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Roofing Questions To Ask When Moving Into An Older Home

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People opt to relocate for different reasons. You could be having a growing family or looking to relocate because you have landed a job with better pay in another state. Whichever the reason, the roof must be among the first things to look at when relocating to an older home.

Don’t just concentrate on how amazing the home’s exterior is. Focus also on how the exterior part will protect you and your family against harsh elements and weather conditions. To be on the safer side, Houston, TX realtors suggest that you ask the following questions:

roof cleaning

1. Which Material is Used in Roofing?

Roofing materials have a great effect on the longevity of the roof. It may as well impact long-term costs because roofing materials come with unique maintenance needs and requirements.

Some roofs have low maintenance requirements, whereas others need more attention and care. There are some roofing systems, too, that are expensive or difficult to repair.


2. What is the Age of the Roof?

It is nearly impossible to tell if the property of a roof is ancient or new at first glance. The materials used in a residential roofing system dictate its longevity.

For instance, asphalt shingles, with proper maintenance and care, may last for two decades. Metal roofing systems, on the other hand, may last for up to four decades, while clay tiles and slate may go up to 100 years or so.


3. How Much Will It Cost for Replacement?

The costs greatly depend on how big the house is, what materials the new roofing is made of, and which materials the old roofing was made of.

Of course, larger homes will cost a lot to replace the roofing, as many roofers charge based on square meters. Slate roofing tends to be the most costly option, closely followed by terracotta tiles.


4. How is the Roof Ventilated?

Proper ventilation is key for healthy roofing systems. Roofing systems that lack proper airflow are likely to deal with mildew and mold growth.

Apart from the main vent in roofing, other aspects can affect the way air moves through the attic to the roofs.


5. Does the Warranty Covers the Roof?

A residential roofing system is often backed by warranties that protect homeowners from everything that is beyond their control, like workmanship errors and material defects.

Ask the previous or current homeowner about the transferability of the roofing warranty. If it is transferrable, ensure you go through the fine print to know the exclusions and inclusions in the coverage.


6. What is the Roof’s Performance?

Warranties for labor and materials are crucial. Beyond that, ensure the credible and independent sources have rated it for energy efficiency and hail and fire resistance.

A roof that is Energy Star qualified and carries a Class A fire rating brings peace of mind for maximizing efficiency in both hot and cold weather.


The Bottom Line

Asking difficult questions about roofing isn’t rude. By being diligent about roofing projects, you will protect your investment. If the whole situation doesn’t feel or think that a roof wants to pull a fast one on you, play safe and look for other alternatives.







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