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Motivated, hard-working employees are critical to any successful business. Whether you run a small construction company or a major white-collar enterprise, motivating employees in the workplace is vital if you want your business to be the best that it can be. However, many business owners struggle to keep their team members motivated and happy.
Luckily, the experts at Executive Cleaning Services, LLC are here to help.
Executive Cleaning Services has helped businesses maintain a clean and respectable workplace for over 45 years. Its team understands the importance of a clean work environment and how it affects staff members. Continue reading to learn some of the best ways to improve your workspace and keep your employees motivated.
Types of Employees
Most companies consist of three types of employees:
- A-players
- B-players
- C-players
A-players are a business’ best employees who show up on time and ready to work. They can accomplish nearly any project you throw their way while staying motivated through the entire process.
However, A-players are hard to find and often demand higher pay. They are also tough to keep since A-players are always in high demand.
B-players take up most of the staff and work studiously but don’t always give their best effort. They aren’t always consistent and require a bit of motivation from time to time to work at their optimal efficiency level. If a company leader continues motivating B-level employees, they can sometimes become A-players.
C-players are unmotivated team members who lack the inner drive to work efficiently. They are a business’ worst employees and rarely live up to company standards. It’s best to let C-players go and replace them with B- or A-level workers.
Now that you understand the different employee types, you can learn how to motivate your staff correctly.
Motivation Tactics
1. Keep a Clean Work Environment
Studies show that a clean office space inspires employees to work harder and more efficiently. A clean, well-organized workspace can improve your staff’s mood while making it easier for them to navigate the office. Since the average employee spends around 1.5 hours a day looking for supplies, an uncluttered work environment is a surefire way to keep team members productive and on task.
A clean workspace also reduces the spread of disease, keeping your staff healthy, so they take fewer sick days.
2. Lead by Example
They say a company is only as strong as its leader. Leading by example is one of the best ways to improve company morale and boost workplace productivity. If a business owner works hard, treats their employees with respect, and provides a healthy work environment, staff members will likely follow in their footsteps.
However, leading by example requires more than hard work and dedication. Company leaders must appreciate their team and treat them well if they want the business to succeed. Yelling or talking down to staff members makes them feel unappreciated, reducing their motivation and overall work ethic.
3. Reward Highly Productive Team Members
Giving employees something to strive for (besides their paycheck) can motivate them to put forth their best efforts. Company heads don’t always have to reward employees with monetary means. Sometimes, a simple thank you email or congratulatory lunch party is all staff members need to feel appreciated.
Some companies have reward systems that grant hard workers small prizes and gifts when they help the company achieve its goals. If a specific department reaches a sales goal, reward them with a casual Friday or free lunch. It makes achieving goals easier while motivating employees in the workplace.
4. Create Camaraderie Among Staff Members
Employees are like pieces of a puzzle. They must work together to achieve company goals and better the business. If they don’t, your company will never become a success.
Building camaraderie among your staff is essential if you want your business to flourish. Bringing staff together through team-building activities, company get-togethers, and other social events is one of the best ways to construct healthy work relationships. Once your team becomes acquainted, teamwork will improve, pushing the company in a favorable, more productive direction.
5. Provide Employee Feedback
Providing team members with helpful and informative feedback regularly can take their work ethic to the next level. It allows them to improve continuously, transforming B-players into A-level employees.
However, company leaders must provide feedback in a professional and friendly manner. If they don’t offer enough positive feedback, employees may feel discouraged and unappreciated. Business heads must balance positive affirmation with areas of improvement if they want their employees to grow and remain happy.
6. Ask Employees What Motivates Them
Sometimes, the best way to motivate team members is by asking them. Occasionally, company leaders and lower-level staff have different outlooks on motivation.
Conducting a company poll on what motivates team members can give business heads valuable insight into motivational methods. It enables employees to provide beneficial feedback while giving leaders new ways to motivate their staff.
7. Provide Continued Workplace Education
Many team members want to learn more about their position to help move the company forward. Providing employees with workshops and other educational programs can improve their performance and further their trade knowledge. It keeps them up to date with industry advancements while motivating employees to learn new ways to enhance their productivity.
Visit Executive Cleaning Services for High-Quality Cleaning at an Affordable Price
If you want to ensure your office space remains in immaculate condition, contact the cleaning specialists at Executive Cleaning Services. Our team’s commitment to outstanding commercial cleaning guarantees your office looks its best year-round. With over four decades of experience, great prices, and excellent customer service, it’s no wonder that Executive Cleaning Services is one of the nation’s most trusted commercial cleaning companies.
Don’t settle for mediocre commercial cleaning firms that don’t live up to your expectations. Contact the professionals at Executive Cleaning Services by calling 1-800-664-6393 and give your office the commercial cleaning it deserves today!
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