The Business Card to be remembered.
Is there an ideal business card for a real estate agent? One that attracts clients when you are not there? Ideal, ideal, maybe not; but almost, almost ideal, yes there is and we are going to see in this article what are the 7 keys of a whole business card that leaves an excellent image of you as a real estate agent to the one who receives it.
Giving a business card to a potential client looking for a property or a landlord (especially a landlord) is more serious than many real estate agents think. That "piece of paper" can do wonders for your real estate business if you know how to create it. To know more about it, you can visit StationeryXpress.com.
Not everything is the internet. Your business card is the most important tool you have after the phone. This hard piece of paper that some real estate agents give as if they are giving candy, is a personal branding instrument of “three pairs of noses”.
Many real estate agents do not consider, when creating a business card, that the design must be accompanied by a "groundbreaking" content that reinforces the design.
Good design alone, from a hard sell point of view, is not worth the paper it is printed on
Let's get straight to the point: Why do you hand out a business card? Why do they call you or to say: Wow, how beautiful she is!?
Have you seriously considered; In other words, sitting in your office having a coffee and thinking about the subject, how is this card read when it is delivered and the destination of that card when it is delivered? Have you thought about which people you will give your business card to and in what contexts?
Have you seriously considered that your business card will end up, at best, in a card holder along with other cards? These card holders make it easy to put 2 cards in the same place, covering the back of each card?
Create a great, sublime business card that sells your real estate business when you are not present, has its science and here I am going to explain the rules you must follow to create that business card that will work for you even when you are having a beer at 9 pm.
We are going to apply real estate, psychological and strategic copywriting techniques so that a client does not forget you after that smile, that handshake and that “nice to meet you”. We are going to avoid that they do not throw you away, that they remember you until hell freezes over and that they contact you at any time wishing for business with you.
Key 1: Your Business Card with a Different Design.
Imagine that you open a box of chocolates where they are all square and wrapped in brown and there is one in the corner of the box wrapped in red. What are your eyes, and perhaps your hand, going to that hottie? That is the effect you should have with the design of your business card. Be different and if possible unusual.
Your business card should not be like the others. The different design is not only achieved with the color, the paper texture and / or the typeface; it is also achieved with the form.
A square or round shape is not the most suitable for a business card; but a surprisingly oval shape is. One of the business cards that have surprised and pleased me the most has been the one I received from a real estate agent who sold luxury properties in Marbella, Spain. It had an oval shape, with an impressive design.
I'm not saying that the ideal business card should be oval; but it must be like the red candy in the corner of the box. By the way, it is more elegant if the corners of your card do not end in a point.
The size of your card matters a bit. A business card from a real estate agent does not usually end up in the card holder, (surprise, surprise), because generally the owners and clients do not use card holders. These people will keep your card on other sites. Something different is that you are selling commercial or industrial real estate, and your target audience is companies and entrepreneurs.
It meets the standard measurement for a business card, which is about 9 x 5 cm . It should fit perfectly into anyone's card holder, regardless of whether you prefer it rectangular or oval.
Be careful with the color. Each of the colors in the spectrum has a different psychological connotation. To give a perception of trust and credibility as a real estate agent, the best colors are blues and greens
This is a summary of what some colors represent in Marketing:
RED. Recognized as a stimulating, exciting and the amount of red used will directly affect the level of energy to be perceived. It draws attention, when used to highlight a certain section or element, it manages to capture the focus immediately.
ORANGE. Closely related to red, it causes some ambiguity. Some love it, others just hate it. It transmits energy, but it fails to capture the visitor's attention as red does.
YELLOW. A color that conveys optimism, lightness and joy. By tinting it with some gold, it is able to represent a better future, especially in relation to finances.
GREEN. It occupies a wide spectrum of what our eyes see on a daily basis and after blue is one of the favorite colors, (not so much in Chinese culture). It is a persuasive and reliable color. It is strongly used when you want to achieve closeness and a feeling of comfort.
NATURAL GREEN. Greens in all their natural range (forests, grass, lemon, etc.) are appreciated calm and refreshing. It is considered the color of peace and ecology. It is mainly associated with organizations and governments committed to the ecosystem.
BLUE. Inspire confidence and independence. It is perceived as a constant in our lives thanks to the color of the sky and the ocean and it is also associated with the spirit. Causes calm, although not all blues act as sedatives.
INDIGO. It is deep blue and symbolizes the mystical and spiritual fulfillment. Recommended for use in direct, intimate and spiritual communications.
PURPLE. It is the perfect balance between the stimulating red and the calm blue. It is the favorite of the teenagers. It may work well when used to cause uneasiness.
PINK. It can be fun and exciting, in some cases they have the energy of red; but limiting itself to the sensual, without aggressiveness.
COFFEE. It speaks of stability, maturity, and is associated with everything related to the earth and organic.
GRAY. It is the color of the intellect, of knowledge and wisdom. It is perceived as classic or refined, and being conservative, it commands respect or claims authority. Due to its neutral tone, it is considered the color of commitment.
BLACK. He is authoritative and powerful. It can attract strong memories and mixed emotions. Despite this, it is related to empathy. It is used a lot in wardrobe, by transmitting elegance and sophistication.
WHITE. It projects purity, clarity, neutrality and simplicity. It is used mainly in cleaning products. medicine and in instances where you want to enhance the element that will contrast with the white background.
The use of colors is important, human psychology is managed by small but important details, and this is one of them.
But let's stop with colors and get back to the topic.
