of retreating gums. It is often a sign of a disease or an illness.
It is a worrying sign as it will eventually leave your teeth roots exposed or loosen your teeth, resulting in tooth loss. So, you must catch these signs in the early days so that you can get your treatment done to prevent further receding or reverse the process if possible.
Sore & Swollen Cheeks
Your cheeks and the area below your eye sockets start getting deformed as a response to your dental problems. It happens mostly because, with gum diseases or ailments, your gum tends to change shape and suffer from inflammations.
Shifting Or Loose Teeth
In our lifetime, we go through two sets of teeth – milk teeth and adult teeth. As children grow up, they lose their milk teeth, and permanent adult teeth come out. Permanent teeth are there to last for a lifetime. Yet, losing a permanent tooth is not a rare occurrence as it is an apparent sign of weak gums and dental diseases.
To prevent permanent teeth loss, you must seek the dentist's advice and opt for treatment when you notice teeth movement, widening gaps, and loosening teeth. It can be a sign of bone loss or infection. Although this isn’t always the case, accidents happen, and sometimes adults do lose teeth. Casey Dentists, experts in dental implants Townsville advise that treatments like dental implants offer tailored, high-tech, permanent solutions to adult tooth loss.

removed tooth
It is a common sign that you cannot leave unnoticed. Repeated toothaches in the same spot are often the apparent sign of an infection or a disease. It is something that cannot be ignored. Seek the dentist's help before it is too late, or the damage done is irreparable.

Inflamed Gums
Having inflamed gums or swollen gums with soreness or redness is a sign of gum disease. If you pay attention to the early stages, they can be treated and healed; otherwise, it can leave you with permanent, irreparable damage.
Gum diseases are mostly caused due to poor oral hygiene, lack of attention to your gums, dental infections, and bacteria formation. With improper brushing and flossing or the complete lack of it, you can experience plaque formation. Plaque buildup below the gum line often sucks infection that often needs professional attention for cleaning and scaling to get you back in a healthy shape.
Teeth Discolouration
Discolored teeth, stains, and white spots are signs of poor teeth health. You might experience stains due to several causes. To treat teeth stains or yellow teeth, you can use teeth whitening strips or teeth whitening kits. But it is often wiser to seek a dentist's advice first, and there can be multiple reasons for a teeth stain- starting from wrong food choices to lack of calcium.
Teeth discoloration is not limited to teeth stains. People often face white spots on their teeth. It is one of the first signs of tooth decay. If you pay attention to it in the early stages, you can prevent cavities.
Similarly, white spots in gum can be a sign of infection. An infected dental root need not always make you feel its presence with pain. The early signs of root infection are often discoloration or a pimple-like spot on it. Instead of scrapping it, try to visit your dentist and seek his advice before it's too late.
Sensitive Teeth
Although it can be hard to deal with too hot or cold food, it should not be associated with the burn. People often experience a sharp pain that goes straight through their teeth to their gum when they sink their teeth on something hot or cold. It is a common sign of an exposed dental nerve.
It happens mostly because of tooth decay or tooth enamel decay that has resulted in the nerve being exposed. If you are experiencing pain while eating hot or cold foods, like hot coffee or ice cream, visit a doctor, and seek medical help. If paid attention to in the early stages, you can prevent tooth loss or expensive dental procedures, and of course, endless nights of pain.

lady with toothache
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