If you’ve dabbled in home improvement or construction for a while, you’ve surely seen the brands Ridgid and DEWALT. When they’re both just so respected by consumers, it’s hard to decide which one is better.
Today, we will put them side-by-side in our Ridgid vs. DEWALT article and settle this once and for all. Who will emerge victorious? Find out below!
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Where it all began

Before all well-known companies became what they are today, they were once rookies to the industry. This is no different for both Ridgid and DEWALT. Both were established at around the same time in the U.S with only a few years apart.
Ridgid’s history began in 1923, founded in North Ridgeville, Ohio. The brand name was a reference to where it all began. They invented the modern pipe wrench, the product that jump-started Ridgid’s journey. They would later expand towards other tools, as well.
Meanwhile, DEWALT was named after the founder Raymond DeWalt. The product that started it all for them was a woodworking machine. They were only a year earlier than Ridgid; their timeline began on 1922.
They’re both very successful companies now; brands are well-known amongst those people in the same industry. In order to make the comparison fairer, let’s take a few products similar to both brands.
Ridgid vs. DEWALT: Compact Drill/Driver

In this round, we will compare Ridgid’s cordless, compact drill/driver with DEWALT’s. We will only be taking the tool itself from Ridgid’s R860052K and pit it against DEWALT’s DCD760B. Both tools have the same chuck size (½”) and voltage (18V).
When it comes to affordability, Ridgid remains to be the more budget-friendly option. The company is already known to be a cheaper alternative that doesn’t scrimp on quality. This works out in their favor.
Both tools also have a dual speed setting to match your task on hand. However, the DEWALT one can go slightly faster than the Ridgid drill at 1,700 RPM. The Ridgid only goes up to 1,500 RPM.
This gives it an upper hand as the mere option to work with a higher speed is already a plus. However, the Ridgid one has a 24-position clutch ring, while the DEWALT tool only has 17 clutch settings. This gives the Ridgid tool much more versatility.
Both tools weigh roughly the same so the feel in your hands will be similar. It’s good to have a lightweight tool to work with to decrease potential fatigue. Their warranty periods are also similar, both brands offer 3 years limited warranty.
It’s a very close fight but this round goes to Ridgid for the higher versatility it offers. The lower price point is also a big plus and should be good news for those on a budget.
Ridgid vs. DEWALT: Impact Wrench

This time, let’s take a look at impact wrenches. Again, we’ve chosen two similar products to look at for this round. For Ridgid, it will be the R86010B, while on the DEWALT side we have the DW059B.
Both impact wrenches have a half-inch drive, are cordless, and run on 18V. Surprisingly, they’re both on around the same price range. Again, just like the compact drill, they both also offer a 3-year limited warranty.
Furthermore, both products also boast an ergonomic handle, letting you work more comfortably. The Ridgid impact wrench is way lighter than the DEWALT though, which contributes to your long-term comfort while using it.
The Ridgid impact wrench is also a stronger and more capable tool compared to the DEWALT one. At 3,200 impacts per minute and a max speed of 2,900 RPM, it greatly sets the competition. For comparison, DEWALT’s version only has 2,600 IPM and 1,650 RPM.
Another great bonus feature that the Ridgid impact wrench has is that it has three LED lights in front. This makes it easier to work in low-light conditions. With the price being similar to the DEWALT, we think the Ridgid offers way more value for money.
The Ridgid emerges as the winner here. In the compact drill/driver round, it was a very close fight. However, in the impact wrench round, we could see the brand’s strengths.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that DEWALT products aren’t worth picking. In the end, it’s all down to your preference. Both brands are good picks.
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