Key 2: Your Visiting Card Legible and Pleasant.
How many business cards have you come across that cannot be easily read? Make sure yours is not one of them. Ease of reading has a lot to do with the style of font used. There is no standard body and each typeface has its own readability characteristics.
What is clear is that your business card should be read comfortably. Otherwise, you will cause frustration in your client (owners and buyers) and their referrals. It is likely that several acquisition or sale opportunities can be thwarted due to a poor presentation.
Another recommendation of is to use a maximum of 2 font styles. Remember that each typeface conveys a message in its form: a sans-serif font is modern, and an English letter is classic. So, combining many different types sends a confusing message. Find a type that defines you and with whom you identify and use her as the protagonist.
Include the contact information that is limited to your email, your website and your phone, (only one) and social networks.
- Your phone 0034.123.456.789 (include international prefixes such as 0034)
- Present your website as: blue city.com (no need to indicate www).
- Regarding social networks, include only icons. Your website will have those icons; so, your client will access them through your website.
The contact information must be correct. Don't worry about blanks. These spaces are used to improve your design, highlight other spaces, direct attention, etc.
Key 3: Your Business Card with Photo and a Title.
The trust and credibility are everything in the real estate business and nothing like a photo on your business card with smiling face to generate an image of credibility.
It will be a quality photo and if it can be from the waist up even better. Don't use the typical passport photo where you stare into the camera. You need a photo with the body a little lopsided, with a smiling face. To find examples, look online for consultancy services and you will find some of these photos.
Regarding the title or what your job is, nothing better than to indicate on your business card that you are a real estate consultant or real estate consultant or real estate consultant.
The word "agent" has a bad press and a perception of this word of "life seeking" or "middleman" has been established among most potential clients and owners, which will not do justice to the work you do.
The word advisor is more elegant, it does justice to what it represents and for the moment differentiates you a bit from the rest.
Key 4: Your Business Card with a Powerful Promise.
Your business card to become great, unforgettable and eager to eat it, (you already understand me), must go a step further and add a short and memorable phrase as a powerful promise.
Your business card should answer the question: Why should I call you? And why you? What do you promise if I hire your services?
The best promises are those that solve a problem for a property buyer, or who wants to sell a property. These are some of the phrases that promise something. Some of them I have taken from business cards.
- We know what we do. Check it out.
- I do not sell; I help you buy. Check it.
- I sell your home fast and at the best price. Giving me a call.
- I give solutions. No promises.
- I am a specialist in solving problems.
- When I promise, I deliver.
- My clients become friends.
- I find what nobody finds.
- Others claim; I doubt and reflect.
- I face difficulties.
- I get what you are looking for.
Key 5: The Back of Your Business Card.
The back of any business card is like advertising space. An advertising space of 45 cm² that you must use. What can you put on the back of your business card that is great, differentiates you from the rest and prevents that when they put you in the card holder they do not cover it with another card?
You can avoid this by including a loud and clear call to action. The best calls to action are "groundbreaking." The calls to action that attract the most customers are those that are based on 2 fundamentals: the fear of losing and the desire to win. The fear of losing and the desire to win are intimately linked to urgency and scarcity.
So what urgency or scarcity can you bring to your business card that stimulates their fear of losing or desire to win? This is where your creativity comes into play. The best call to action I have seen on a real estate agent or consultant business card has been to offer a free download of an Information Guide.
For example, it could be something like:
"Discover in this Free Report" How to save up to $ 5,000 when buying a Home in Panama City "Download it now at misitioweb.com/report" Add an image of the report in 3D
Discover in this Free Report “How to Sell your Property Quickly and at the Best Price in Bogotá” Download it now at misitioweb.com/report” Of course, add an image of the report in 3D
Other calls to action that you could use are of the type:
“Have you heard of the agency in Alicante that sells fast? That's us. Call now to give us your property and ask how we do it”.
“We do not give false expectations or justifications. We sell. Give us your property and you will see that it is true. Call and ask how. "
“We have exclusive properties at market prices that are not published in the online media, because we offer them to our clients first. Call now and we will tell you what they are.
Or if you prefer, you can include a QR code to go directly to the download page of the Free Report on your website.
Or why not direct the QR code to your personal “who am I” profile on your website or on one of your social networks?
Key 6: Invest Your Money in Your Business Cards.
Your business card is something very serious, so you have to invest the money in your professional image. Have your design done to a professional; no friends who handle Photoshop. This is the time to invest.
Go for a professional “look” and not a beginner. Your card will work as a filter. When your card looks professional, you are a professional and you make the cut. When your card looks amateurish, you are an amateur and you end up in the trash can.
The creativity of your card, its design and content will set you apart. When you are able to combine all the pieces in an intelligent way, you show your professionalism. From there, you stand out and can gain the attention of others.
Key 7: Prepare 2 Business Cards.
This is a key for those who like to take risks and are clear about things. (Generally, these are the ones that sell the most properties). Two types of business card. One for buyers and one for owners.
Two cards where the powerful promise and the back are specific to the kind of person to whom it is delivered. What costs more money? Of course. Didn't you say that you gave a personalized real estate service? Well, prove it with your business card.
Remember: business card of Tajarat is what remains of us when we leave and is a sale, marketing, public relations and 2networking tool”. You never know who a key contact in may be your professional or business life, so it is essential to always have a memorable business card.
A business card like the one has described with these 7 keys can mean for you that a client that makes you earn $ 10,000 in commission. Think about it.
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