kitchen water tap
Imagine waking up early in the morning and preparing your breakfast in the same kitchen you have seen for the last many years, and it is falling off from places. In this age of Instagram, where you have to update people about your lifestyle every day, this might not go unnoticed. While the kitchen shows clear evidence of wearing down, the styling also gets obsolete with time. It’s not like years ago when the kitchen was located totally at the back of the house where you just cooked and washed dishes
Now the modern kitchens are used as the dining room and should look aesthetically presentable. The important thing is, it is a place where you eat, and the ambiance matters a lot. It is more like you will not prefer to visit a restaurant that has a poor ambiance no matter how good the food is since you want to have that feeling of eating at a beautiful place. Your home kitchen should be no exception to the policy of adding beauty to the site where you eat.
Kitchens have changed a lot owing much to the evolving times as technology automates or makes things easier. Not only the design but the placement and addition of new things adds to the eyeful look of it. Moreover, modern styling of cabinets has taken over racks, which makes it imperative for you to find out the best kitchen to adapt to the changing trends. If you are clueless about what you should change or need a bit of help, let me give you an overview of the new trends of 2020. This way, when your colleagues talk about such things, you won’t be left out of the conversation like Joey was in that encyclopedia episode of “Friends.” cabinet brand
We have been seeing white colored cabinets for almost an eternity. Well, the good news is that dark-colored cabinets are finally in trend. White color is on its way out much because it is challenging to keep clean as light colors make even the tiny stains much more apparent. Black, emerald, blue, and green are some of the colors that come out to give your kitchen a pristine look.
Colors have a huge psychological impact on your mood, and the same can say a lot about kitchens. Psychologists believe that green gets you closer to nature and gives a sense of serenity and relaxation. You don’t have to order entire cabinets. Instead, there are many ready to assemble kitchen cabinet options available. It helps you in saving your shipping cost as assembled cabinets would take a lot more space.
Kitchen Islands
Kitchen islands are not an option anymore, and they are becoming mandatory. Kitchen islands are becoming more prominent and multipurpose. Much like cabinets, you also have the option of ready to assemble kitchen islands with seating to save on your shipping cost and give yourself some fun home activity.
Freeing Up Some Space
Since not everyone has a spacious kitchen, freeing up spaces to give a better visual outlook adds to the aesthetics of the kitchen. A more visible kitchen is stress-free, especially for people with claustrophobia. Since the upper wall cabinets were very hard to reach for an average height person, freeing that space by removing them gives your kitchen a more open look. Streamlined designs provide a much more soothing look to the eyes when you return from a tiring day at the office. The less amount of furniture in your kitchen, the less it would need repairs and maintenance.
In countertops, you might want to go for quartz as it has a long life and would virtually require almost no maintenance. On the other hand, its primary competitor, granite, is high on maintenance.
Storage In Cabinets
The capacity to store your utensils and electrical equipment are one of the essential parts of a beautiful kitchen. If your cabinet has a smaller number of shelves, much of the space can go wasted. You can go for DIY options making small wooden partitions inside your cabinets to hold your plates and other kitchen accessories. The more things you can always keep inside your cabinets, the less you would have to worry about things lying around in the kitchen. It gives the kitchen a more attractive look.
Smart Kitchens
Smart kitchen equipment is making a mark in the lives of people by automating a significant number of things. Well, automation isn’t the only thing required. We humans need to have reassurance that the devices we use have a brain of their own. It has now practically been made possible by scientists through innovations and discoveries. Controlling the devices with your phone from another room or giving it voice commands is considered a part of “smartness.”
Now we have refrigerators that have a tablet screen on their doors as well as a camera. You can not only interact with your fridge but also see if you need eggs while shopping in a supermarket by a click on your phone. Ovens, fry pans, toasters, coffeemakers, air fryers, soap dispensers, faucets, and any other thing that you would associate with a kitchen are now available with smart technology. It’s time to make your life a lot easier and buy devices that will make your kitchen a lot quicker.
Key Takeaways
We hope that after reading this article, you have a fair idea about the trends of kitchen remodeling for the year 2020. Remodeling a kitchen is a process requiring a lot of thought and consideration since you don’t want to make a choice that you will regret the rest of the year. A lot of it depends on your budget, aesthetic, learning, and sometimes even psychology. However, we recommend that you go for options that require less maintenance and can be assembled by yourself. You can also challenge yourself with a DIY task by following some tutorials available online to give it a more personal touch. After all, the main objective of this process is your gratification and joy.
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