Taking Sleep Medicine? Why Sleeping Is Necessary?
Yawn! Go ahead. Chances are higher that you are sleepier than you think you are. You might even want to stretch luxuriously and go take a nap. Why? Chances are better that no matter what ails you, sleeping well will help you heal. Nearly all of us should have more sleep than we get. It is recommended that a sudden wave of drowsiness should be taken as seriously as the chest pain that might signal a heart attack. Drowsiness is an urgent warning that should not be ignored, particularly in situations where dozing, inattention, or impaired performance could lead to catastrophe. In such situations, stop what you are doing now and take a nap. Sleepiness contributes too many cars, trucks, maritime and airline accidents. Prevention of thousands of motor vehicle deaths a year is a reason enough for Americans to get more sleep, but a good night's sleep contributes to health and longevity in many other ways as well.
Lack of sleep can cause significant problems for your physical and mental health, which is why it's important to prioritize a good night's rest. However, the reality is that many people find themselves working late hours or facing mounting pressure during their day-to-day lives - two factors that are known to impair our ability to get an adequate amount of sleep at night. A recent sleep study found striking evidence in this regard: those who reported feeling very stressed had 36 fewer minutes of nightly slumber than those with lower stress levels!
1. Rejuvenate Body & Mind
In order for you to wake up refreshed and full of energy every single day, you require a full 7-8 consecutive hours of good sleep. Your daily tasks appear so much easier; you feel capable, good, and strong and do not feel tired all the time. You tend to accomplish much more in a shorter amount of time because after having a sound sleep whole night you will be able to complete every tak efficiently and quickly.
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2. Recovery
An increased need for sleep is the body's way of orchestrating recovery. Most growth and recovery from the illness usually takes place while sleeping, specifically during the deepest, or delta, stage. Children spend a big deal of the night in delta sleep as they are growing. As adults grow older, delta sleep diminishes. Many people believe that loss of sound sleep is caused by aging, but it might just be the other way around. A decline in delta sleep may play a key role in the physical decline of aging by limiting the body's ability to repair itself. That means if you cannot have good sleep then it will result in lowering the repairing ability of your body to sleep well.
3. The Common Cold
Ever catch a cold after pulling an all-nighter? A person with large sleep debt is much more vulnerable to infections and other illnesses. The reason is that, without adequate rest, the body cannot fully recover from day-to-day stresses, and the immune system cannot fully defend against disease-causing micro-organisms.
4. Increase Brain Performance
Getting enough sleep allows your brain to perform better and makes you a better thinker. After a good night's sleep, your mind becomes more sharp and clear. Also, your level of understanding increases and you are able to solve more problems. This is because the mind is free from clutter. You require sleep to capture memory links and connections. When you first absorb information, it can be easily broken as the impression left on your brain is very delicate. Your brain reviews what you have learned during the day and creates connecting links, so it stays put in your brain and becomes part of your memory. Isn't a good memory necessary to your success? You bet it is.
5. Protection from Heart Disease
The relation between sleep and heart disease is something most people dismiss as simply an annoyance - snoring. Quite often, that's all it is. But sometimes snoring is a red flag for heart disease - and very few people know it. If your bedmate snores loudly, with periods of thrashing and choking silences, and then complains of daytime drowsiness, he or she may have sleep apnea. Apnea means a lapse in breathing. If you suspect that your bedmate might have sleep apnea, encourage him to discuss it with his doctor. It just might save life of a person.
6. Productivity
Sleep deprivation impairs the abilities to read, write, react, reason, do the math, and make decisions - every faculty that contributes to getting jobs done well. People who are suffering from chronic insomnia are less productive as compare to the normal sleepers, and they report higher as many auto accidents. Therefore, everybody should try some measures to sleep well whole night. Take a foot pillow and have a sound sleep without any disturbance. But you do not have to have insomnia to have sleep deprivation impair your performance. Guess when doctors are most likely to order the wrong medications for hospital patients; at the end of a long, overnight shift. Guess when nurses are most likely to give the wrong medications; Guess when police are most likely to fire their weapons inappropriately. You get the picture. The list goes on and on.
7. Longevity
A study showed that adults who slept six hours or less a night had significantly higher death rates from all causes than those who slept seven hours or more. Not surprisingly, motor vehicle accidents accounted for many of the fatalities among those who slept the least, but how people schedule their sleep appears to be as important as how much sleep they get.
8. Maintain Good Immunity System
Your body needs proper sleep to stay healthy as sleep strengthens your immunity system. When you let your body resistance go down, you will notice that you catch colds easily and even other communicable viruses. This happens when you do not get enough sleep. When you have a bad nose, don't you think it ruins your daily tasks and makes you less effective to work or even to study and learn? Good immunity means less heath issues! So, you should sleep well to stay fit and fine.
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Here are just some of the ingredients in the Sleep Support Plus Proprietary Blend. (Click here for full Supplement Facts Panel)
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is used in the production of the mood and sleep neurotransmitters, serotonin and melatonin.
Supplementing tryptophan in your diet could support a whole range of body systems, ranging from the cardiovascular system to cognitive function to the immune system.
Dietary tryptophan intake has been positively associated with sleep duration. Source 1

