With LED technology improving all the time, more and more drivers are switching their old halogen and xenon car headlights and tail lights over to new LED bulbs. If you’re wondering whether it’s worth upgrading your own lights, here are 3 great reasons to enhance your driving experience with LED lights:
1. LEDs Last Significantly Longer
One of the biggest perks of LED lights is their incredible longevity compared to other bulb types. The typical lifespan of a halogen bulb is around 1,000 hours, while LEDs can easily last 50,000 hours or more. That means you might need to replace your halogens every year, whereas LEDs can keep shining for over a decade before needing a swap. This saves you time on replacements and makes LEDs well worth the higher upfront cost.
I recently upgraded my 2012 Toyota Camry’s headlights to LEDs and it’s been about 3 years now without an issue. My previous halogens would burn out nearly every year, so I’m glad I switched. The LEDs should last until I’m ready to replace the whole car!
2. LEDs Produce a Brighter, More Focused Beam
The light output and beam pattern from LEDs is far superior to old fashioned bulbs. The light is extremely bright and clear, with a vivid crisp white tone. This makes driving at night much easier and reduces eye strain.
Additionally, LEDs emit a more focused and directed beam without spilling light out to the sides. This clearer field of vision allows you to spot pedestrians, animals, and potential road hazards much faster when driving in the dark. I always feel much safer with my LED headlights lighting up the road ahead.
3. LEDs Consume Way Less Power
Since LED bulbs require significantly less electricity to produce light, upgrading your car’s lights can also increase fuel efficiency and battery life. Some estimates show a reduction in power draw of 30 watts or more per light when switching to LED.
For example, my Camry’s high beam halogen bulbs used 55 watts each, but the replacement LEDs only use 24 watts per bulb. Over the thousands of miles I drive annually, the energy savings from LEDs provides a nice boost in MPG and puts less load on the charging system. The long lifespan of the LEDs offsets their high initial price too.
So if you’re eager to enhance visibility and safety when driving at night, slash your light bulb replacement costs, and even improve your car’s fuel usage, upgrading to LED lights is one of the smartest moves you can make. The technology keeps improving each year too, so you can look forward to LED light output and efficiency that surpasses even today’s bulbs. Make the switch and illuminate the road ahead!
If you don’t know how to install the lights, you must hire a professional electrician who knows how to install it. It is recommended to get it done by an expert so there wont be any problem down the road.
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