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in your brain. It has several functions in your body however, it is most commonly known for its role in supporting the sleep cycle. Higher levels are associated with the evening. When you wake up in the morning, light naturally reduces melatonin production. Source 5
Melatonin production can be naturally supported by food in your diet. Sleep Support Plus contains a proprietary blend of extracts to support the natural production of melatonin within your body. This blend includes goji berry, lemon balm, passion fruit extract, chamomile, and valerian. Source 2
Goji BerryPromotes Feelings Of Calmness

Taken in various ways - such as in smoothies, breakfast bowls, and supplements, goji berries are widely popular with health fanatics for their antioxidant benefits. Source 3
Lemon BalmMore Calming Support

Some studies show that the properties of lemon balm are found to have calming effects on the brain and may also provide support for feelings of anxiety associated with nervousness. Source 4
ChamomileHelps You Feel More Relaxed

The chamomile flower is widely used in teas for its calming effects and feelings of relaxation. The compound in chamomile that is thought to cause these effects is called apigenin, and is found in chamomile extract and commonly consumed as a supplement. Source 6
Valerian Helps Relieve Stress Sleep Medicine

Valerian is an herb that is traditionally used as natural support to assist with occasional sleeplessness. Some studies show that valerian may be effective in increasing feelings of calmness and relaxation. Source 7
Final Words
Do you feel tired when you do not get enough sleep? Not a good feeling, right? Sleep deprivation creates stress, fatigue, and tension. Your body tends to ache all over; you feel drowsy and obviously feel sleep throughout the day. These do not do any good in terms of your success. Therefore, you should sleep well and live healthily.
Meet The Author:
Rihanna holds a degree in health and fitness, has worked as a health instructor for over a decade at some very prominent health related organization and basically a writer by heart.
The Importance of Sleep In The Video
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Disclaimer: The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Click here to view research articles, clinical trials and scientific studies concerning the use of the proprietary blend used in Sleep Support Plus and the benefits and efficacy of this product: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5, Source 6, Source 7, Source 8, Source 9, Source 10, Source 11, Source 12 and Source 13. As individuals differ, so will results.
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
Testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products. Some of our testimonials are provided by customers who have received promotional offers in exchange for their participation. The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened, meaning; not the whole message received by the testimony writer is displayed, when it seemed lengthy or the testimony in its entirety seemed irrelevant for the general public.
Any reference to any media identity, network, or publication promoting sleep aid with the natural blend used in Sleep Support is not meant to denote or in any way imply an endorsement by the said parties of the products presented in this advertisement. Please note that any reference by image to a soothing state of sleep is for theme purposes only and is in no way intended to relate to an actual state induced by taking Sleep Support.
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